posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 02:41 PM
I do not know how the makers of ATS feel at all bout any of the site, I am sure many moderators do indeed enjoy this, but all in all my fellow Online
Buddies we need to start to bringing about a change hear on ats, bts and pts, a change that will allow this site to be more than having the most posts
and threads and more than just jib jab. This site bt far is one of the best on the internet for online interaction and debates. But we do all see a
downfall here, we all see many people coming to just make havoc or chaos with no true foundation to stand upon other than random point maddness... in
reality this is interactive maddness sometimes, but we all do enjoy the frequent laugh and cry. So I know we all can stand up and change the face of
this site and prove that not only can we talk about sane things but our threads our posts will be so strong that they will bring upon change in
someones life. Some of us are young and some of us are older, this site helps so much in the events of communication, soon we all will see podcats
being live casts and then video casts, this site will grow and grow and in which direction means where ever its people take it, ATS would be nothing
without the memebers and nothing with out leaders, so lets stand up and bring about change lets begin to grow and make this site worth more than it is
already, helping out each other and pointing to a future of incredible things for ATS and its people.
-Know yourself and what you believe and know what you can prove and disprove, never sit by and get smacked in the face and never sit by and argue for
something you know nothing about-