Originally posted by Pass
About the teleportation video, I don't know, but here's my theory. This may have been said before, but, I think the people around him are paid. Not
only to hold down the can, but to keep the unknowing people back some distance and allow his escape.
My wife had something to add to this. What if... If... he has a twin. Sure would make life easier for a magician.
edited for clarity
[edit on 12-6-2006 by Pass]
And i suppose that all of those scores of people who were ' paid' also remain silent forever? You must assume some pretty heavy things, and with
NO proof, you are really looking sad.
You must assume that the people there, all of them, were somehow convinced to not only participate in a hoax, but remain silent about it forever.
Not opne person has ever come forward with a clqaim of a hoax and paid silence. Not one.
Also, you must assume that with money can stage mass hoaxes and make a fortune doing it...right? So why is Criss the ONLY person living who does it?
You must assume that no one else with mney wants to make more by upping Criss...after all, someone with money could pay off, say..a thosand people,
right? but keeping them silent forever....hmmm..always problems with PROVING Criss a hoaxter.
Now, you must assume that criss has exact doubles that show up and pretend to be him....but no one has ever shown any proof that this is true...no
pics of the other criss off duty..nothing.
Then, you must assume that in all the OTHER teleportations he also had paid mass numbers of silent and loyal drones who remain quiet always and
never tell anyone.
I hope you know how to caluculate odds, because once you assume the 3rd or 4th item you are off the charts, odds wise. there is no way that you can
wiggle out of the FACT that ALL of the supposed evidence that Criss is just a film manipulator and someone who can somehow pay people for acting
amazed and staying silent forever about their nefarious roles in fooling the people.
I amazes ME at how so many people can take NO evidence and ASSUME so much from it.
Where are the people who claim to be paid by criss for silence? not one? Come on...out of thousands of people paid off over all these years SURELY
to god ONE person would either not care about a promise or would do so for other reasons...it is not possible that so many people would keep such a
compact...a secret...forever. it staggers the mind to think that some of you would accept odds like that.
No matter what Criss does or how he does it, there is NO HARD evidence that Criss pays people off or uses film manipulation to fool the viewer.
None. None has been shown here, and none has been shown in the hundreds of pages of the criss Angel thread..just a stalemate between those who insist
that criss is somehow fooling them in ways they cannot expose, or those who believe that he has abilities that transcend the ' normal'.
Either way you believe, insist on EVIDENCE before you assume anything....assuming is a sure way to look foolish when the rubber meets the road.