posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 08:30 AM
Dave, thanks for the additional link. I looked at their "About Us" link, which didn't give much info about their goals, funding, etc., but they
did list a parent organization,, which I reviewed. ConsumerFreedom is a coalition of mostly corporations and some "consumers",
but no further info is readily available on who those consumers are.
I would just as soon not have giant agribusiness corporations deciding that it makes business sense to put a known poison into the feed of chickens,
turkeys, etc.
Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation and the new book Chew On This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food, has been relentlessly
attacked by just such agribusiness organizations and corporations which make billions, that's right, billions of dollars each year from the U.S.
sales of fast food. Fortunately, his research is solid and still stands.
Well, I appreciate organizations with a genuine consumer focus which educate us about the full list of what is really in fast food. For example, in
his new book Chew on This, Eric Schlosser reveals a common source of red and pink food coloring in fast food (think pink lemonade, etc.) is from a
certain variety of crushed bugs. It's certainly food for thought.