posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 03:59 PM
I kinda have to agree with G-fad, a lot of people come here for answers to questions, not looking to build new questions with fine precision.
However, I have to disagree with G-fad for saying this is the wrong place. This is the Scientific Forums, and is the best spot out of all of ATS to
ask, build, and answer scientific questions. So, I'd be willing to contribute some of what I know to help you.
For instance, I have a theory about universal expansion that, while perhaps maybe not the be-all, end-all answer, may help explain some of what we
percieve to be going on.
The theory is that, since matter also warps time as well as space (thus warping space-time), that not only does it hold true that matter close to mass
appears to "slow down" in time, but that space far away from any matter would appear to "speed up" in time. Thus, perhaps some of the space
between super-clusters of galaxies, is simply appearing to expand faster because time is progressing at a faster pace in those sections of the
universe (since they're far away from any matter). The percieved effect by we here on earth would be that there's apparently MORE energy out there
than is actually out there. Our instruments wouldn't be wrong, but they would be percieving a "warped" view of how things really are.
This idea may be a contributing factor to "Dark Energy" and the acceleration of universal expansion (since, as those spaces expand, they get further
still from any mass, and so the time-difference would appear to expand).