posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 09:38 AM
If you look at the site I posted above, it also mentioned the possibility of it being downed by a terrorist attack, the possibility of it being shot
down by a surface to air missile held on the shoulder.
I would strongly suggest to anyone wishing to study this flight and its demise, go to the site I have posted.
It is full of links exploring every possible angle on this, and even has a little bit of research into flight 587.
90% pf people who took the poll on that site, after reading the published data, ahve all sytated they believe it was a missile that took dopwn that
plane, although they are divided on who fired the missile, whther it be an naval live fire accident, or a terrorist attack, it goes into the incident
in africa with a plane being shot down by a shoulder fired missile, and the subseqent similarities.
And yes, Eaqst Coast, i shall make a thread here soon once I look for a few sites on flight 587.....I remeber that, ebacuse it happened 2 months to
the day, after 9/11, and the claims that the jet just fell apart for no apparent reason, even tho airbus has a pretty good safety record as far as
building reliable jets, just dont fully wash.