posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 12:40 AM
An interesting read, but I find it hard to believe that UFO fly bys over military installations or around airborne human craft are only 'peaceful and
playful' simply because the UFO's haven't primed their weapons and fired. Based only on this excerpt of the book, there seems to be an assumption
that a UFO equals alien life inside. UFO's could also be human made and human flown or drone craft on reconaissance. The whole UFO phenomenon has
become a blank canvas upon which any scenario can be painted.
The author seems quick to dismiss the many documented abduction stories because the adbuctees are 'neatly' returned to the place of adbuction. I
don't believe this happened to the man documented in Will Strieber's book 'Communion'. In the film he was dumped naked on the street if I remember
correctly. If the abductors wanted to keep their activities covert or doubted by the human mass, it would make sense to ensure neat returns.
Given humanity's preoccupation with militarisation, if alien life is visiting Earth you couldn't blame them for being cautious about interaction
whether they are benign or malignant and if they do care for us, what our reaction to them would mean for relations between humans. If the existence
of UFO's and alien life were conclusively proven, it would be arguably more likely to polarise the human population than unite it, just as the
biblical 'End of Days' might make some hordes go on a mad rampage while others pray for salvation.
I don't understand why people believe that an alien lifeform will pass on a vastly superior technology which will bring on a new age of human
sensibility along with capability. That seems as hopeful as believing that 'God will save us'. If aliens know anything about us, it's that a prime
hunter shouldn't be trusted to be non-aggressive with new technology. Indeed, we may become a threat to them if we gain technology on a par with