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Not 4 childrens !

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posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 01:07 PM
MidnightDStroyer, I just want to point this : even if some " Christians " did these horrors ( and they did it, I know ) we can't blame all the Christianity.

Anyway, we are speaking about old facts and deads peoples. We can judge actual Christians for what former so-called Christians did before.

The sons don't have to pay for the fathers.

And please, don't be upset.Thanks.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 02:44 PM
Yikes! The Spanish are Europen, not Hispanics TOT. Hispanics are a mix of the natives and the Spainish conquisitors who came here. Not the same.

And no one should be burnt, not even witches. Ever research on them? "Do what one wilt, as long as yee harm none" Or, do what you want as long as no one gets hurt. Heck, witches do their version of a prayer after using a plant for medicine! Doesn't sound like they deserved to be burnt at the stake.

Then, if I ever meet you, I'm white! Yes I had ancestors who weren't, but I am white! Down with reparations, down with equal oppurtunity employers! Just don't hurt me. HAHAHA!

I don't believe in reparations, but equal opportunity I do. Just usually not equal. Jeep, as I have said in other posts, has a line of best job to worst. Boss's girlfreind, boss's kid, black, hispanic, white. Now in true equal opportunity, it wouldn't matter what the race was. It would look at your qualities and achievments, not your skin. But this world isn't perfect, and even if it was, I'd probably still complain.

And with the topic, a little hypocritical people. I put up in other areas in past Christians did this, this, and this. The response, well, before that Jews did this, this, and this. But then you come here and say yes, they did, in the past, but don't use that to judge Christians for that happened in the past. Of course, how far back you willing to go? Should we go, well, the extreme Mauslim did attack us on 9/11, but that was the past, can't judge any of the extreme Mauslim like that. Or do you go, well, can't judge the Christians on that, I'm using past at about the Mesizoic era.(I know none are, but this is an ex.)

Well, I'm in a good mood, so hope all of you are to!

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by The only Truth The ones who did such acts weren't Christians! They were
led by Satan! The Inqusitions were never lead by Christians they were lead by the Spanish! We know what the Spanish are, Hispanics, sinners! Then the trials, the witches desereved to be burnt! They didn't follow God, and others shall follow them! The Native Americans didn't believe in God, they were just as evil and sinners as the others! There is no wrong in killing sinners, for the thou shalt not kill is for killing the good people in this world. God has told me so. Sorry, but I shall pray for the ones who want it. For some here are so against god they don't even want to be saved.

Funny, those same Spaniards were "practicing" the Christian religion...Does Hispanic automatically equal "sinner" in your book? Until the Europeans came over to the US, the Indians had never *heard* of Christians...The US was *founded* on Christian principles, yet still eliminated (No, I'm not going to mince words anymore...KILLED!) entire tribes of Indians simply because they wanted the land that the Indians lived on...Whatever happened to the Ten Commandments, especially "Thou shalt NOT kill"?...Notice that there's a *period* at the end of that one, no "qualifyers" have been attached to that Law.

You should be posting in the "War of Terrorism" topic, if only to provide a good example to the rest of us for pinpointing undercover terrorists. You show us what type of menality it takes to *become* a terrorist.

...Before I answer any more of your *terrorists' diatribe*, I wnat you to post proof of your rabies booster...

UP, I *don't* blame all Christians...I only see the blame on *individual* actions...It's people like "The Only Truth", who are the *twisted* people who use religion (any religion) as an outlet for their insanity.

[Edited on 8-11-2002 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 09:14 PM
Speaking as (as far as I know) the board's only Wiccan (witch), I haven't killed anyone in ages and have no desire to be burned.

Wicca's a new-age invention that arose in the past 50 years. We haven't had the time and venom to work up to a good genocide yet. And since there's no organized head of the Wiccan religion, I kinda doubt that we will.

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 09:24 AM
Wicca, witchcraft, Jew, all the same. They all go
against the almighty. But they will be punished one
day. God won't keep his wrath calm forever. When he
does, he will destroy all of the sinners. We will be
clean of sin, we will be the pure WHITE! light. The
evil lights, black and red, will be destroyed!
can't any of you see the error of your ways! I will
pray, but it won't help you until you go to the Lord for
forgiveness! But some, you will never be allowed in heaven.
Thomas Crowne, Ultra Phenix, Midnight destroyer, all of you
will die!

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 09:51 AM
If this isn't a poster that some of you know trying to stir up trouble, then he\she should be banned from the board for this post. All this person has done is make racial remarks on the board and then left. No discussion, no info. Just hate.

If it is someone having fun, it isn't funny. Racism is not in the least bit funny!

[Edited on 8-11-2002 by Dain]

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by The only Truth
But some, you will never be allowed in heaven.
Thomas Crowne, Ultra Phenix, Midnight destroyer, all of you
will die!

What ? Damn it !!! What did I do wrong ?????

What did I write ?????

Anyway, my first name is like one apostle name & angel name also.

I'm SURE that I'll go to heaven !!!

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 11:02 AM
So, we have " the only truth " post who's hatefull, and right after, " dain" post who's pretty cool and reasonable.

Both of them have 4/5 posts. I suspect a manipulation !!!

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 11:21 AM
The only reason I have 4 posts is because I changed usernames. I was Porchmonkey at one time.

And besides, I would never say anything like what is being posted by TOT. Not even jokingly!

[Edited on 8-11-2002 by Dain]

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:09 PM
TOT it is you who are not white. For you insist upon wishing pain upon others (all becaue of what you think). What you feel is true is relevant only to you. Keep this in mind TOT, I am still waiting for your anwser

Perhaps the word coward is something you are used to beng called

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:14 PM
Is TOT ... Truth's new Name??? He sure seems mad, which is sad because he has NO clue what life is about...

Maybe someday I will create my religion, and relieve this world of such psycho-feelings. A rebirth of Buddhism if you will.

no signature

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:21 PM
Hey ToT I don't need saving, there's no such thing as heaven or hell, only reincarnation and existance! AND MOST OF ALL FATE!!! Your fate is not to suffer, let go, let fate come back to you and alleviate your suffering like a cool gentle stream on a hot summer day.

no signature

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:25 PM
FM you are not playing the game "truth" will now respond to you by saying it is not him and how dare you make such a claim. As he is pure beyond any shadow of doub't.
This despite he lies and fails to respond to any post put to him, which asks a question he cannot answer.

My advice FM is that you continue pretending that TOT is not "truth."
Call him the venerable dirt bag that you think he is and wait for "truths" response. Which I sure at his level of inteligence he will have (as soon as he figures one out)

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by The only TruthThomas Crowne, Ultra Phenix, Midnight destroyer, all of you
will die!

Don't forget yourself...*Everybody* dies sooner or later. When you face St. Peter at the Gate, I may even snicker as you hem-n-haw while trying to come up with an answer for your attitude...

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:56 PM
Ahh yes...even I who can't stand people who turn god into an actual consious being who has feelings....still understand the need for tolerance of others, that is why I have invented my philosophy, now if only everyone knew about it
Maybe I'll write a book...yes...maybe indeed.

no signature

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 11:59 PM
"truth" what many here are saying is that you are trash (A Translation).

Would ask that you present an argument (a reasonable one) which offers an alternative.

To be honest I think you are trash "truth" But willing to hear your response. Hell is a place for those who lack the ability respond "truth," that is very apparent in Revelations. To be honest you seem unable to respond and that makes you
akin to what in all of us is evil.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Nov, 14 2002 @ 07:08 PM
Well, waiting. Can't sit and twirl my thumbs all day truth. Maybe that's why TOT stopped coming, truth saw we knew, and quit using him. Oh well, I am sick, couldn't even get through call to work without hacking up a lung. So I have nothing to do but sit and cough and sneeze and throw up.

So, anytime you are ready truth.

posted on Nov, 15 2002 @ 12:50 PM
Still waiting, you were so into this subject, then we saw the truth and you ran. Well, still twirling my thumbs.

posted on Nov, 17 2002 @ 12:17 PM
Don't wait to much James the Lesser.

posted on Nov, 17 2002 @ 12:31 PM
Well, twirling my pinkie fingers now. I twirled off all the other fingers.

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