posted on Oct, 29 2002 @ 10:36 PM
Oh no problem ill just run out get get the paper work for there drug trafficing, are you dense?
It makes perfect sense, there were plently of articles explaining how the taliban were going to cut opium production by 90%, just only a few people
put that and wtc together.
And if you dont think the govt agencys are importing drugs why do you think the war on drugs is such a failure, if they were to win/stop the war on
drugs and tax them/erradicate instead of making it a crime then they would loose way more money than they would gain.
Think about this, how much money goes into the war on drugs, about 3 billion a year on top of other agencys not directly related, and on top of that
there making tons of money selling the very drugs the confiscate from people, plus the prison growth industry profits greatly from the drug war, and
again on top of that organized crime is easily keeping drugs illegal for there own profits. Many many other people profit from the importation of
drugs by the FBI and CIA.
So the govt agencys are flippin out about this opium thing right? They cant very well make money off of somthing that isnt there, so whats this? The
very country that is #ing over the CIA and FBI are planning very horrible attacks on the US, well why dont the CIA and FBI just let them hapen and
play dumb.
Everything was set up so perfectly, the US got attacked and so the govt made up MR Osama bin laden to drum up suport for a war they knew the people
would never agree with without some "evil doer figurehead" whom despite ET technology and millions of people, we cant seem to find.
So the Govt got the taliban out of power and got there opium back, and what bloody opium it is, everyone who has died as a result of the amerikkan
alphabet soup allowing the attacks to hapen, there blood is on the drugs that are imported into the country by our very own agencys who are suposed to
be fighting a crooked war against them.
Call me crazy but you cant really say this isnt possible if not outright dead on.
Its the FBI and CIA's fault all those people are dead and you know it.