posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Unfortunately we'll never know, but, in my opinion, Ali would have beat Tyson.
Ali beat Foreman when Foreman was the Tyson of that era. Foreman was unbeatable, nobody even came close. Someone once said, "a tough guy isn't so
tough when fighting another tough guy". The person that said that also beat the snot out of Tyson; Holyfield. He spoke the truth. Most of Tyson's
apponents, while tough, were scared, everyone know's it. You can't fight scared in professional boxing. The few guys that fought fearless beat
A lot of my friends were Tyson fans and all I heard about for years was how "Douglas got lucky", "Tyson didn't train", "Tyson wasn't same in
that fight", "Tyson got robbed on the count". I've watched that fight from start to finish about 10 times over the years and not once did I ever
see Tyson "look different", or "out of shape". He got his ass handed to him, end of story. You tend to look and act different when someone hits
you with the type of punches Douglas hit Tyson with. If Tyson got unlucky with the count, well, # happens. How many times did Tyson elbow someone in
the clinch, # happens. Tyson lost by a complete underdog, IN HIS PRIME. Why? Because Douglas wasn't afraid, and Douglas stuck to his gameplan, and
beat Tyson to the punch. I think Ali would have done the same.