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Of the thousands and thousands of caves explored

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posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 08:59 PM
Why haven't any cave explorers ran across an underground city or happened upon a reptilian or cave person? Its always the average joes who wondered into a cave and found some secret passage that led to the underworld. So can anyone explain to me why dedicated deep cave explorers have no luck?

[edit on 10-6-2006 by calicuttc]

[edit on 10-6-2006 by calicuttc]

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 08:58 AM
They're all in on the vast reptillian/gray alien/NWO coverup? Yeah, that's it. Or, possibly they've just not found the right cave system. Bad timing, only certain days out of the year does the "gateway" open? Could be any number of reasons, including the people purporting to have discovered these places are, well..., not altogether connected with our reality.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 03:53 PM
Good answer! Good answer!

One puzzle, many pieces and many hands hold just one piece.

Yet the hands that hold the pieces do not have eyes big enough to see how the puzzle should fit together.

And then there is the mind which fools us into thinking we need to know and establish something as fact for a myriad of personal, total localized agendas.

Enter Carl Jung and the idea of 'archetypes.'

As little bitty humans, we confuse our archetypical understandings and make them into today's conspiracy theories which will grow into tomorrow's 'myths and legends.'

That's also why we have to keep repeating our lessons.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:23 PM
See, I've always thought it was something more simple then that. There's just no such thing. The chances of EVERY SINGLE professional or semi-professional cave explorer being in on some "conspiracy" is just ridiculous. It's true, nearly the only people who claim to experience these thing's are the everday uneducated gullible scamming lying average joe.

Does no one else here sense a damn duh moment? I sure as hell do.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Prot0n
See, I've always thought it was something more simple then that. There's just no such thing. The chances of EVERY SINGLE professional or semi-professional cave explorer being in on some "conspiracy" is just ridiculous. It's true, nearly the only people who claim to experience these thing's are the everday uneducated gullible scamming lying average joe.

Does no one else here sense a damn duh moment? I sure as hell do.

Read up on Admiral Richard E. Byrd. He wrote 4 books on his explorations of the underworld, financed by the Rockerfeller's/NWO/Illuminati. His diary's were released after his death.

Quite Interesting books. Whether its true or not, thats another matter.

Edit: Spelling

[edit on 6/13/2006 by pstiffy]

[edit on 6/13/2006 by pstiffy]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:59 PM
Yea, I know of him. It's a shame that the earth has never been, is not now, and hopefully for our own survivability on this retarded rock, never will be hollow.

We could really do away with alot less gullible people though. Too many gullible people just yearn for there to be something greater to this existence. They WANT it to be 'magical' and 'mystical' and 'mysterious'. That's great and all, we have ton's of fantasy and sci-fi novel's for those people to read, but damn there's gotta be some serious psychological issues if people are really THAT gullible and unwilling to learn about wtf it is they believe. Human civilization has had a decent run of 6-ish thousand years with the BS, is there no one else beside's me who think's it's time our species grew the hell up?

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Prot0n
Human civilization has had a decent run of 6-ish thousand years with the BS, is there no one else beside's me who think's it's time our species grew the hell up?


I hope you've read some of my posts. Enough, anyway, to know that of course you are not alone.

Originally posted by pstiffyRead up on Admiral Richard E. Byrd. He wrote 4 books on his explorations of the underworld, financed by the Rockerfeller's/NWO/Illuminati. His diary's were released after his death.

Quite Interesting books. Whether its true or not, thats another matter.

While I appreciate the disclaimer, the truth is that these stories certainly didn't originate with Byrd the explorer.

Idiocies in the "Hollow Earthers" own documentation:

The best modern chronicled explorations and penetrations of lands beyond the magnetic poles were made by Real Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the US Navy in 1947 and 1956. As with all previous explorations Admiral Byrd's were equally shrouded in mystery. In radio contacts during his 1947 flight past magnetic north and over the north pole - the long sort after mythical point of land at the top of the world
My emphasis.
Why is this an "idiocy?"

On February 9, 1947, Admiral Richard Byrd and his crew took off from Little America and flew the first airplane flight over the South Pole (Rose 1980). This was the highlight of Operation Highjump as far as the general public was concerned. In 1969, Raymond Bernard wrote The Hollow Earth, and the legend of "Admiral Byrd's discovery" took flight. With complete disregard to Operation Highjump, Bernard wrote:

February, 1947: "I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Unknown".

— Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd (United States Navy), before his seven-hour flight of 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole.
Admiral Byrd was in Antarctica at that time. I assume that this quote refers to the Antarctic continent beyond the South Pole. It certainly was the "Great Unknown" at that time.
Again, my emphasis.

Also from the above Rense page, concerning the above-mentioned Raymond Bernard:

The discoveries of Dr. Frederick Cook and Rear Admiral Peary in 1908 and 1909, respectively, were equally inconclusive. It could not even be proven that either man reached the north pole. As Dr. Raymond Bemard points out in his book 'The Hollow Earth', such a discovery is truly impossible. It is "well know that the north and south magnetic poles do not coincide with the geographical poles as they should...if the Earth were a solid sphere with two poles at the end of it's axis, being a magnet, it's magnetic poles would coincide with it's geographic poles. The fact that they do not is inexplicable on the basis of the theory that it is a solid sphere. The explanation becomes clear when we assume the existence of polar openings, with magnetic poles along the circular rim of these openings, rather than at a fixed point. " (Ref. diagram 1.) According to Bemard the reason why no one has found either north or south poles is simple. " The magnetic and geographical poles don't coincide....because, while a magnetic pole lies along the rim of the polar opening, the geographical poles lie in its centre, in mid-air and not on solid land ".

Apparently, Bernard has convinced himself that the Earth, as a sphere, could not possibly have it's magnetic poles unaligned with it's geographic poles claiming that such a situation is "inexplicable." Let us hope that this delusion is not too contagious.
More from Rense:

An essential part of the case for a Hollow Earth is that there is no North Pole. No single point, but instead a big area which is a warm sea dipping gradually into the interior of the Earth. This may sound pretty outrageous but lets look at some of the evidence which leans toward this concept. The first point I'd like to make clear is, compasses go completely haywire in the Arctic Circle.
My emphasis.
Question, which way should your compass point when you are located at the magnetic north pole?

Here's the faked Byrd diary where Byrd is supposedly in the Arctic when in fact he was participating in "Operation Highjump" in the Antarctic.

This link will take you to a 58 page Word Doc file that covers the issue pretty well. It's also available under the same name ("Is Our Earth Really Hollow?") as a .pdf file, but why anyone would prefer that format I'm sure I don't know.

Anyway, the subject is hardly worth the effort of investigating.


posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 07:07 PM
I know of the fake diary that told of his 1947 N Pole Trip. I am also aware that it was published by F. Amadeo Giannini, who was not a believer of the theory, and whose family owned the Bank of Italy and Bank of America, and were believed to be part of the "Illuminati/nwo". I cannot prove this, but I have read it.


I am not in any way claiming the theory is correct, nor do I really believe it, but the OP wanted to know of any famous people who were/are involved in this, and I found Admiral Byrd's books fascinating, and a good place to start.

But as I look at most "crazy theories" out there, if it were true, do you think the powers that be(nwo, illuminati, etc etc etc) would tell the peons like us?

[edit on 6/13/2006 by pstiffy]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 07:16 PM
Let's put this into perspective.

There are THOUSANDS if not, hundred's of thousand's of professional, amateur, hobbiest cave explorers. That's just for cave's alone. There are thousand's of scientist's studying this planet all over the world. TON'S. I understand it's hard for the 'peons' to grasb large number's, but that's ALOT of people to all "be in on it".

Now who's telling us "peons" that all these "elite" are in on it? People selling you a god damn book and taking you for a god damned ride.

This is seriously a DUH moment.

Deny ignorance my butt. ATS seriously needs to change the motto to live, breath, eat ignorance.


Yes, I enjoy your post's. There are a few here on ATS that thankfully have something resembling a brain. Blows that 99% of this board never heard of a brain. Let alone common sense.

[edit on 13-6-2006 by Prot0n]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Prot0n

We could really do away with alot less gullible people though. Too many gullible people just yearn for there to be something greater to this existence.

I don't know if this is refering to me, but where did I say I believed it?All I said was read it, whether one believes it is their own choice.

but damn there's gotta be some serious psychological issues if people are really THAT gullible and unwilling to learn about wtf it is they believe.

lol, what wrong with learning? Whether the theories are real or not, how can spending ones time doing research be a psycological disorder, whether on not those theories are vaid or not. The only way to learn is to make mistakes, and then learn from them. I am sure most people who do any reaseach will come across many theories that are totally wrong, do they all have psychological issues?
No. If you spend enough time on the net/reading, you are going to find many crack pot theories out there.

What would you rather one do, sit in from of the TV watching American Idol? They are the ones not willing to learn

Human civilization has had a decent run of 6-ish thousand years with the BS,

I am pretty sure we (Humans) have been around a little longer than 6 thousands years.
What BS?

is there no one else beside's me who think's it's time our species grew the hell up?

I couldnt agree more. However, I think you are speaking to the wrong crowd. Most people on here and the ones who are "growing/waking" up. It's the 60 Million Idol worshoppers that you need to speak to.

And there is no need to get upset. There are a lot worse things out in the world than people who believe in the hollow earth theory.

Edit: Quotes

[edit on 6/13/2006 by pstiffy]

[edit on 6/13/2006 by pstiffy]

[edit on 6/13/2006 by pstiffy]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 08:21 PM

I don't know if this is refering to me, but where did I say I believed it?All I said was read it, whether one believes it is their own choice.

Just a general statement. I tend to go into rant mode when people post garbage. What was the purpose behind posting the hollow earth garbage anyways? This is ATS, if there's a member here who hasn't heard of the hollow earth garbage or any other taurus feces, then they don't get out much, or must be really young.

lol, what wrong with learning? Whether the theories are real or not, how can spending ones time doing research be a psycological disorder, whether on not those theories are vaid or not. The only way to learn is to make mistakes, and then learn from them. I am sure most people who do any reaseach will come across many theories that are totally wrong, do they all have psychological issues?
No. If you spend enough time on the net/reading, you are going to find many crack pot theories out there.

There's learning the right way and learning the wrong way. The right way uses something called common sense. Would I personally research into if the earth is hollow? No. Why? Common sense.

I am pretty sure we (Humans) have been around a little longer than 6 thousands years.
What BS?

There's a severe lack of reading comprhension going on here. Can anyone point it out for him before I get really upset?

And there is no need to get upset. There are a lot worse things out in the world than people who believe in the hollow earth theory.

Oh but there is alot to get upset about. This planet is getting ruined thanks to moron's who eat this garbage up and believe it's the truth. I'm just guessing here, but I wouldn't be surprised if my estimate is close ... 85% of the population on this planet are sheep. People who are unable or unwilling to think and learn for themselve's. They'd rather believe in some magical god damn fantasy world where there's a super powerfull father like diety watching out for them or where they have super magical powers and can move thing's with thier pathetic little minds.

That other 15% ... they're the people stealing your live's. And the worst part is, despite all these idiotic conspiracy theories, none are even friggin close. Doesn't even take a moron to see that. Then again ... maybe I'm wrong there. Gotta stop giving humanity benefit of the doubt.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 08:33 PM

And they are all feeding, (The one's below) on their new weber grills filled with molten lava and magma as fuel!!!

"MMMMMmmmmmmm!! Honey, you made my favorite,ROOT'S!!"

My, My, My, how we get so mislead in a good science fiction story....

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Prot0n

I am pretty sure we (Humans) have been around a little longer than 6 thousands years.
What BS?

There's a severe lack of reading comprhension going on here. Can anyone point it out for him before I get really upset?


Prompting others here to correct somebody else's post is just gonna make you madder when nobody does it!

Plus, whaddaya gonna do when other people here start supporting his statement, without reading what you actually said? Boy, I hope I'm on the other side of the fan for that one.


posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 04:33 PM
IDK ... All I do know is that if people start supporting his statement for that quote then I'm going to cry. The bang my head against a brick wall untill I forget how many go damn moron's live on this planet.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Prot0n
IDK ... All I do know is that if people start supporting his statement for that quote then I'm going to cry. The bang my head against a brick wall untill I forget how many go damn moron's live on this planet.

Of course, you are not a moron, right?

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 08:09 PM
Of course I'm a moron! With a slight difference though. I'm not a gullible moron. Atleast I try and learn the right way. I don't go around believing just about anything someone tells me or everything I read. I may not be the smartest, brightest, most knowledgable person on this planet, but one thing I can proudly state is not being gullible. If people want to think there's some diety in the sky who love's them, fine. If people want to pretend they have magical powers, fine. Just don't expect me to respect people like that. Respect is something you earn, not something you hand out freely just because you possibly might offend someone. If someone's offended by what I say, well ... that just sucks for them. I might possibly get offended when they start whinning like little babies because I said something that doesn't physically effect them or ruin their little live's. 6,000 years of human civilization and we wind up with a bunch of 30-40 year old cry baby children. And here I am thinking mankind should have matured. I know I've been ranting abit latley, getting pissed, and I half way apologize to everyone for that. But look at this site. Look at this planet. Look at our species. Everyone should be just as pissed off as I am. Everyone should be wanting to make it better. No, instead we have to tip toe around the cry babies and let thing's be. BS.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 08:20 PM
Adults tend to babies so that they might grow up to be adults too.

In between baby and adult is child then adolescent. It's a time when brattiness is exhibited.

But, that, too, passes away with maturity.

It's called growth.


posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 11:08 PM
This may not be about caves but I remember a story here on ATS about the catacombs under Paris that are supposed to be empty. But some sewer worker or something went down to work on something and saw a light (theres not supposed to be electricity down there) and followed the light to a door. When he opened the door and found a huge room that was furnished with TV's, a working phone and some other stuff. He went back up top to tell his co workers what he found and the police and other authorities went down to check it out. When they got down there most of the stuff that was there was gone and they found a note saying something like "don't try to find us, you won't".

I tried searching for the story but came up with no luck.

Also, isn't it a fact that Humans still have not fully explored all the land of the world, theres still ike 25% of the earths land they have not explored. And on that note just to throw it in we have only explored like 6% of the oceans.

[edit on 14-6-2006 by d1k]

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Prot0n
Of course I'm a moron! With a slight difference though. I'm not a gullible moron...

Good to read this Prot0n.

I have a good friend, a CPA, that forever ragged on how amazingly stupid most people were. He, of course, considered himself to be far above average. I got tired of hearing it so one day I pointed out that I knew he was in the 99th percentile in I.Q., S.A.T.'s, etc. But I also knew that if you magically removed all the "stupid" people from the planet, then he would only be in the 50th or 60th percentile. Used his ego against him, IOW. Worked too. He basically stopped referring to everyone (besides himself) as "morons," at least in my presence anyway.


posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Harte
But I also knew that if you magically removed all the "stupid" people from the planet, then he would only be in the 50th or 60th percentile.

That is an excellent point!

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