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scientific explination of ghosts/spirits and other 'unseen' stuffs

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posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 08:26 PM
What a fun thread this turned out to be!
I hope we can kid around in the shop like this!

Hey Angela you see that aurora there? That's kinda what happens to me when you use the words ghost and quantum in the same sentence

I have a story to tell you, but that is for later. Anyhow, back to the rum and early 19th century...Arr!

Aye matey Z, what year be thou in? Get offn' boom, ye canst hoist sails in mail! Arr!

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Matyas
Aye matey Z, what year be thou in? Get offn' boom, ye canst hoist sails in mail! Arr!

Why tis March in the year of your Lord 1501... Arthur and Catherine plan to marry i November....

As to that demon rum....twas given me by a strange man with a long scarf... and when he left we heard a strange ghostly sound

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
This quote below is the best explanation (all be it undetailed) I've read yet.

"Quantum Physics: the presence of a wave nature in subatomic particles. The vital difference between a wave and a solid particle is the wave properties of superposition and modulation. Put simply, these properties allow waves of different frequencies to occupy the same space without direct interaction. Therefore it is quite possible for parallel universes to exist separated by a difference in some fundamental wave characteristic. This theory springs directly from wave mechanics."

Wave mechanics - I know very little, and that is a very simplistic and basic understanding at best. Anyone able to give a better explination - maybe draw a word picture for me?

I think the 'proove it to me' attitudes will be the ones who benefit most from science confirmation - but I'd like to have a decent grip on it myself none the less.


Think of an image burned into a photo negative. They are images burnt into time probably from a castrophic even that occured at some point in spacetime at the exact same spot. A nuclear explosion could theoritcly generate an image like that.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Sonata

Think of an image burned into a photo negative. They are images burnt into time probably from a castrophic even that occured at some point in spacetime at the exact same spot. A nuclear explosion could theoritcly generate an image like that.

OOOhhh I Like that! Like the War with the Anunnaki that wiped out the planets

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Matyas
What a fun thread this turned out to be!
I hope we can kid around in the shop like this!

Hey Angela you see that aurora there? That's kinda what happens to me when you use the words ghost and quantum in the same sentence

I wish I could still grasp that 'wow moment' of inspired 'gotta clue' I had going on when I posted this thread. I hate that. I'll get a glimps of understanding, and unless I write it down, type it in, talk to someone or aks questions immediately - I often completely loose it. At least I do seemingly retain some understanding - often when the subect come up again I still have some new understanding to go on.

How agrivating.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Sonata
Think of an image burned into a photo negative. They are images burnt into time probably from a castrophic even that occured at some point in spacetime at the exact same spot. A nuclear explosion could theoritcly generate an image like that.

Would you happen to know much about this kind of thing? I have one heck of a mysterious pic... I took a picture, and instead of seeing on the picture what I pointed the cammera at - I have a picture of 'some point in spacetime at the exact same spot'. It's absolutely unbeilivable - totaly blows me away. I worry that I'll take out the pic, look at it, and one day it will have some how turned itself into what it was supose to be. (I think that would be less ?!?!?! than it is now)

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:14 PM
I read this entire thread and while i do not want to insult anyone...I do not believe that quantum physics has a thing to do with ghosts and spirits. Science cannot explain everything.

I have been doing paranormal investigations since I was 12 years old and not one time have i ever had a need for quantum physics. nor has it ever entered into any discussion about the paranormal that i have participated in.

It comes down to belief.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I wish I could still grasp that 'wow moment' of inspired 'gotta clue' I had going on when I posted this thread. I hate that. I'll get a glimps of understanding, and unless I write it down, type it in, talk to someone or aks questions immediately - I often completely loose it. At least I do seemingly retain some understanding - often when the subect come up again I still have some new understanding to go on.

How agrivating.

Yes I know how that is... I have been told its cause I'm getting old... Refuse to buy that... it has to be the Cosmic Consciousness playing tricks... a fleeting glimpse of enlightenment and POOF its gone...

Thats why I did the Pegasus site... put thoughts to paper and then I can link them

Trouble is they are ALL linking and thats scary

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by 1spookychick

It comes down to belief.

True it IS about belief.... we believe they can be explained in a quantum way

I mean after all if one believes the soul exists, surely in must have some physical maifestation in some form of energy?

Merely stating that a ghost exists, means that it must have substance at some level... and since quantums
are invisible too it makes sense...

Yeah yeah I know... but I"M not the quantum physicist here

But not to sound insulting, I have yet to find a medium that can present me with a ghost either

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 06:06 AM
Actually, Recent cosmic events involving the collision of galaxies (this would be inside one of the largest galaxy clusters visible from earth) has shown signs of another force that isn't immediately perceptable to the human eye.

This has been labelled as 'dark matter'. This matter comes in a variety of forms such as 'heavy' dark matter, 'light' dark matter, 'warm' dark matter and 'cold' dark matter.

The discovery was made after theoretical physicists noted that galaxies aren't affected by gravity; or at least, not in the way they are supposed to be.

It makes me wonder about black holes, such an influx of condensed energy must surely be messing with reality in some way or other.

EDIT: food for thought; what is it that ties galaxies together outside of gravitational pull?

[edit on 23-8-2006 by nilitiaman]

[edit on 23-8-2006 by nilitiaman]

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by nilitiaman

force that isn't immediately perceptable to the human eye.

This has been labelled as 'dark matter'. This matter comes in a variety of forms such as 'heavy' dark matter, 'light' dark matter, 'warm' dark matter and 'cold' dark matter.

There is that yes, and zero point energy and a few others

Faster Than Light Spaceship to A Black Hole

Everything you wanted to know about a black hole...

The interesting thing that has recently been discovered is the "jets" of energy streaming out of the poles of a black hole...

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 03:20 AM
Taken from:

The invisible part of the universe has a physical structure similar to the world we sense: the matter is built from atoms, which, in turn, are constructed from nucleons and electrons, with the same elementary electrical charge. The size, structure and energy spectrum of ethereal atoms and presently detected atoms are the same.

The ethereal world is invisible to us because of different "universal" constants such as the speed of light, c, and Planck's constant, h, while their product, c×h, which determines the elementary charge, is conserved. The ethereal speed of light is much higher than the one in our world, and Planck's constant is much smaller. This leads to higher frequencies in the ethereal elementary particles, and in particular, photons, which realize the electromagnetic interaction between atoms. Our atoms cannot absorb ethereal photons, and the ethereal world remains invisible to us.

There apparently exists gravitational interaction between the ethereal world and our world, but this interaction is very small because of the very small masses of ethereal bodies.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 10:04 AM
Thanks D0MiNAT0R 1OOO,

I don't know enough about all that stuff to really talk about it, but that is the direction I was thinking. lol

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 10:15 AM
If the spirit world really exists, i believe our relationship is much like that of our relationship with plants. Plants breath carbon dioxide and give off air for us to breath. Im starting to think that if there are spirits they give off something we need to survive and we the same for them... Them feeding on energy centers is interesting.

Also, i hear alot of people talking about electrons and nuetrons... I have a great book on electricity called the greenies, it basicly says electrons and nuetrons are a theory and that no one can prove the exist, we just see the reactions from electricity. Theres going to be a huge changing wave on the way we think electricity works, and in the future as technology improves and we start to see the things mankind has always said was there but haven't been able to prove. So electricity is somehting we use every day but don't completely understand thats whats very intersting to me.

This will be a great study, perhaps it will show these "spirits" are just energy waves and we can put the last nail in the idea of immortal souls floating around after death.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by short we can put the last nail in the idea of immortal souls floating around after death.

Now why would you want to do RHAT???

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by 1spookychick...I do not believe that quantum physics has a thing to do with ghosts and spirits.

Would that you were correct.

I believe the bottom line is freedom of choice. That is what I believe.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by D0MiNAT0R 1OOO
There apparently exists gravitational interaction between the ethereal world and our world, but this interaction is very small because of the very small masses of ethereal bodies.

Great stuff Dominator just what we need...

Also sounds like this theorie would really explain my "Critters" I think that the shivers we feel when we talk about ghosts may be just that slight interaction you speak of as they harmlessly pass near us or through us.

Its no wonder NASA doesn't want people to know about Plasma critters in space... I think the very idea would freak people out, no matter how innoculus they are minding their own business. [All trace of the STS-75 Tether video has vanished from the web...all of it except low res copies...even the European UFO sites have taken it down... and I get links about law suits now... weird.. at least I still have my screen captures]

Couple possibilities here..

Maybe my "critters" and ghost sighting are the same phenomena...

Maybe that's were we go in the next level... drift around the universe as plasma energy beings LOL Some of the footage I have seen shows they are playfull...

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by zorgon I think the very idea would freak people out, no matter how innoculus they are minding their own business. [All trace of the STS-75 Tether video has vanished from the web...all of it except low res copies...even the European UFO sites have taken it down... and I get links about law suits now... weird.. at least I still have my screen captures]

I don't think it would freak people out that much, it would be like a passing fad and they would join the ranks of little green (or gray whatever is stylish) men in flying saucers.

I think the coverup is due to the fact we have a different boss than they do. Yes, I do.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Matyas it would be like a passing fad and they would join the ranks of little green (or gray whatever is stylish) men in flying saucers.

PTAH! How can my "critters" be a fad if they haven't even been identified yet? Huh?

I think the coverup is due to the fact we have a different boss than they do. Yes, I do.

Care to fill us in on who this boss is?

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by zorgon PTAH! How can my "critters" be a fad if they haven't even been identified yet? Huh?

How can something unidentified be identified? "Huh?" Your critters will become a fad along with all the other unidentified junk in the great scrap heap of the unknown. Such is the way we humans conduct our filing system, right?

Care to fill us in on who this boss is?

Ours or theirs? The duality of Biblical deism is common knowledge. Who can deny our God of Glory? Who is this God of Glory? It is the Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle.

Even as we speak we are designing and building new space based weapons systems to rip these "bugs" to shreads at every available opportunity. This is the new front of the Secret War. Our God is good, theirs is bad. It is us against them, we must protect our planet at all costs, even if we have to destroy it!

And on it goes ad nauseum.

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