posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 03:32 PM
Well it seems this 500-or-so "essay" I wrote not 5 minutes ago was deleted due to the fact that my topic was already used in this forum. Therefore,
this introduction will be short and sweet.
I attend a small Catholic HS. On the contrary to what you may believe, the experience has enlightened to me even more than at Public School. I was
able to communicate with intelligence on the same level as myself. We have many discusstions among ourselves over topics on this very forum!
Everything from the 9/11 truth movement, to neo-cons, Peak Oil, Tarrifs, to the War on Terror.
I have an extensive background in Journalisim (if you call 4 years of it "extensive"), and hope to be a reporter for the ATSNN. That is my favorite
feature of this forum, and I am a big advoacate of RSS feeds because of it.
In my spare time, I play Varsity Hockey, restore/work on automobiles, watch automobile racing, and enjoy the outdoors (camping, riding ATVs, fishing,
hunting MTBing). A few of my friends and I are slowly dabbling into computer hacking. It is nothing big by any means, but due to the lack of
computer classis ay me school, we take what we can. It isn't really anything big, debugging Coke Machines in the cafeteria, bouncing off of proxy
servers to bypass the Archdiocee's filter, etc.
In the future, I am looking to continue my Journalism. I am very interested in political science, Aerospace Technology, Nuclear Engineering, Weapons
Systems, Intelligence Gathering, and Petrochemical Tehnology.
I was quite intimidated to sign up, and I am almost certain that I will become another faceless member of ATS. However, if I can atleast contribute
the limited knowledge that I have, I'm sure I can become an asset.