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Get Rid of The Bush Rodeo Link

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posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 05:11 PM
Disagreeing with the Administration is now un-American? How? Why? It seems that people of BOTH parties are getting of at the next stop. Yes, I went to Fox so that it couldn't be called biased:

So it seems that there is MORE than 50% of the American public that don't support this president. Doing the math I figure it at about 65-68%. That's 2 out of every 3. Are those 2 un-American? That makes no sense to me. Only 1/3 of the population is pro-American? What kind of logic is that?

That being said it would seem that ATS is in line with the majority of what the people are thinking. Not that that matters, this is a privately owned website. At least we, as a site, are critical thinkers, not being led by propaganda and the whims of opinion.


posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 05:13 PM
The Specter Of Anti-Valhallism

Originally posted by Valhall
I object to this thread and think it needs to be taken down because it promotes anti-freedom of speech and anti-Valhallism -

both of which I'm vehemently opposed to!

Anti-Valhallism is a serious charge which requires serious investigation.

So naturally, since I am well-known among ATSers for being impeccably serious at all times, I had to look into this without delay.

My preliminary findings indicate that there is indeed some evidence of anti-Valhallism in this thread. However, a proper remedy is difficult to ascertain at this juncture.

Most problematic is the fact that if I were to trash the thread for anti-Valhallism (a serious charge which requires serious investigation), I would in the process thereof be guilty of trashing Valhall's post along with the rest.

This would itself be an act of anti-Valhallism and would therefore not only inculpate me personally with the stigma of being a vile and loathesome anti-Valhallist, but undoubtedly exacerbate a difficult and potentially volatile anti-Valhallistic situation that already shows signs of potentially raging out of control and leading to massive rioting, looting and excessive quoting throughout the ATS domain.

Thus, for the good of the people, upholding the venerable doctrine of ipso facto, respect for the by-laws of the Nebraska Beef Council and pursuit of the sacred Paladinic quest to defend the cause of righteousness and the delicate sensibilities of decent, upstanding folk everywhere, I must stand down and be content to shout encouragement from the sidelines.

Val, don't let those evil anti-Valhallists get you down!

Fight the power!

(Oh, and yeah, that Bush rodeo thing is SO last month.)

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Springer
HOW is that thread anti American?! I, being an American Veteran am offended by your implication that making FUN of the President is "un American"... It's as American as American GETS. That's one of the great liberties we hold true here that many other nation's citizens wouldn't DARE participate in.

Lighten Up a little comes to my mind.


This is a foreign owned website, not American. They mock the President not because they are Democrats who think he is a dufus, he is mocked because he represents America - big difference.

I call it the way I believe it to be represented, and if you're more offended by me standing up for our nation than you are by those who mock it, then I believe your judgement to be in error.

Like I said, I'll continue to call out the anti-American crap as long as it appears, if that doesn't sit well with some people, tough.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
This is a foreign owned website, not American.

Springer owns 1/3
Skeptic owns 1/3
Simon owns 1/3 now.

So it's 2/3 American?

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger TLike I said, I'll continue to call out the anti-American crap as long as it appears, if that doesn't sit well with some people, tough.

How is that thread anti-American again? I don't think you ever explained that.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Odium

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
This is a foreign owned website, not American.

Springer owns 1/3
Skeptic owns 1/3
Simon owns 1/3 now.

So it's 2/3 American?

Man, I wish I was as good at that math stuff :p

I guess I'll bud in for a sec to and say how hilarious I find Winchesters reasoning.

How the heck is it unamerican to show how an American Citizen with a Press pass is silenced and charged with some phony charge for speaking up against the president of a country you declare to be america's 2nd or 3de greatest enemy next to all the terrorists and whacky country's in the world. While the 2 top people of the US admin are clearly sleeping on the job while probably dreaming about the millions they are making of the citizens backs by rapping their freedoms, selling their souls and bankrupting their great nation by selling it out to drug, oil, weapons and banking company's.

I thought freedom of press, freedom of speech and freedom to bloody well publish whatever you want on your own frigin property were the pinacle of what makes america the so called land of liberty's, what makes the country so great.

Showing how these liberty's are raped every darn day by Bush and his administration is anti-american?

Exposing how someone with a press pass is silenced by this administration is anti-american?

Publishing something on a PRIVATLY owned site that is the truth, nothing but the truth and the whole truth is anti-american?

Get your head out of your bleep and smell the roses man. The freedoms the US once provided to its citizens are fading away and getting demolished on a daily basis by the current administration. And all your doing with your backward demands and comments that that thread and ATS as a whole is anti-american and shouldn't be alowed is just playing into the US administrations hand.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:43 PM
Blind Patriotism

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
This is a foreign owned website, not American. They mock the President not because they are Democrats who think he is a dufus, he is mocked because he represents America - big difference.

"They"? You mean the Three Amigos, the sole partners and owners of Above Top Secret, LLP?

Two of them, Springer and SkepticOverlord, are Americans and the third, SimonGray, used to live in the U.S. -- and I've never seen him disparage this country at all.

I'm an American -- a very proud American -- and a lot of my fellow staff members are as well. We all feel free to express our opinions as we see fit (within the T&C, of course), just like any other member.

So what factual basis is there for your criticism?

Your assessment of the ATS ownership is at odds with my own, and I work with the Amigos constantly as part of my role as a moderator.

If there's something you know that justifies your claims about the owners, please feel free to share it, because I for one find the accusations you're making against them to be patently false.

You may of course ignore it, but my recommendation is to learn more about what the ATS owners are actually like before publicly talking trash about them.

They read these threads too, you know.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:48 PM
Lol. You think that is un-american?
I thought it was clever and apt. Dubya coralling the Chinese leader at the Bush Rodeo. Funny, haha. I was mostly laughing at the Chinese President for actually putting up with it and frankely was extremely humiliated in the process.
Still gives me chuckles.

[edit on 10-6-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
This is a foreign owned website, not American. They mock the President not because they are Democrats who think he is a dufus, he is mocked because he represents America - big difference.

It's been pointed out that this site is 2/3 American owned. NEXT?

I call it the way I believe it to be represented, and if you're more offended by me standing up for our nation than you are by those who mock it, then I believe your judgement to be in error.

Curious, did you conviniently miss my post?

Like I said, I'll continue to call out the anti-American crap as long as it appears, if that doesn't sit well with some people, tough.

Ditto, my last response. Basically you are calling 2/3 of the American public anti-American. Why? They don't conform to your way of thinking? Thanks man, you are just continueing to prove the point.

Want to go again? PLUUUEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit to add: With Republican jumping off of Bush's bandwagon it would seem to me that critisizing this president would be pro-American.

[edit on 11-6-2006 by intrepid]

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 01:22 AM
ats rascist? that is a pretty dumb statement. enough said

there is no such thing as being american(in reality). wtf you think americans are?

[edit on 11-6-2006 by Collapsed Mind]

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 06:28 AM
I liked the part that refered to Dick as a "sleeping Jesus".

"are we there yet?"


"are we there yet?"


"are we there yet?"


"are we there yet?"


"are we there yet?"

[ nuclear holocaust ]

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
get use to the anti-american hatred on this board, some I have recently learned, are anti-globalist....which I fully agree with. however, there are some on this board that will hate you simply for the fact that you are an american that supports bush.

What the hell? If you haven't noticed, the majority of Americans don't support Bush. The board is going to reflect this. His approval rating dipped below 30 percent recently. To paraphrase another member "what did you expect, a president Bush fanclub?"

At this point this point in his presidency if you're still a staunch Bush supporter without a shred of doubt about him in your mind you're just making an ass out of yourself.

Of course I might be wrong. Tell me the compelling reasons that you support Bush for and I might change my mind.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 07:31 AM
Winchester Ranger T, here is a Dictionary definition of the term Racism, along with a copy of The Constitution of the United States. I suggest you familiarise yourself with both.

Bush-Pig is a treacherous Leech. Any slamming of the creature should be considered Pro-American, and Pro-Humanity.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:24 AM
Freedom of speech, freedom of posts!!! I think the pictures are funny. If it would have been a reverse, like if it happened to Mr. Prime Minister, no one would be saying anything about it. The pictures are funny, no one is showing racism. I don't know how those pictures have anything to do with racism.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by CORTARA
Freedom of speech, freedom of posts!!! I think the pictures are funny. If it would have been a reverse, like if it happened to Mr. Prime Minister, no one would be saying anything about it. The pictures are funny, no one is showing racism. I don't know how those pictures have anything to do with racism.

I actualy see 1 scenario where the Neo-Conservatives could see this as being racist.

The only thing required would be that they think of themselves as a seperate race from everyone else in the world.

Some sort of Ubermensch with the right to rule the world, no matter who you destroy, be it a fellow citizen or a foreigner.
Only the Ubermensch Neo-Con's are of importance.

So when one of the neo-cons calls out racisme against them, they are even further gone as we thought and their philosophy has already passed the point of becoming a fascist driven sespool.

Before you go say thats all strange reasoning and doesn't make sence.

It makes more sence then Winchesters comments.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:32 AM
Funny how Winchester goes on and raves about how bad Britain is, which he posts on U.K politics with great relish. Isn't that a case of him being Anti-British? Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:36 AM
I've gotta be honest. As I was logging in the other day, I was thinking "Man, that's been up there ridiculously long". Sure it's funny seeing people who are looking down reading their papers but appear to be sleeping, and a guy grabbing another guys arm, but is this really such a major story that it needs front-page attention for months on end? It's not like this is an assassination or anything more than vaguely related to a conspiracy.

I don't think we should leave a link up on the main page and force it to be continued and butchered to death, just because the poster is sleeping with one of the admins. No disrespect, but obviously if that thread hadn't been created by Vallhall, it never would have even been on the front page in the first place. Now there's a conspiracy worth discussing

[edit on 11-6-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:43 AM
You still enter the site trought the frontpage?

Dang dude.

Only time I ever did that on purpouse was the first time I came to ats, since then its always been "today.php"

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
I don't think we should leave a link up on the main page and force it to be continued and butchered to death, just because the poster is sleeping with one of the admins.

They are married! It's not like she's bumping uglies with a Director to get a part in a movie, or something. I doubt the fact they are Married (and obviously sleeping together) has anything to do with the fact that that thread is still linked right there on the main page, at all, anyway. I agree it's been there too long, and should be replaced with something else, though. Didn't Valhall even say that in this very thread?

Don't any of you think for one second I'm sucking Administrative Helmet, here. They have been very decent to me as of late, and I will stick up for them in a situation such as this. Not that they need any help from me, though.

[edit on 11-6-2006 by Communication_Burger]

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:50 AM
Anyone ever think of it that there might not have been anything worthwile to replace it with yet?

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