posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 02:34 PM
Our police force has no helicopters. I should know, because my relative used to work at the local court house for the area, and most of the police
reports went through her. And I've never seen a police helicopter here.
Lately the 737s are being replaced with unmarked extremely low flying passenger craft with the engines on the tail, the tail itself raised up at a
slant. Not sure about what they are. I can tell a few types of passenger craft, but not much. The military craft are my speciality.
Oh, and large transports, like C-130, but alot smaller at medium altitude in comparison to usual craft, and some form of craft with shorter, rounded
wings, and a torpedo-shaped body. No engines visable. Not civilian, I can track any of them on Flight Explorer if they were civilian or commercial,
but none show up. All heading from or to the South/South East of my home.
These aircraft just started recently, and air traffic is increased more than I've ever lived here.
I'm thinking some type of operation by the military to a new base?