posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:39 AM
Obviously anything that involves the words "rigging" and "conspiring" is probably not good. Haha. Since it doesn't appear to be in the T&C, it
seems to be "legal". As for ethical/moral, who knows.
Then again, I got a big crazy U2U threatening to put me on global ignore for a rule that I didn't know existed and IS NOT in the T&C (Or wasn't at
the time, havent checked again). "Please don't post using foreign languages or characters, as it isn't possible for mods to tell if the post is
offensive or not."
So even if it's not in the T&C, mods still seem to be able to bust you for any fun you engage in
I'm not sure if you would consider this being "creative" or not, but since the member managed to get so many people to vote for them, wouldn't
that make them "Way Above" in a way anyways? If they have such a showing on ATS that they can sway enough votes like that, I'd say they deserve it.
The WATS award isn't necessarily based just on making one amazing post per month, it's about being a Way Above ATS member overall. That means
stepping outside of the box and campaigning to win WATS, etc. As long as they aren't using multiple accounts to increase their votes by themselves,
I'd say it sounds reasonable enough.
Members can't give other members an applause, so I say a WATS is the least they can do.
?did u really vote for me,lol
Yes, but that punctuation/grammar makes me want to take it back in a way
[edit on 10-6-2006 by Yarcofin]