posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 10:34 PM
How old are you?
How often do you have to "defrag" your computer?
Isn't your brain a computer?
When's the last time you "defragged" your brain?
We tend to compartmentalize what our senses tell us, what our experiences are.
We learn through the "law of association". For instance your kindergarden teacher did not begin to teach you math by introducing you to algebra.
No, first you had to learn how to count. In order to understand more advanced maths, first you needed the buildingblocks of accepted truths so the
more complicated stuff could latch on to pre-existing truths that supported the new information.
But, what was the first pre-existing truth that one's personality, ones character begins the neuro-net. What was the first known truth in which all
other knowledge grows from to form you the self, the observer?
Instinct perhaps?
And what is our instinct?
Self Preservation. Self Preserve.
Self = Me Me Me
Pre = Before
Serve = To aid, assist, help, teach, communicate, etc.
This instinct coupled with what an infant endures at birth introduces FEAR. Which at a young age becomes an automatic response, and later a
subconscious one. What i mean by that is fear actually becomes a subconscious thing, and we people all to often are not even aware of our fears
I see a little doubt in your brain about now, so in order not to lose your attention, and also prove to you that you may not be consciously aware of
your own fears ........ I'll prove it to you.
What is the opposite of Love?
What is the opposite of LOVE?
But, how could you honestly say your "Hate" is justified, without first fealing the fear that that which you "Hate", has already, or has the
potential to take something you love away from you? You hate because you fear losing something you love. So, could fear be the opposite of love?
We see in many cartoons/TV shows/movies, etc, how we have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. It represents how we choose to observe,
experience, and judge our environment and experiences. But what do they really represent?
The Devil: I believe the devil instinctually causes us to look at an object or experience and ask ourselves: "What can this do for me? How can this
benefit me and the people and things i love?" But it also represents hate, evil, and selfishness. So if one emotion were to be assigned to the
"devil" aspect it would probably be "Hate".
The Angel: I believe the angel is always serving us and our interests. Protecting us. And, it also is the little voice of reason which causes us to
ask ourselves when encountering new objects and experiences "How could this hurt me and the people and things i love? What danger is there? Can
this deminish me or anything i love?" I don't necessarilly believe that the angel is always good. It is constantly causing you to consider the
ramifications, and consequences. It is introducing FEAR. So, i think the overall emotion one could assign to the angel is possibly fear.
We tend to go through life observing, judging, and compartmentilizing our general impressions of our first 2 main voices, hate and fear. All together
forgetting we could brush both off our shoulders, and decide to think with the head that is between the two.
Fear. Fear introduced Hate deep within our psychi.
All steming from the natural reaction humans took as a response to the genetic side effects of thinking with a mind bound by every cell saying "I am
self preserve".
Hence: The Unfortunate human condition, and provider of the opposite of Love: Fear.
[edit on 7-6-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]