posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 03:04 PM
I am afraid this issue can never be closed or fixed
Identity is becoming more and more important in todays credit ATM society, and the security of that identity is what makes things get done
"If we loose this security, then much of our economy crumbles, so of course we need chip based Identity proof...
wouldn't you want to be able to easily prove who you are?
Aren't wallets a pain, anyway?
why wouldn't you be willing to accept a little rice sized chip, that can prevent all that mess?"
Just sew it up in your arm/hand, you will never even notice it...
So guys... what do we do when the market switches to bloody mangled detached arm/hand identity theft?
do we go back to the good old days when someone robs you, and you get to keep all your body parts?
the better solution to identity theft, since it can and will happen no matter how good of security you have, is to have one federal office, that does
nothing but give new social security numbers, tied to only specific instances of your previous identity.
In other words, if you could prove identity theft, you could get a new identity (ss#) for a price, and connect it to your previous identity, but only
with the credit transactions that were actually yours...