Hello to everyone. There is a possibility that I might go to study at Savannah Georgia. I was looking at ticket fairs from my country, but they are
impossible high. So I was thinking to travel to Savannah by road or Train from either Miami or Atlanta. What would you recommend in terns of price
and comfort?
I am going to Savannah in 2 weeks, go to Atlanta and take the freeway from there. Its probably cheaper to fly into Atlanta and then drive about 3
hours east. Atlanta, to Macon, destination Savannah
I am going to use public transport. Also I will be carrying a lot of stuff can I do this on a bus?
Also how easy is to get from the airport to the bus station?
most airports are farely accomadating. You might be able to catch a bus from the airport...if your taking alot of stuff you might want to mail some
of the stuff to your college and getting it there.