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666 Writing Contest - Apocalypse Now?

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posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by masqua

I'm looking forward to it, Voidmaster. It's tough not being able to enter my stories, but I sure do enjoy reading the submissions the membership comes up with.

I'm sure theres good reason for not allowing mods to enter certain comps etc but it really wouldn't bother me if you were allowed to enter these short story comps. Just for the fact that i would enjoy reading all the entries from all the best writers here on Ats. After all, its all about having fun and getting feedback from your peers imo. Sure it's nice to get recognised with a 1st 2nd or 3rd or an honorable mention and a few extra points but if it's being judged in an open and unbiased fashion, which i dont doubt for a moment i dont see that there should be a problem with it. It's not as if were playing for sheep stations, perhaps it's something the three amigo's could look at in the way of an exemption for these types of things. I for one would have no problem with you or worldwatcher or mr wupy winning any of these things over one of my story's, it would surely make the experience more interesting i think.


posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:31 PM
On another board I visit, we have a way to allow all to participate in a fair manner.
One Person, say an Admin/Mod who does not wish to be in the competition, is sent every single short story. They then post in their name. When all entries are posted, the unbiased judges(who don't know who sent what) make their decision, then after the competition it is publically stated who wrote what.
Anyone can then enter, there is no way for anyone to claim Shenanigans and no favourites are played on.
I've never been a writer on this board, but i've been a judge and its quite a fair system.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:45 PM
The issue isn't -never was, really- the moddery. The issue was recruiting judges. I have been a judge when asked, and usually it's the organizer and two other people. The problem is recruitment. Everyone wants to play.

May I suggest recruiting mods and/or random other members to allow the moddery to participate? Masqua is a talented writer, and so is Intrepid, and it's blantantly unfair to disbar them from competition.


posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 09:02 PM

by mojo4sale

Just for the fact that i would enjoy reading all the entries from all the best writers here on Ats. After all, its all about having fun and getting feedback from your peers imo.

Getting the feedback is great...even the negative stuff is good, imo, because we'd never improve our skills if all we got were pats on the back or rave reviews.

I'm always impressed with the imaginative material ATSers come up with. Maybe it has something to do with the website itself...attracting people who think for themselves...or even just think. It seems a large pecentage of us just stare at whatever the TV or movie screen is feeding us and never using our brains for much besides scanning the listings.

At least here the entertainment is interactive. Members read, comment, bring ideas and even get to be creative. Beats the bland entertainment we normally see on television. I personally only watch news or informative programming now (and the occasional movie) but ATS is the best entertainment in my book now.

Even though I don't enter stories into the contests doesn't mean I can't write on the topic, though...I wrote 'My Brother, The Reaper' in honour of the (666) contest because it's a fantastic topic.

Anyways, mj4s, I appreciate what you're saying... Mr Wupy, DeusEx, Worldwatcher are all great writers and I bet if we ever talked SkepticOverlord or Simon Gray into writing a short story, we'd be surprised at their capabilities too. Just think what Majic would write as a short story...but we got to consider bandwidth too.

by JebusSaves

One Person, say an Admin/Mod who does not wish to be in the competition, is sent every single short story. They then post in their name. When all entries are posted, the unbiased judges(who don't know who sent what) make their decision, then after the competition it is publically stated who wrote what.

That's a really good idea. I'm filing that for consideration. Thanks!

I've never been a writer on this board

Maybe that'll change in the next contest.

Speaking of which...does anyone have any suggestions for a future topic?

[edit on 4-7-2006 by masqua]

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 09:22 PM
When i said 'This' board, i meant 'that' board, as i'm always a judge. I did participate in the 666 one.
So, the Judging is the issue.
OK, well another idea that you can totally ignore....go Eurovision!!!!
Incorporate my 'idea' regarding anonymous posting, but everyone who submits a story must also 'judge'. The way to do this would be to give say three stories a mark of 1, 2 or 3 points. When the gaming has finished, an independant member adds up all the scores and the top three scorers are winners in order.

EDIT: Obviously in this senario 'scoring' would have to take place after all entries are posted

[edit on 4/7/2006 by JebusSaves]

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 11:55 PM
Future topics...

Some of us have talked about a starting from the end format contest before. How would that sound?

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 06:55 AM
I wouldnt mind having a go at a purely dialogue/conversation piece, i find dialogue between characters quite difficult so for me it would be good practice.

A piece based on your fave poem, i know nickelbee has a thread going at the moment containing some real pearls!!! lol.

But Vagabonds idea also sounds challenging.


posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by masqua
Mr Wupy, DeusEx, Worldwatcher are all great writers...
[edit on 4-7-2006 by masqua]

I know for a fact that Mr.Wupy is a superb writer. Heck we used to be rivals of a sort. Course, my stories never really compared, but I was getting there when he became a Mod. I'm still kinda itchin' to contest with him and Jeremiah25 again.
*Sigh* Halloween Contests make great memories.

Anywho, I like the idea of the Dialogue peice. Just a dialogue between two people about something... I could do so much with that.
Be afraid, be very afraid.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 06:09 PM
Well, then, a dialogue piece it should be (with DeusEx and worldwatcher agreeing), but we still need something more to really clinch this idea.

There's the 5 W's of any story which need to be addressed...who, what,when,why and where.

Who, where and why should be left up for the discretion of the story teller in order to allow lots of creative room to paint the picture you present us.

When and what maybe should be part of the template required to fire up our imaginations.

I'll give an example...

It is the year 2008 (when) and a global war is on the horizon(what). How are the characters (who) in your story going to react to that realization? What preparations will they make? Where do they live (targeted city?) and what conflicts are going to come between the members of the family?

It's just a suggestion and I'd like to hear what you think we could set up.


posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 06:39 PM
Sounds good, Masqua. Pure dialogue, with a setting determined by one of us. Shall I concoct an appropriate setting, use the example, and start the new contest thread?


posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 07:12 PM
I have a suggestion that ties in with a 'pure dialogue' story.
An Illuminati Meeting.
The basic idea would be at any major Global event of history, we write a story based on what the 'Illuminati' would say.
I don't think i've explained my idea that well.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 07:16 PM
I think I understand, Saves. Since we're getting all up into suggestions, I'm gonna hafta make a new thread. Keep the ideas coming!


posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 07:37 PM
And here is the new thread which DeusEx has set up...

go forth with inspiration as your guide

[edit on 6-7-2006 by masqua]

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 07:54 PM
Whoa Nellie..... Since when are mods not allowed to enter?

I was a mod in the last competition I entered and I took second place. Ok, actually I tied for second place. Here's the story: (MUOC) Proud to be an American

The only time I haven't been allowed to enter was when I was a judge. (Which I found to be quite reasonable)

If mods are no longer allowed to enter the writing contests I would be quite sad. I hope it's not true


posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 09:29 PM
Regarding the ideas expressed here about the next contest and what it might be about, I'd like to suggest that you put them onto the new thread which DeusEx just started.

After the weekend, I'll transfer any ideas expressed here onto that thread as well, so that we have a single place for ideas on both the contest and member challenges (which we'd also like to get going on.

Mr Wupy...I think it's only worldwatcher and I that really can't enter the contests since we're sometimes part of the judging. I can't see why a mod/supermod/admin couldn't enter a contest if they chose to...but I'd have to bow out for obvious reasons. DeusEx should also be able to enter if he's not judging, imo.

But that's OK because I can write a story in the spirit of the contest and I intend to do that with each one that comes up.

[edit on 6-7-2006 by masqua]

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 10:17 PM
Well, if ever you want someone to Judge so you can enter, feel free to pm me, i've done it before, so its all cool.
Just as long as its not every contest.

posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 09:34 PM
I'm the only not really eligible for entering any of the writing contests and that's because I want it that way, If I want to submit an entry, I usually do, but don't want it to be considered against any other "writers". As long as the "mods or fsme" isn't involved in the planning or judging of the contest, they are free to enter.

I usually invite "members" and sometimes "moderators" to judge the contests. Sometimes not many people have time to commit to read all the entries and score them, so getting willing judges can be difficult, but everyone I've asked have been able to participate at one time or another.

it would just be easier for me if there was "list" of members that I could rotate through, that's why I'm always pleading for anyone interested in judging to send me a u2.

as for the upcoming challenge, i'm looking forward to it, great ideas

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