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Originally posted by queenannie38
Philosophers are probably responsible for more occupancies in hell than even wars.
Making comments like that--it's a good thing that all sins and blasphemies are forgiven!
originally posted by queenieThat fallen angel is the 'one sheep that was lost' out of the 99! It was for that angel that Yehoshua died! And the world benefited from that rebellion, in the long run.
Originally posted by The Parasite
Im not a religious man so to me this is what i believe happened. I dont like the fact that GOD creats us then kills us and its all a test.
here it is:
Man is the only animals on earth that know we are going to die we just dont know when. We also need an answer to everything so we made God the "creater of life". And we also want a place to go when we die insted of darkness and sleeping for internity so we created heave and hell. Now our ancesters were hoping to create heaven that their childrens, children ect will grow up to be good people and get ride of all hate and also to add on the goodness part they added hell in the mix to scare us to be good or we get burned for all interinty. This makes alot of sence if you are not highly religious.
The bible was created my many people though out the years and the earlyest of the books of christ was the book of morman by one man i dont remeber his name because it is not importaint to me. Not only the fact the on one god controly everything that goes on other people like muhamid took this to the next level and created a differ path to "gods will" and also many things like Iovas (jahovas), chirstians, cathlic, and many more all run from the same real thing that the first religion grew old to people and was lost forever and the way we want it know has risin.
Our ancesters are looking down on what they created as hell they dont like what has become of what they created. the reason i know this because i know i would be pissed too.
Though out one thing that we needed to answer as man has lead to what we think is killing man.
God is man made he is a figment of our imagination that has grown to strong for any one to stop. It will live on for ever and as long as it does their will be killing to protect gods will and god himself
Originally posted by curiousity
I do wish you'd allowed the Philosopher to answer for himself, queenie, for then he would have had to read the Bible to find an incidence, and make of himself an honest man for having said that he has "read the Bible".
He and I were not talking about if sins and blasphemies can be forgiven or not, and of course I know that they can, with the caveat you mentioned in your post.
The whole point of my communication with Philosopher is/was that most of what he says concerning the bible and God are not true.
The same with the other "philosophers" I've read or read about, Friedrich Nietszche, for one. For those who follow their "foolosophies" death can catch them unaware and then hell will be their reward.
I really am in hopes that you are not saying, or intimating really, that I've sinned by saying that suicides are by definition man killers, or that philosophers are responsible for occupancies in hell? Both statements are factual and for which are you throwing the hint/stone?
You know perfectly well that that "sheep" is not the lost sheep Jesus spoke of, nor is he hardly a sheep! You know that the "sheep" God speaks of are the "sheep of His hand", His PEOPLE, not his fallen angel, Lucifer, satan, enemy of souls. Jesus died because of that enemy's workings in the world and in people, not for the devil himself.
Tell me how the world benefited by the devil's deception, queenie! Good grief, why do you take these off-side stands?
Was it because we got to die? Be separated from the relationship Adam and Eve had with God for so brief a time? See ourselves grow old, crippled, lame, blind? Is that the benefit you speak of? Watch our families be decimated by the devil's cheap imitations of pain-relief, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, doctors?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But would you rather live in a cave with a headful of lice?
Or how about all the accidents you spoke of, on equipment God allowed men to have the material to make? Are they benefits?
How about starving, war-stunned babies? Evil is in the world. And woe to us! Just as the Bible says.
But God has given men the power to become sons of God, to do the works that Jesus did in his human form, and even greater, the power to choose the good and eschew the evil, to worship Him and Him alone, and to rely on His goodness, grace and mercy for our every need.
The Sons of God will be manifested, and they will be God-filled men, not angels.
The devil will go to his place of everlasting torment, and I, for one, hope the Lord will allow me to see him suffer for all the horrible things he has loosed on mankind.
Originally posted by Osbert
A frase by Curiosity
"How about starving, war-stunned babies? Evil is in the world. And woe to us! Just as the Bible says."
I would like to ask you this about Evil since it does obviousley exists:
1) Does God not realise it is there (Not Omniscient)
2)Does God know it is there but can't do nothing about it (Not Omnipotent)
3) God knoes it is there but will not do anything about it ( Malevolent?)
What does your Bible answer to the questions ?
Originally posted by curiousity
You are consistent in "misinterpreting" my statements, answering in such a way that to refute what you answer would require quoting huge amounts from previous posts, thereby making the points near impossible to ascertain.
Quite clever, actually, subtil, you might say.
In any event, it has grown tiresome to continue to untwist what you answer enough to make the posts you quote from straight again.
But then that is not what this forum is all about, is it?
Originally posted by yeahright
Question for the crowd...
Or more specifically, for believers in God-
The notion of "free will" is a very complex one. And I'm not sure we all agree on exactly what that means. Is "free choice" the same thing as "free will"? Wait, that's not the question yet.
If you believe in God and God's will, then how can people have free will? Wouldn't the existence of free will for people mean that a person's free will could supercede the will of God? If it couldn't then it isn't free. Is it?
Originally posted by queenannie38
Originally posted by The Parasite
why not??? i dont undersand ur question
Why don't you like the 'fact that GOD creats us then kills us and its all a test'?
Originally posted by BaastetNoir
Obviously despite God's will you still chose to come here, therefore you ahve free will.
Originally posted by yeahright
Originally posted by BaastetNoir
Obviously despite God's will you still chose to come here, therefore you ahve free will.
So you think my being here on ATS is contrary to God's will? That's very interesting, indeed. Or have I misunderstood? Or was that a li'l sarcasm? Hey, I'm prone to sarcasm myself, so I'm just asking.
Originally posted by Osbert
Curiosity, (I hope you do not own a cat)
If all you have to answer is a loud FREE WILL, I must say that I find it very poor, we do not have free will.
It seems we have been created with a strong will to live,a strong will to possess and a strong will to reproduce. The will to be good is a fair way down.
But these are instincts, not free will:If I had free will I would chose to "be" various things, maybe a bird, an elephant, a crocodile, I would be goodness and I would be evil, and at the end of my "being" trip I would be able to make a discerned choice.
Free will is priestly invention to make you feel guilty.
Originally posted by BaastetNoir
No i simply was saying, that despite whatever God's will could be or not, you choose to get up in the morning, turn on the computer and ome to ATS...God didn't make you do it.
Originally posted by curiousity
Originally posted by queenannie38
Philosophers are probably responsible for more occupancies in hell than even wars.
Making comments like that--it's a good thing that all sins and blasphemies are forgiven!
I do wish you'd allowed the Philosopher to answer for himself, queenie, for then he would have had to read the Bible to find an incidence, and make of himself an honest man for having said that he has "read the Bible".
He and I were not talking about if sins and blasphemies can be forgiven or not, and of course I know that they can, with the caveat you mentioned in your post.
The whole point of my communication with Philosopher is/was that most of what he says concerning the bible and God are not true.
The same with the other "philosophers" I've read or read about, Friedrich Nietszche, for one. For those who follow their "foolosophies" death can catch them unaware and then hell will be their reward.
I really am in hopes that you are not saying, or intimating really, that I've sinned by saying that suicides are by definition man killers, or that philosophers are responsible for occupancies in hell? Both statements are factual and for which are you throwing the hint/stone?
Originally posted by yeahright
Well, that's a loaded statement, but let me focus on one part of it. If you're the co-pilot and God's the pilot, and your will cannot supercede God's will, then don't you have a "restricted" or "limited" free will?
And since the definition of "free" is "without limit, restriction, or restraint", I would maintain that either God's will is paramount, or we have free will. I don't see how it can be both. Either God has a will and a plan and a purpose, or not.
I certainly respect anyone's viewpoint, and deism works for some, but I fail to comprehend how anyone with a belief in a God with a will can believe people have free will.
Hey, I'm willing to entertain that it's my shortcoming. I'm just trying to get a grasp.