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America This is How Your Meat is Made…

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posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 06:19 PM
Here is an extremely disturbing video…
It shows: The (apparently) legal methods used in America to industrially slaughter animals in order to provide the public with cheap meat.
Amongst other things the video shows animals facing throat slitting machines on conveyer belts, animals frozen to the sides of slaughter house trucks, and half stunned pigs being boiled alive.
One thing I learnt is that battery hens are often starved 14 days before death in order to provide one last batch of cheap eggs.

Personal Notes…
1. Animal research may always move to countries like China where there is no animal welfare (or protest).
2. A successful government ban of animal experimentation could only result in two things…
a. Refusing the public a drug invented abroad after the legislation
b. Or denying the drugs companies their revenue for their research
c. Alienating large numbers of would-be supporters from supporting more basic and pressing issues (like food production).
3. It would seem many Neo-Cons have finally twigged that many people who care about animal welfare, also care about Iraq, just as they may care about say Africa. They are compassionate people; and it is their compassion that causes them to become a “problem”.
4. Many people who are arrested are often linked with animal activism. The media doesn’t always say what that activism is; but it does seem that such links may make their arrest more publicly acceptable.
5. You will make a direct financial difference to animal cruelty by boycotting cruel food production. Personally denying all the money (you would otherwise have spent in your lifetime) on consuming cruel foods should encourage better standards and is probably one of the few (effective) ways you actually have. Otherwise you could deny yourself drugs or treatments, which circumstances may one day demand you use in order to save your life (and doing that can’t be very Darwinian!).
6. If reincarnation exists (as there is some strong real life evidence for) I wonder how many times the average consuming person will have to be reincarnated as an animal of order to fill the cruelty vacancy left by those animals lives? Most people consume quite a few animals so maybe that’s one or two decades per person of living as animal who would have otherwise been better of if they had never been born?
7. Unlike what this video demands I only boycott chicken and pork (pigs because their a lot more intelligent that dogs and because biologically they are quite close to human meat). As for other meat I'm usually lucky enough to be able to know where it came from.

Trouble is changing your diet is no easy thing. Maybe certain meats should carry smoker’s style health warnings? Main thing is just to avoid battery chicken meat at all costs. One kilo of its meat must entail a lot more suffering than another one kilo of meat from a much larger animal. And maybe chicken also contains more chemicals?

What do you think about this video emerging from a so called Christian nation?
Some people think Muslims are bad for slitting animals throats; but now I realise that they at least probably get it right (since they have to do it in a defined "Holy way"). Maybe it’s an increasingly common question but why are Americans tolerating this unnecessary ethical madness?

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:42 PM
What I think is that PETA is an activist animal rights group. What they post should sometimes be taken with a grain of salt.

Check on wiki:
and draw your own conclusions.

Also, not really a US Politics topic, so an appropriate move is forthcoming

[edit on 4-6-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 09:17 PM
Thank You Liberal
I have no knowledge of the PETA,haven't been here for a long time. But I have noticed the incredible ignorance displayed towards animals in this country.
The debate upon animal wellfare has improved the lives and deaths of farm animals in nothern Europe. Not enough but the debate is there, people care.

I think it is important to focus on the animals emidiate concerns, and agree with DontTread that part of this post belongs elseware.
We will not gain the attention of politicians by refering to karma.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Liberal1984
Unlike what this video demands I only boycott chicken and pork (pigs because their a lot more intelligent that dogs...)

And why chicken? Certainly not that they're intelligent. I mean, and animal that will drown if it looks up if it's raining certainy isn's smart.

Anyway, you also need to keep in mind that PETA is a terrorist organization. They frequently do things such as "free" animals from testing centers, then light those buildings on fire.

And, I'll leave you with a quote from comedian Jim Gaffigan...

"Now don't get me wrong, I love animals, but I like eatin' 'em more... Fun to pet, better to chew."

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 10:34 PM
An interesting article suggesting that violence is related to excessive meat-eating:

But yes, industrializing animals to produce meat is a mega-crime. I will not eat meat produced in a slaughter-house and have not done so for 15 yrs. When you consider the recent findings on cellular memory with transplanted organs ( Shocking examples of cellular memory ), it makes you wonder what eating all that pure terror day in day out does to you.

If you eat industrialized meat, I say this to you: visit a slaughter-house, if you dare. You are commiting a crime against life itself.

[edit on 4-6-2006 by rizla]

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 11:00 PM
These are from the source you provided, rizla. Really great stuff!

A woman who was terrified of heights until she was given the lungs of a mountain climber. Dottie O'Connor, from Massachusetts, is now a climber.

A seven-year-old girl had nightmares about being killed after being given the heart of a child who had been murdered.

Paul Oldam, a lawyer from Milwaukee, received the heart of a 14-year-old boy and inherited his craving for Snickers.

And a man of 25 received a woman's heart and, to his girlfriend's delight, now wants to go shopping all the time.

That is some excellent evidence you provided for cellular memory. Why don't you just go to the source, or at the very least a scientific article on the topic? That news link provides no scientific claims to back up what is said. All it says is "Here are some of the things this author has said in his new book!" Literally, that is all that it says.

Now, who is to say that it wasn't psychological? It doesn't specify if they people who received these organs knew the circumstances under which they received them.

For example, while not a mountain climber, I am a pilot. I am still afraid of heights. So is my father, who is also a pilot. If someone received my organs, who was previously afraid of heights, while knowing I was pilot, but not that I was afraid of heights, and they suddenly became unfraid of heights it certainly wouldn't be "cellular memory" would it?

The brief you provided certainly does not give all of the specifics and leaves it very open to interpretation. And that goes four all four "examples."

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 01:59 PM
Well; some terrorist organisation with headquarters in the United States!!! Damn terrorists who would have thought of looking in Virginia? Better get the old B52’s back from Afghanistan!!!
Recently I was talking to a woman at work who said to me “all animal activists should be shot”. Do you know why she said that? It’s because some sick freaks have recently been sentenced for digging up an old woman’s corpse out of the ground and dismembering it because her family owned a Ginny Pig farm which sold them on for scientific research.
So because of that, this stupid woman (but no doubt many, many other people just like her) have decided they are against a whole category of compassionate people. It’s kind of frightening because it’s obvious that with a little more tabloid reporting, over a few more (other) issues; could conceivably cause this woman to strive for a society without compassionate people. In which case there goes the need for democracy; after all nobody is going to rebel if there’s no one compassionate enough to put themselves at risk by leading the crowds.

But I can agree with her that those particular animal activists guilty of this crime need shooting. There are several reasons for this…
1. Arrogance: They may be compassionate but who needs people who so easily turn the public against a perfectly legitimate cause?
2. Ego: Where they doing this because they had genuinely thought things out? Or was it because they have a big ego problem?#
3. Stupidity: Why are they spending so much time attacking the stronger argument of animal research, when public food consumption is a far weaker argument for animal cruelty, on a bigger scale, and more easy to argue (i.e. turn people against with a bit thinking and info)?
4. Accomplishment: And finally the crime itself. How could the ends have ever justified the means? What drug(s) must you need to be “testing” on yourself in order to see that?

No doubt PETA like just about any political organisation directed towards emotive issues is (almost by destiny) bound to contain people with all the above characteristics. It’s no blessing, and yeah society and compassionate causes in general would no doubt better of if they were shot (certainly if they end up getting people to dig up someone’s grave).

It was very interesting to hear what Rizla had to say about cellular memory. Because if he is correct then this and reincarnation gives two possible new fronts for not being cruel to animals.
Now this sounds really crazy but have you ever noticed that people who eat a lot of pork can end up looking a bit like pigs? You know chunky cheeks and facial features? It’s my own personal observation which I mostly obtained from looking at what people put in their trolleys at the supermarket I work.
Trouble is I could never figure out how it might work. But maybe with pork being biologically similar to human meat (apparently they actually smell the same), and with cellular memory having a possible footing in reality then maybe its these two factors together that explain why you get it more with pork over other meats say like chicken (heavy chicken eaters just seem to end looking quite fat).

Other Notes…

DontTredOnMe I would be very surprised if they made this video up. Because I don’t know about you but some of those animals seemed pretty real (where there a few plastic pigs at the background; I don’t-I'm not sure). But it would be quite expensive to hire all that shinny machinery in the background. And there are few things more dumb than making animal cruelty up when there is plenty in our manmade world. I'm sure people have done it; but the people who did would have contained my above points in the extreme. I agree with you to be careful about what you read, but when it comes to a video like that I believe it. And the scale would say one of two things to me: ether it’s legal (most probable given what nearly everyone knows people do to battery chickens) or if it’s not legal it’s one of those laws that only exists in the exceptionally low chance you get caught (which in itself is a scandal).

cmdrkeenkid I have no idea what you meant when you said something about chickens drowning when it rains. I have chickens at home and they go somewhere sheltered when it rains. Also they are fairly intelligent I would rate them on the level of a cat (which is still pretty stupid as their greatest thing is to meow when they’re hungry). Even so two of our roosters still remember when I put them in a box for slaughter well over 2 years ago, as they still stay well away from me but not my mum. (They were lucky roosters in the end because a fox or something killed some of the others).
Maybe cmdrkeenkid was talking about battery chickens? Because if you were well then I suppose they never get to really get to use their brain. I know that for the first couple of weeks out a battery farm they behave like androids. That said maybe some battery chickens drowning is better for them, because it puts them out their suffering?

I don’t eat chicken because there’s far more suffering produced for one kilo of chicken meat than there is with other much larger animals. And as I last said last time maybe there’s more things like gender bender chemicals too?
The other reason is that it breaks a formula I hold sacred: I believe battery chickens suffer more in life than they enjoy it. Because of that I cannot justify to myself eating or encouraging their production. If an animal enjoys its life more than it doesn’t (in fact some of our cows are probably better of than if they were in the wild) then I reckon eating them is fine. And I do eat good quality meat (partly because another one of my observations is that many vegetarians seem quite weak). Of course that can’t bet true for all vegetarians, but I reckon it is for many.
Apparently people are meant to eat meat; equally we were not meant by nature (or some grand creator) to eat meat produced through such twisted ways. Therefore I care at least enough to inform others, and campaign for some very simple changes.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 05:35 AM
Yes, you just keep telling yourself animals are stupid and slaughter videos are fake. That way you can go ahead and keep stuffing yourself with bacteria ridden genetically modified meat without a qualm. Even if you get sick with e-coli or salmonella, you'll probably get over it and then can continue clogging your arteries and caking your colon with the meat you lust.

Go ahead , enjoy that juicy burger and don't bother yourself for even a second thinking about the horrible life of cruelty and savage slaughter of the living being murdered for your taste buds!.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 06:11 AM
Seems like we have some Mason Vengers here.

If you're going to eat meat, or any other animal products including using clothing and whatever else, then make it organic and / or wild-caught in sustainable ways.

I have heard that even some organic meat producers send their animals to the same slaughterhouses as the factory-farmed animals, though I don't know how accurate that is. It'd seem to be a completely stupid move if it is true.

And when I say organic I mean proper-organic, not those moves to change what it means to include things like geneticly-modified seeds and so forth.

eat the sheeple, be the sheeple ; you are what you eat it's true.

There's only one real way to kill for food etc properly - one I heard about from poachers stories and one was on a TV show about reindeer herders in Lapland. The former was about people that take a boat out or lie by the side of the river, and basicly vector the fish in in some telepathic way (ie - they don't use nets or lines). If you know about traditional hunting then all tribal people will explain that they have to ask spirits that govern the animals for what they can get, I think it is telepathic in that way. The latter was similar, basicly the herders inside their minds call over one of the herd, and the reindeer walked right over and waited to be killed, which was done instantly and cleanly. There was hardly any blood at all. Any other way is stealing - you haven't learned or earned the right to be eating meat until you can do that. I believe that is the root of humanitys problems.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Liberal1984
Well; some terrorist organisation with headquarters in the United States!!! Damn terrorists who would have thought of looking in Virginia?...

Yeah, and it certainly has nothing that PETA has supported people who commit crimes in the name of PETA financially or through publicity.

Also, did you not hear about PETA's holocaust/cattle juxtaposition ads? Certainly those were a form of terror - afterall, a terrorist uses fear with the "intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons." (Source

It’s my own personal observation which I mostly obtained from looking at what people put in their trolleys at the supermarket I work.

Ah, more credible research presented by you! How do you know that they're going to eat the pork? Maybe they're having family over and they themselves will not actually eat it. I eat a lot of chicken, does that mean that the feathers in my bed are a sign I'm molting, or just that one of my pillows burst again? Can you come please diagnoze me?

The other reason is that it breaks a formula I hold sacred: I believe battery chickens suffer more in life than they enjoy it.

So chickens can feel emotions now? Do you have some more "credible" and "scientific" research to back that one up?

If an animal enjoys its life more than it doesn’t (in fact some of our cows are probably better of than if they were in the wild) then I reckon eating them is fine.

So what if chickens were happy to be mankind's dinner? You would be totalloy okay with that? You alluded to the fact you eat beef (when you said you boycott chicken and pork products), so how do you know that cows are happy to be slaughtered for their meat?

And yes, animals today that are raised on farms are entirely incapable of survival on their own in the wild. If you were to free chickens, cows, pigs, and other livestock, it will surly die. They lack the neccessary skills for survival in the wild.

Apparently people are meant to eat meat; equally we were not meant by nature (or some grand creator) to eat meat produced through such twisted ways. Therefore I care at least enough to inform others, and campaign for some very simple changes.

Yes, the fact that we have canine teeth is a very good sign we were meant to eat meat. Also, a lot of very specific proteins and amino acids that are neccessary for a healthy life can only be found through eating meats. We are also meant to eat vegetables though, which can be pointed out because we have molars, which aid in the digestion of vegetables.

Though, what do you mean that we are not supposed to eat meat "produced through such twisted ways" because of "nature" or "some grand creator?" You really have me at a loss of that one as well.

Originally posted by dollmonster
Even if you get sick with e-coli or salmonella, you'll probably get over it...

That's why you cook the meat thoroughly and keep the food area very sanitary. I clean my kicthen four days of the week. So far so good.

Go ahead , enjoy that juicy burger...

Will do! Thanks!

Originally posted by ed 209
There's only one real way to kill for food etc properly - one I heard about from poachers stories and one was on a TV show about reindeer herders in Lapland. The former was about people that take a boat out or lie by the side of the river, and basicly vector the fish in in some telepathic way (ie - they don't use nets or lines). If you know about traditional hunting then all tribal people will explain that they have to ask spirits that govern the animals for what they can get, I think it is telepathic in that way.

Herding? Telepathic?

I'll use the example of a herd of sheep and a herddog. The sheep are somewhat afraid of the herddog, so they run away from it. If the herddog is on the left of the sheep, the sheep will want to go right to get away from it. The converse is true if the herddog is on the right.

Fish are the same way. They go away from what they don't know. If you live near a river, you can try this. Go stand in the shallow water, maybe ankle deep. If there are any minnows, you entering the water will have probabaly scared them away. Now stand there, keeping your feet stationary for a bit. If there are minnows, they will come back and swim around your feet. Move one of your feet and they'll scatter.

Now try this with a couple of other people and make a semicircle towards the shore. You can all spook the minnows, and the majority of the ones that were in the semicircle will go and beech themselves.

Does that mean you just used telepathy to move the fish?

The latter was similar, basicly the herders inside their minds call over one of the herd, and the reindeer walked right over and waited to be killed, which was done instantly and cleanly. There was hardly any blood at all.

More telepathy, eh? Certainly it wasn't that they just waited for one to be off on its own, or somehow lured it over with scents or noises...

And bull fighters are able to kill the bulls instantly and cleanly, with very little blood. How? They know percisely where to strike on the animal that will allow that to happen.

[edit on 6/12/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by dollmonster
Yes, you just keep telling yourself animals are stupid and slaughter videos are fake.

In fact, I don't see anywhere in this thread so far where anyone makes those claims... Where did you get this information? You didn't just make that up for dramatic effect, did you?

I love animals, I prefer their company over people's most of the time and I think many are actually smarter than most people.

Go ahead , enjoy that juicy burger and don't bother yourself for even a second thinking about the horrible life of cruelty and savage slaughter of the living being murdered

Living beings... Hmmm, plants are living beings, are they not? You draw the line between plants and animals. And anyone who doesn't draw the same line is deserving of your contempt. How very... lovely. You're sure to draw in many converts with that attitude.

You seem to think that everyone, knowing how animals are kept and slaughtered, would naturally make the same choices that you do. This is not true. We know how animals are kept and slaughtered. We manage to reconcile ourselves with it. Don't blame us because you cannot.

for your taste buds!.

While I do like the taste of meat, the reason I eat it is that my whole body is healthier. And like most other people, I keep my kitchen sanitary and I cook my meat thoroughly and have never gotten sick from it in nearly 50 years...

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 06:19 PM
petas not what its cracked up to be

there n episode on peta but penn an tellers:bullsh!t

its got some good info. on what peta doesnt tell you.

im trying to host it from google right now but u can easily limewire or torrent it

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 06:28 PM

cmdrkeenkid I have no idea what you meant when you said something about chickens drowning when it rains. I have chickens at home and they go somewhere sheltered when it rains. Also they are fairly intelligent I would rate them on the level of a cat (which is still pretty stupid as their greatest thing is to meow when they’re hungry).

Chickens are about the dumbest creatures on earth. And I'm talking about regular farm raised chickens, not "battery chickens" or whatever.

We used to hypnotize chickens when I was a kid. It's easy - draw a line in the dirt about 6 inches long. Then grab the chicken with your thumbs on the back of his head, point it's beak at the line, and trace the line from left to right about three, four times.

Then let the chicken go, and the stupid thing will stand there and stare at the line in the dirt.

Works every time. Try it, you don't believe me.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 10:18 PM
I just posted the Penn an teller peta file in a thread

theres the link

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 10:57 PM
quote][I]Originally posted by comprehended[/I]
Also, did you not hear about PETA's holocaust/cattle juxtaposition ads? Certainly those were a form of terror -

PETA's shocking imagery isn't used to coerce but rather to provoke compassion.
But since when is education terrorism?The campaigned you indicated simply compared animal suffering in factory farms to human suffering in concentration camps. No one's comparing humans with animals, only the application of suffering . It was a holocaust survive who first made this comparison in her book.

Originally posted by comprehended[/
"So chickens can feel emotions now? Do you have some more "credible" and "scientific" research to back that one up?"

As a matter of fact, recent scientific study has revealed just how smart chickens really are.

And yes, animals today that are raised on farms are entirely incapable of survival on their own in the wild.

Do you actually believe that farm animal domestication isn't historically recent since their evolution. Did it ever occur to you that in time they could revert back to the wild. But what's wrong with people just enjoying them as they are? Didn't God intend for all his creatures to experience the natural life they were created for.

"Yes, the fact that we have canine teeth is a very good sign we were meant to eat meat"

Actually you're completely wrong.

Originally posted by dollmonster
Even if you get sick with e-coli or salmonella, you'll probably get over it...

That's why you cook the meat thoroughly and keep the food area very sanitary. I clean my kitchen four days of the week. So far so good.

You could scrub your kitchen 24/7 and it still wouldn't make the slight bit of difference if the meats infected. Cooking can kill some of the bacteria, but rendering meat completely safe depends on how much it's infected.

quote: Originally posted by dollmonster
Yes, you just keep telling yourself animals are stupid and slaughter videos are fake.

quote"Benevolent Heretic"
In fact, I don't see anywhere in this thread so far where anyone makes those claims... Where did you get this information? You didn't just make that up for dramatic effect, did you?

You're absolutely right. I misinterpreted some remarks about the slaughter videos. Although several remarks about the stupidity of animals were indeed made.

quote: dollmonster
Go ahead , enjoy that juicy burger and don't bother yourself for even a second thinking about the horrible life of cruelty and savage slaughter of the living being murdered

Living beings... Hmmm, plants are living beings, are they not? You draw the line between plants and animals. And anyone who doesn't draw the same line is deserving of your contempt

Everything that exists is alive, rocks even the earth itself. They have much slower vibrational frequencies then what we generally acknowledge as alive, so we don't perceive it.

Actually I'm somewhat clairsentient and really do feel the vibrations put out by some mature trees. If this apply to smaller plant life as well, I would starve.

My contempt isn't for those who chose to eat meat, but rather for those who act as if animals exist solely for our exploitation and don't grasp, that they too deserve a decent life, even if it does eventually end in slaughter.

You might be surprised to learn that I have influenced quite a few people by my example of compassion. But then again these people come to me and don't go out of their way to provoke me or I them, unlike here where people with totally opposing view points are thrown together. Yes, I do strike back when I feel threatened. Sorry.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 11:05 PM
Don't believe everything PETA shows. PETA tends to show the "worst of" videos and say thats how it all happens. PETA has also been rumored to actually fake their own videos.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 11:17 PM

a good video to look at would be this, it has lots of info about peta, how they "endorse"
terrorism, one of the most avid member has went to jail for firebombing many animal testing facilties. an they send him to school to talk to kids. one click actually shows him telling the students how he made the bomb.

also how there president is a hypocrite, she had some ailment that she needed a protect derived from animal testing, but she claim it was nessasary,lol

download the video an watch for yourself its about 30 minutes long, im working on getting it on google video for those who dont like to download

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 11:34 PM
I'll be the first to admit PETA does some really stupid (and illegal) things to get their message across, but that doesn't mean the message itself is necessarily wrong or bad. I'd be willing to bet most of us vegetarians and vegans are very peaceful and mind their own business when it comes to our lifestyle of choice.

I'm 23 and I've been a vegetarian since I was 14. No meat, no eggs, no gelatin, no clothing made from animals. I think it's a huge misconception that you can't be healthy if you don't eat meat. My grandmothers bring this up every family dinner we have ("You're grandfather ate red meat every day and he lived to be 96!" bla bla bla). Here's the truth: I'm perfectly healthy, not iron deficient, higher than average protein count, and I do it all living on a budget. The "fake" leather shoes are also suprisingly cheaper and not difficult to find.

I'm not trying to push anyone into doing what I do. I don't even know any other vegetarians. I just don't want everyone here to think we are all psychopaths with an agenda. Most of us are healthy, normal people with different values. And we like those values.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 11:53 PM
you forgot to mention vegans usually need a regiment of dietary supplement. I use to know a girl back in highschool that wasa vegan. no meat means you need vitamins so replace the minerals or whatever that you can only get from meat.

PS. i tried going vegan for a week for that girl...i failed,i cant live without a steak every once in a while

[edit on 12-6-2006 by DalairTheGreat]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 12:13 AM
I don't beleive most claims PETA makes. I went through thier website and read a bunch of articles for several hours one day, I found all sorts of claims that were false and blown out of proportion.

And any organization that would stoop so low as inflicting psychological damage to children by doing things like this:

Is certainly not a trustworthy organization.

I beleive they probably stage those videos just to try to get thier way, growing up in the midwest as a farm kid, I can assure you that I've never seen anything like that happen on any feedlots or ranches that I've seen. PETA is a dark group that values the life of any animal over the life of a human.

Don't get me wrong, I love animals. I beleive in animal welfare, though, not animals rights. I don't beleive animals should be abused, but I do beleive in using animals for food and clothing.

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