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Bunker drill for the US gov

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posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 03:28 PM
Did you see that? They are going to hide in secret locations.

On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified emergency facilities stretching from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to the foothills of the Alleghenies.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 03:49 PM

They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest "continuity of government" exercise ever conducted, a drill intended to prepare the U.S. government for an event even more catastrophic than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

So, are they just conducting a drill or do they know of some possible attack that we don't ?

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 03:55 PM

So, are they just conducting a drill or do they know of some possible attack that we don't ?

Could be both.

Great article BTW, scathing even. I particularly liked this bit, from the OP's link.

Moreover, since 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, the definition of what constitutes an "essential" government function has been expanded so ridiculously beyond core national security functions -- do we really need patent and trademark processing in the middle of a nuclear holocaust? -- that the term has become meaningless. The intent of the government effort may be laudable, even necessary, but a hyper-centralized approach based on the Cold War model of evacuations and bunkering makes it practically worthless.

That the continuity program is so poorly conceived, and poorly run, should come as no surprise. That's because the same Federal Emergency Management Agency that failed New Orleans after Katrina, an agency that a Senate investigating committee has pronounced "in shambles and beyond repair," is in charge of this enormous effort to plan for the U.S. government's survival.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:13 PM
Seems like a prudent step to practice preserving the structure of the most powerful government on the planet. Finding out you can't preserve the key people you need after an attack or disaster will only compound an already bad situation.

They would be ridiculed after the fact if they didn't plan ahead.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 06:29 AM
I wouldn.t call a patent/trademark clerk particulary essential to the running of a post apocaltyptic government..

unless the plan to nuke toys,r,us tommorow and steal all their new christmas power rangers and repatent them under secret government identities. imagine the profits to be had...unlimited wealth. BWA..hahahahah

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 06:33 AM
As i said in another thread, this is to control the masses. These people are being controlled also.
Just think what people will think? Wow- we must be obedient. If government employees are, then we have to be. Its called MIND CONTROL. Millions of Manchurian Candidates.....
Yep. Another exercise.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

Moreover, since 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, the definition of what constitutes an "essential" government function has been expanded so ridiculously beyond core national security functions -- do we really need patent and trademark processing in the middle of a nuclear holocaust? --

Your patents are all belong to us!

Seriously, though, I remember the drills I went through in the 60s when we thought Florida was going to be attacked by Cuba. It could be what they say it is. Then again, I don’t trust any of the beltway bandits.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 08:15 AM
Man, can you imagine trying to rebuild after a nuclear holocaust and getting sued for patent infringement. Talk about the icing on the cake.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 08:34 AM
it could be claimed , that saving the patent database would be a good idea -- in that it would save quite a bit of " re inventing the wheel " - later

yes -- i realise thats strange and morbid thinking -- but thats they way miliray contingency planniers think

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:21 AM
The afternoon of 9/11 some of my co-workers reported a traffic jam of black SUV's
heading onto route 601 above Bluemont towards Mt. Weather

This already told me that in the event of any serious attack, we would be left to fend for ourselves.

FEMA's massive failure after Katrina should be a loud wake up call to everyone.

Civilians DO NOT MATTER to these people.

The only thing that matters is continuation of corruption and secrecy.

The high and mighty will cower in the caves while We The People are left in chaos.

They will have water, food and shelter and turn away anyone else in need.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Seems like a prudent step .... They would be ridiculed after
the fact if they didn't plan ahead.

You have voted anxietydisorder for the Way Above Top Secret award.
You have two more votes this month.

Exactly. As you said ... even children have fire drills in school.
Having drills and practicing what to do in emergencies is essential
for everyone and I would certainly hope that our government would
be doing it. They SHOULD be and I'm glad they are.
they actually got something right .... kudos to them!

EVERYONE should have practiced and planned what to do in an
emergency. As fallenfromthetree said ... when 'it' happens the
government won't be there to save everyone. You have to help
yourselves and be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Prepare and practice now .... be it a tsunami, earthquake, comet strike,
terrorist hit, or whatever .... you should have provisions and know what
to do. Self responsibility!

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:56 AM
I've thought about things I need to do in such an event and honestly, I'm not at all prepared
for any extended situation.

I've thought about installing a hand pump on our well and setting aside extra provisions, but
never seem to get rolling on it.

We have to prepare for the eventuality of NO POWER, NO COMMUNICATIONS, NO FUEL, NO WATER, NO FOOD and in many cases NO SHELTER and total gridlock on any exit routes.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 11:12 AM
From the OP link:

That's because the same Federal Emergency Management Agency that failed New Orleans after Katrina, an agency that a Senate investigating committee has pronounced "in shambles and beyond repair," is in charge of this enormous effort to plan for the U.S. government's survival.

Let's look at the bright side, shall we? FEMA is certain to fail miserably at keeping the core government alive in the event of a real National Disaster.

People, we are on our own.


posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

The afternoon of 9/11 some of my co-workers reported a traffic jam of black SUV's
heading onto route 601 above Bluemont towards Mt. Weather

This already told me that in the event of any serious attack, we would be left to fend for ourselves.

Talk of the devil...

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the U.S. government implemented emergency plans that until then had been envisioned for use only in the event of an all-out nuclear war.

Apparently the plans went well, they did for the officials anyway.....

While there are still regular emergency evacuation drills for designated senior officials, and although the White House Communications Agency and FEMA still track the location of each duly designated presidential successor, there were almost certainly a few problems locating everyone and getting all the equipment and communications links up and running.

While the CoG plans evidently worked well, the mass evacuations of all federal government buildings and many private office buildings in New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and elsewhere created massive traffic jams, bringing traffic in some areas to a standstill for hours. This demonstrated once and for all the utter unreality and futility of civil defense plans devised by government officials, who from the 1950s through the 1980s promoted orderly citywide evacuations to the countryside as the best means of defense against a nuclear attack.

Quite a good read for those interested in how the evactuation process went after the 9/11 attacks. However bringing surrounding roads to a standstill when you also want to evacuate the civillian population is'nt such a good thing if you ask me.

Lets hope this next test gets better results and that they fix any hiccups sooner rather than later. Over here in the UK we've just had a report saying how bad the emergency responses and communications were during the 7/7 attacks, yet it is also said that London is no more ready now than they were on that terrible morning back in July. All this was said after the Kings Cross disaster years before, but was anything done? Of course not. When will we learn? When will our government be bothered about it?

God forbid London ever has to experience anything on a scale of what New York did on 9/11, by the looks of it we'd be right up a certain creek without a paddle!


posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 01:27 PM
FallenFromTheTrees and FlyersFan make a very important point: people need to prepare themselves and their families. We all spend time here reading about potential disaster after potential disaster but who is doing anything about it? It's vitally important. Chances are you'll never need the preparation but if you do you are truly screwed. Even simple things like important papers, finding family, needed prescriptions. Make a plan and write it all out so under the stress of a crisis you won't overlook anything. Here's a link to get you started:

Survival Links

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 05:01 PM
I say we follow them to their hide out. That way when the icky stuff hits the fan, we can give 'em the boot. After all, they would be the reason we got hit in the first place.....right???

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 06:35 PM

But fear not: Each organization's COOP, or continuity of operations plan, details the best routes to the emergency locations. The plans even spell out what evacuees should take with them (recommended items: a combination lock, a flashlight, two towels and a small box of washing powder).

Huh? Does this make sense to anyone? Personally, I'm stumped.

[edit on 6/6/2006 by Relentless]

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 07:35 PM
I don't like it, and BTW, I just wanted to thank steve quayle for posting it on his front page today to remind everyone about this "largest drill" ever to save the Gov. And also, when is that bomb(s)? suppose to go off outside of Vegas??? That's coming up here soon too.....might even be scheduled around the same darn-time. I'll have to go check that out.......... I know they bumped it back some, but isn't that in June too??

[edit on 6-6-2006 by jensouth31]

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 07:47 PM
I think we should all dress up as zombies and wait outside of the bunkers.
Then, when they come out...


[edit on 6-6-2006 by Xenophobe]

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Xenophobe
I think we should all dress up as zombies and wait outside of the bunkers.
Then, when they come out...


[edit on 6-6-2006 by Xenophobe]

LoL...That would be great. Imagine the look on their faces. But you would have to get the media in on it cause I bet they have T.V.'s where ever they are.

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