posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 02:45 PM
The Word of God is the original Soul. Adam was created in this Word, in the likeness and shape of God. And God breathed into his nostrils (gave him a
spirit) and he became a living soul.
According to ancient Hebrew beliefs, the soul is connected to speech and language. The ability to speek, read and write. Hence God hears every thought
and judge every soul for it's transgressions and rewards every soul for it's good deeds. You can liken the Judgement with a set of scales, where you
good and bad deeds will be weighed and you are either judged good or wicked from your faith and deeds. The fruit of the Tree of Wisdom, may have been
the skills to read and write. Satan has his throne in Pergamon. It was in Pergamon they invented parchment when the Egyptians regulated the export of
papyrus. The water source in Pergamon served was lukewarm, hence the referance in Revelation about how God will spit them out if they don't repent,
becaus they were neither warm nor cold, but lukewarm.
Edit: Traditionally angels have no soul, for they are living spirits, not living souls, created from fire, not dust or clay. They don't think for
themselves, but work to guide Man through the plan of God, they are servants of Him who holds the Word, the pre-Creational Soul, and the Word itself.
Edit 2: In other words, the soul is our free will. We are like God and see the difference between good and evil, and judgebetween it. We have a free
will to either follow the path of Light or the Path of Darkness. We are in control of our own destinies.
Edit 3: The temple of Pergamon was a combined Zeus (sky god/Satan) and Asklepios (god of medicine and healing holding a serpend entwined staff).
[Edited on 23-10-2003 by mikromarius]
[Edited on 23-10-2003 by mikromarius]
[Edited on 23-10-2003 by mikromarius]