posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_Crowley
Fuel doesn't explode after the initial blasts.
No, but an intense heat in a confined space with the right secondary fuel materials can. And, I'm sorry, but that's a fact. These "squibs" are
in areas of the highest temperatures with lots of secondary fuel sources. I want to make sure you understand that I'm not trying to dismiss squibs
as possible evidence of internal explosive devices...that's not my intent. But I will remain logical.
Squibs caught on video below the impact point present several possibilities:
1. Planted internal explosive devices,
2. Secondary-fuel explosions due to resultant fires of impact,
3. Ejecta due to collapse of building.
That's why I state "they are not definitive". We can't look at a squib and say - that means "THIS" (fill in the blank). It absolutely is not
definitive of anything. And at the same time, we CANNOT DISMISS IT as evidence of the possibility of any of the above three.
But when you talk about squibs at or above the impact zone...they become a bit more useless in arguments about internal charges. (Please do not read
that as they become dismissable.) Because the odds that a secondary explosion due to the resultant fires of the initial impact become FAR greater.
And thus the comments I made in my initial response to this post.