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6 Year Old Special Needs Student Charged with Felony Battery

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posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 09:38 PM
Another one of these stories! Yay! Doesn't it just warm your heart to know that at least once a week the state is dropping its hobnailed boot-o-justice on the head of some child or another?

This time it's a six year old kid in Florida. Does she count as 'left behind' if she gets snapped up by the corrections system?

Now for the particulars...

According to an arrest report, on May 2, a teacher was trying to line up students to go to music class. Takovia refused to go and kicked the teacher's aide in the ankle.

After a discussion among school officials and two law enforcement officials called to the school, the girl was arrested.

Takovia was taken to juvenile jail and held there for several hours before being released to her mother.

These stories fascinate me, because it wasn't so long ago that I was in school myself. Everything was different, just a decade ago. Two decades ago, I was six years old myself - and situations of this sort (commonplace today) were practically unthinkable. Now, a spitball can be construed as a terrorist attack, holding cells have taken the place of lunch room detention, and kids are treated no differently than adults (if some cases quite a lot harsher).

This is ludicrous, isn't it?

Nare but for the grace of God go we could be you in that holding cell, terrified, waiting for your mother - it could be your child...

That's honestly what stumps me the most, is how parents aren't getting locked up themselves, for beating these police and school administrators senseless. Aren't parents usually really protective of their kids? Why then, are they going along with this nonsense? Are people so terrified of the power of the state, that they've lost any will to resist?

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:09 PM
I say bring back Capital Punishment with a bamboo pole for High School and downgrading to a switch for middle school and a ping pong paddle or a ruler for grade school. "Time Out in the corner" will only be available to those in Kindergarden.


They could set up special "Time Out" cells within the school itself. Complete sensory deprivation could work wonders in today's overstimulated youth. Maybe the only stimulation will be an bullet proof encased television piping in pure hypnotic suggestions to make them willing little drones of the state.

Which would you prefer? I prefer the "Keeping them in line through fear" method myself...

[edit on 1-6-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000
I say bring back Capital Punishment with a bamboo pole for High School and downgrading to a switch for middle school and a ping pong paddle or a ruler for grade school. "Time Out in the corner" will only be available to those in Kindergarden.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by sardion2000]

I think you mean "Corperal punishment" not Capital punishment.

Beating a high school student to death with a bamboo pole seems just a tad harsh.
But I guess, let the punishment fit the crime.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:23 PM
I wholeheartedly agree - catch the behavior when they are young.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:24 PM

I say bring back Capital Punishment with a bamboo pole for High School and downgrading to a switch for middle school and a ping pong paddle or a ruler for grade school. "Time Out in the corner" will only be available to those in Kindergarden.


They could set up special "Time Out" cells within the school itself. Complete sensory deprivation could work wonders in today's overstimulated youth. Maybe the only stimulation will be an bullet proof encased television piping in pure hypnotic suggestions to make them willing little drones of the state.

Which would you prefer? I prefer the "Keeping them in line through fear" method myself...

yeah. 'cause we all know those little slow minded 'tard brats need a good beating. that'll keep 'em in line. did you guys even read the link? cuz if you did you'd know that the girl:

suffers from behavioral problems and attends a special class at Lely Elementary in Naples.

and the best solution you can come up with is a ping pong paddle?
have you ever dealt with a special needs kid sardion? i have.
and the "solution" you offered is one of the worse there is.
now i agree that the girl needs counseling. but to charge a 6 year old special needs girl is just overreactive and downright ludicrous.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:30 PM
I slapped my mother and ended up serving 3 months in "the hole" for "aggravated assault" - a rubber room with no bathroom facilities, no blanket, no books and no human contact. For three months in the county jail.

I'm have schizoaffective disorder and my meds weren't working anymore when the event between my mother and I occured.

Trust me - it was a MASSIVE TIME OUT, and I had plenty of time to think.

Million to one this "tough love" approach shocked the girl into realizing the effects of her actions. It can be notoriously difficult to get through to some kids.

If the jail time didn't work for her and help curb her behaviour - then there's a good chance she'll grow up with even more serious offenses in her future.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:37 PM
I was only being half-serious. High School kids need a good whacking every once in a while though... especially the 17 years olds... what is it about that age...

Oh and another thing, I meant Capitol Punishment, not Corporeal Punishment.
When the other kids see that the sentance is death, then they will never get out of line.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by GENERAL EYES
I slapped my mother and ended up serving 3 months in "the hole" for "aggravated assault" - a rubber room with no bathroom facilities, no blanket, no books and no human contact. For three months in the county jail.

I'm have schizoaffective disorder and my meds weren't working anymore when the event between my mother and I occured.

Trust me - it was a MASSIVE TIME OUT, and I had plenty of time to think.

Million to one this "tough love" approach shocked the girl into realizing the effects of her actions. It can be notoriously difficult to get through to some kids.

If the jail time didn't work for her and help curb her behaviour - then there's a good chance she'll grow up with even more serious offenses in her future.

wow! you spent 3 months in jail by the time you were 6!?! did they give you tons of homework to add to your punshiment? what about recess? did they have a 'my first kiddy cell' for you? ahd what about bathtime?
...sorry that i doubt you GE, but a six year old schizophrenic spending 3 months in jail because his medication became ineffective just sounds...farfetched to me. if anything it sounds like child abuse...

yea the girl has behavorial problems, but you have to factor in both the disibility and the age for this one. IMO when you do, punishing the girl like that is just extreme for no reason. since when do we start karting 6 year olds off to jail for being 'naughty'?
sit her down explain that what she did was wrong and then punish the girl within reason, and if behavioral outbursts continue, then consider harsher forms of punishment. but to throw a mentally challenged 6yr old kid in the juvie slammer..what was she wearing steel-toed boots? cuz i just don't see logic...

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000
Oh and another thing, I meant Capitol Punishment, not Corporeal Punishment.
When the other kids see that the sentance is death, then they will never get out of line.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 12:41 PM
I'm sorry, but I'm cracking up reading this thread!

Seriously, though. I agree with you, WyrdeOne. This is either happening more and more or it's getting reported more often. I tend to believe the former. Either way, it's a tragedy. I believe the mood of the country is contributing to the increase in these types of events.

Seems like the school is dealing directly with the law instead of the parents. I wonder if there's a conscious effort, perhaps hidden from the parents, to do just that... The educational system doesn't think the parents are doing enough, so they establish a 'program' by which the parental involvement is skipped in favor of going right to law enforcement.

Maybe that's what we're seeing?

You couldn't pay me to have my kids in public school. I'd die first.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 12:57 PM
Lets not bash public school. I my experience in public school was harsh, full of racism and prejudice, violent, and left me close to the brink of insanity on more than one occasion. I wouldn't trade it for anything however. It taught me how the world really is, and kept me in touch with reality. I'm not in favor of how public schools are run, but I do believe with the right people running them, they can be excellent places to learn.

These cases are tough because it obviously involves people who care nothing for the children, and shouldn't be in the educational system in the first place.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 01:06 PM
"yeah. 'cause we all know those little slow minded 'tard brats need a good beating. that'll keep 'em in line. did you guys even read the link? cuz if you did you'd know that the girl:

quote: suffers from behavioral problems and attends a special class at Lely Elementary in Naples."


That child even if she wasnt mentally disabled, would not understand at this age what she did.

Instead of being our worrying about "terrorists" they are busy arresting a 6 year old. Shame on those of you who think she got what she deserved. You obviously have no idea what it is like with a mentally impaired child. I've taken care of one, and i've gotten my share of bruising, kicks, and hair pulled. Did i pick up the phone and called the po po to make an arrest? NO. I killed her with kindness and very quickly she was fine.

IF that school had any idea as to properly CARE FOR a handicapped child, they would never have called for police intervention.

That goes to show the CALIBER of the school.

[edit on 2-6-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
I do believe with the right people running them, they can be excellent places to learn.

I wasn't bashing what they could be, I was bashing what they are.

I was raised in public schools too and had a fantastic education and experience, but in the last... maybe 10 years, they've gone down, down and down, faster every year. I'm not saying whose fault it is, I'm just sayin'.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 02:54 PM
I think it's totally rediculous,problem these days people are becomming teachers to have a good paying secure job,a special Ed teacher should be ready for such outbreaks,and I fault the wimpy police officer that arrested her,can you say society is going down the toilet

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 01:14 AM
Its ridiculous. Never should a school have to call the police over a 6yr. old... I fear for my 5yr. old little bro... whoever touches him WILL DIE. Especially if I'm around- slowly I might add. He gets arrested I'll personally hunt down both the cops who found it neccesary to arrest him and the incompetant teacher who called them. My mother, a teacher, was hit extremely hard in the back of the head by a high schooler but did she call the cops, not to my knowledge, I think she should have personally and she later quit the job because of the students being violent.

Funny how its never where it needs to be.

And the way parents raise their children is none of your business public brainwashers scum.
looking at the way things are going... kinda reminds me of those stories with the girls who get sent to orphanages that completely suck...

And kindergarden teachers are really just random people who cant find a job anyway...
I as a 13 year old child am better able to deal with a mentally challenged person than these people are, and I have had to deal with people who are mentally challenged, its probably wishful thinking but I may have even taught the poor kid something...

actually that was a year ago... long time...

[edit on 6/10/06 by TristanBW9456]

mod edit: removed personal attacks and censor circumvention

[edit on 10-6-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 06:50 AM
Now days every problem child is a special needs child by definition. If the teachers do not like this they should stop telling children that when mom and dad spank them it is abuse. The liberals that run our schools do not like the outcome they have created.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 10:27 AM
Nah, they woulda labeled me as a special needs student long ago... but then again if the label had to be applied long ago... I guess they couldn't do it now... with a history of being relatively calm over the stuff they have always done to me... God the framed me for everything... I'm sure they tried to label me like that, then my parents probably told them what morons they were... and predictably they backed off... figures... wusses... I know that they have always said I was a problem child, but look at the things I was punished for, Suspended for reading in an english class for reading, suspended for throwing little berries at the wall (hard ones- they didn't break and make a mess or anything- and it was for "dangerous behavior" and there were 10 other people doing it)


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