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Why We Haven't Had More Attacks Before Bush!

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posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:29 AM
According to the "independent" investigation of 911 that took place some one year after the fact due to Neocon intelligence and common sense, 911 took place because President Bill Clinton didn't protect us from terrorism. The subsequent propaganda states that Bill Clinton was laxed on terror and therefore allowed 911.

The unfortunate fact is that all the presidents before Bill Clinton were even more laxed on terror laws and concerns. As history shows, the more laxed they were, was the more we never had to worry about such concerns.

People therefore wonder why we haven't had another terror attack in so long, reward Bush with kingship for failing to protect us at 911 without rewarding the presidents before him who made sure we hardly ever even used the word TERRORISM. The further back we go is the less we had to use that word even in the elementary classroom.

The concern then became a growing government concern THE MORE OUR POLITICIANS KEPT TELLING US ABOUT THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER. The more such aberrant politicians appeared telling us about something they love that we need to have is the more the terror concern came, and, even before that, the more they were constantly telling us the government needs more powers to snoop our business for protection, WHILE THEN TEACHING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AGAINST PARANOIA.

Carnivore, which is a device designed to snoop and archive all internet transmissions, was unveiled to us in the year 2000. At that time the FBI fibbed telling us the device was constitutional for 911 to then come later where all our politicians then told us that government snooping is now legal. Since Carnivore popped up in 2000, that means it was conceived and implemented possibly much earlier.

Under the current scenario, the more concern and tough laws we put on terrorism, is the more terrorism attacks us and conquers us, with Osama attacking everybody and everything but Bush, and Bush attacking everybody but Osama.

The problem is actually internal. All equations were always equal. We always had our freedoms. Middle Eastern Muslim extremists were always around. The only real change that took place is internal, and with the only American we ever know who has had ties to the Bin Ladens: President George Bush!

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:42 AM
Remember the attack on the Branch Davidians at WACO? At that time it appeared there were other concerns, namely, militias! The government kept touting how these militias can destroy this country while, at the same time, they were teaching the American people against PARANOIA.

Now we see the truth since the government doesn't talk about these militias at all anymore.

Question: Where were the Middle Eastern Muslim extremists at that time, who hate our freedom?


How then did all the other presidents before Bush PROTECT US FOR SO LONG???

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:43 AM
1993 world trade center bombing
Kobar Towers bombing
USS Cole Bombing

and other acts of terrorism against the US. This has all been covered here before.


posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:48 AM
I keep hearing all this junk about the USS Cole, etc.

Those things to us were more acts of war. We always had acts of war. Let me re-ask the question none of you have answered.

After the USS Cole, where were the terror alerts, the terror codes, even the use of the word TERROR in our elementary schools, our baseballs and apple pies? The issue of terror was there since Bill Clinton, but the entire history of America is not accounted for, even making the issue internal, and therefore the need to move closer and closer to the principles of the Nazi Regime.

Let's put it this way: America was always susceptible to ACTS OF WAR. But it was considered impenetrable to TERRORISM before Bush came along. His propaganda team works day and night to cover this up!

At those times where was the ideology that if the president fails to protect us we must make him king?

Why did President Bush, after failing to protect us, tell us this was a NEW DAY? If the Patriot Act was such a "vital law," how come America lived without it for its entire existence until Bush came?

We say, "Well Bush is doing something all the other presidents didn't, by going to the source to wage war."

What then would have happened if President George Washington started Bush policies for endless war, bankrupting the economy to this day and attacking everyone but Osama TO THIS DAY IN OUR HISTORY? Would we not have been a police state earlier?

Acts of war is not our definition of terrorism that made the Patriot Act from the Inquisitions tell us that the Constitution (that came later in protest to it) is outdated!

The USS Cole fiasco took place in 2000. Tell us the HISTORY of terror where, since Middle Eastern Muslim extremists were ALWAYS AROUND and hated our freedom and then compelled them to attack us, how they have been doing this all along! THIS COUNTRY WAS NOT BORN IN 2000 for Middle Eastern Muslim extremists to suddenly realize we need to be attacked because we are free!

Even on the Google Newsgroup Archives, you will see that the word TERRORISM is used less and less the more backward we go, and that database is as good as 1981!

And please, there are better ways to prove a point than to call my postings BS.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by tmac100
How then did all the other presidents before Bush PROTECT US FOR SO LONG???

Er, they didn't. Al Qaida carried out 911, and prior to that they attacked the Twin Embassies and the Cole. Ancilliary groups, like Yousef, attacked the Twin Towers before that, and other groups attacked military installations where they could. Most islamist groups were pretty focused on Israel, and thats where the bulk of attacks occured. So when you ask 'where were the attacks and attackers' they were focused on israel. It was only a matter of time before the ultiamtely turned their attention to the US.

After the USS Cole, where were the terror alerts, the terror codes, even the use of the word TERROR in our elementary schools, our baseballs and apple pies?

Thats a good question. Why didn't the US respond to the first terror attacks with a Global War on Terror? Because it should've. Doing so would've prevented the subsequent attacks. Instead the US sat by as Israel was attacked, as these organizations grew, and even as they started to attack the US. Pretty stupid.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:04 PM
Err, ah, that problem was corrected in the editing of the post, realizing those incidents were recent.

Here now the problem: state the entire history of this country and tell us when Middle Eastern Muslim extremists came into existence and saw a free country and therefore hated it and must attack it.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:06 PM
Why didn't the US accept the principles of George Bush from the start of this country after it won its liberties? Why didn't President George Washington claim the right to pre-emptive war without the approval of anybody? Why didn't he believe he can attack any country on suspicion, and after finding out his error, he doesn't blush but has a propaganda team?

Why didn't he bankrupt the economy for war on one country with a whole list of others that violate human rights to go?

Bush didn't do that because we just started being American and free, and didn't want to go back to the Inquisitions WE JUST LEFT!

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:08 PM
Where were the Muslim extremists back then during the days of President George Washington? THEY WERE RIGHT THERE STILL! We had our freedoms and they, as Bush claimed, hated us for being free! What, Osama's great-great grandfather wasn't back there making plans??

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by tmac100
Err, ah, that problem was corrected in the editing of the post, realizing those incidents were recent.

Here now the problem: state the entire history of this country and tell us when Middle Eastern Muslim extremists came into existence and saw a free country and therefore hated it and must attack it.

Err ahh................Iran 1979.................ER..............ahhh.........

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:11 PM
Err ahh, the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.

Err ahh, GO ON!

Err ahh, GO ON!

Fill us in with more history! Err Ahh!

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by tmac100
Err, ah, that problem was corrected in the editing of the post, realizing those incidents were recent.

Here now the problem: state the entire history of this country and tell us when Middle Eastern Muslim extremists came into existence and saw a free country and therefore hated it and must attack it.

Err ahh................Iran 1979.................ER..............ahhh.........

How about the "Barbery Pirates" in Tripoli during Jefferson admin? You know "shores of tripoli" and all that............The muslim pirates kidnapped approx 1.5 million christians between 1400's and late 1700's................

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by tmac100
According to the "independent" investigation of 911 that took place some one year after the fact due to Neocon intelligence and common sense, 911 took place because President Bill Clinton didn't protect us from terrorism. The subsequent propaganda states that Bill Clinton was laxed on terror and therefore allowed 911.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

And that is as simple as it could be...OBL admited himslef that it took around 6-7 to plan the WTC 9/11 attack, and that was exactly during the 8 years of Bill CLinton. Lets put the blame on whom deserves it.

Also i believ that Bill Clinton (himself and his people) knew about what was going on, but refused to give the information to the new administration this info, becaude Al Gore did not win as they expexted.. You want conspiracy ..look to the Democratic has plenty of them.

Amazing how a Presidnet spends 8 years knowing an attack is beeing planned, but won't say a word to the new adminstration. and let all the balm e fall on the guy that was just there for a couple of months.

Also ... did you forget about the first attack on the WTC.??? and the bunch of American hijackings, kidnappings ??? ??? History didnt begin on 9/11 you know ?

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:13 PM
You mean we gotta be concerned about Muslim attacks on other countries back then?

You mean the Constitution was "outdated" and we needed the Patriot Act back then just as the Constitution was born??

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by tmac100
You mean we gotta be concerned about Muslim attacks on other countries back then?

You mean the Constitution was "outdated" and we needed the Patriot Act back then just as the Constitution was born??

Maybe you need to study some history going back about 200 years where Muslim Barbary pirates from North Africa were kidnapping American sailors and demanding America which had no adequate navy at the time to protect its commerce to pay ransom to the Muslims. Lets say force was something these people knew. And we didn't have to pay ransom anymore.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Originally posted by tmac100
According to the "independent" investigation of 911 that took place some one year after the fact due to Neocon intelligence and common sense, 911 took place because President Bill Clinton didn't protect us from terrorism. The subsequent propaganda states that Bill Clinton was laxed on terror and therefore allowed 911.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

And that is as simple as it could be...OBL admited himslef that it took around 6-7 to plan the WTC 9/11 attack, and that was exactly during the 8 years of Bill CLinton. Lets put the blame on whom deserves it.

Also i believ that Bill Clinton (himself and his people) knew about what was going on, but refused to give the information to the new administration this info, becaude Al Gore did not win as they expexted.. You want conspiracy ..look to the Democratic has plenty of them.

Amazing how a Presidnet spends 8 years knowing an attack is beeing planned, but won't say a word to the new adminstration. and let all the balm e fall on the guy that was just there for a couple of months.

Also ... did you forget about the first attack on the WTC.??? and the bunch of American hijackings, kidnappings ??? ??? History didnt begin on 9/11 you know ?

It is amazing, TO YOU! That's the key here. The struggle is for us to accept your brains, when we, in the light of freedom, don't.

To us, it is amazing that an "independent investigation" of the incident would take place a year later. It is not amazing to you.

To us, it is amazing that the one entrusted to protect and who was outsmarted by the terrorists didn't IMMEDIATELY, with the weight of 3,000 graves, consent to testify cleanly under oath. It is not amazing to you.

To us, it is amazing how an unprecendented war can take place that richly funded corporate interests and Constitutional soldiers had to beg for body armor. It is not amazing to you.

To us, it is amazing that a soldier got flack for daring to even ask Rumsfeld why they are not protected with Halliburton rolling in the tax dollars. To you, it is not.

We are not here to condescend to what you think. But all these are actions Bill Clinton should rather do.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:21 PM
I didn't think trolling was allowed on this site.

Since you are 'new' do a searh on threads....just about the entire history of Muslim (& Christian) warfare has already been laid out before. Or you could actually read a history book.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by tmac100
You mean we gotta be concerned about Muslim attacks on other countries back then?

and you think we shouldn't ?? there is a bunch of lunatica maniacas going around blowing up what they can all over the world, and you think that doesnt concern YOU or me ? just because they are blowing a train in Spain, that doesnt mean it won't affect the USA... or vice-versa. Islamic Terrorism does affetc THE WORLD, and the WORLD SHOULD UNITE againts it ..unfortunetly most nations are too cowardly to do so... and Of course with the Neo-Nazi- Islamic-Slime koffee annan on the United Nations, you really can't expect much of anything.

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:25 PM
You are skilled in circular reason and diversion.

It is not that I wasn't concerned even for other countries. Part of the issue is that was considered impregnable to terrorism until Bush and propaganda team came. Now they come to deny this, telling us we were always attacked by terrorists.

Go back to the history of this country then. State when Muslim extremists attacked us then. ATTACKED US and not other countries. State when then it was necessary to give up the Constitution and go back to the Inquisitions. State when the Patriot Act was necessary then. State when the word TERROR was even in the elementary school books back then.

State when, back then, we must empower any president with the power to arrest, detain and kill anyone without charge and due process, while the president himself has ties to the terrorists.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by tmac100
You are skilled in circular reason and diversion.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

its actually called Reality ...

believ as you wish... one day your bublle will burst, i hope it doesnt hurt much. Like i said, the History of Islamic terror attacks did not start on 9/11. and more questions should have been asked to bill clinton, but of course... they weren't ..i wonder why .. what did he and his cronies have to hide ?

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:42 PM
I didn't come here to hear how my bubble would burst if I don't listen to the Bush propaganda team.

I simply asked you to state the history of this country from the beginning and how the Middle Eastern Muslim extremists became so formidable from the beginning. I asked you to provide the impossible:


You know what I asked. That's why you don't answer.

When was this "vital law" for security called "The Patriot Act" needed? When Middle Eastern pirates kidnapped American soldiers, when was the Patriot Act needed then?

Inquiring minds, want to know! But you guys will come back and not answer the question.

[edit on 1-6-2006 by tmac100]

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