posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 02:19 AM
This is a first post, however I've been a longtime addict of this site. I've lived on the Atlantic coast of Central Florida for 20 years and have
grown up watching launches and mishaps from Cape Canaveral and have been an avid aviation enthusiast. Never before had I witnessed anything quite as
remarkable as what I and 3 of my close friends saw in the night sky in Mid-February.
We were outside in an area with very little light pollution and no visible clouds, approx. 1:25 AM when we were startled by a unique flash of light;
unique because it had the pure quality of daylight, it lit up everything in an instant and immediately got our attention. Due to the severity of the
flash and lack of sound, we jumped up and witnessed, from the apparent point of origin, what i can only decribe as a sliver began moving up and to the
right. I'd say it came from a spot roughly 15-20 deg. easterly off due north at an azimuth of 60 deg. This luminous contrail edged its way up, not
arcing smoothly like a missile or tracer. Its exact color was indistinguishable, more like the character of a bright star. As it moved, the trail
seemed more intense the longer it became until the end receded and it disappeared, leaving no trace behind. From initial flash to the end of the tear
itself, probably 3.5-4.0 seconds.
I've seen every modern vehicle launched from the Kennedy Space Center, am familiar with pretty much the whole range of aircraft, I've seen coast
guard flare tests offshore, and I've heard many stories of odd sightings over the ocean, but (and all cliches aside) I am stumped.
I'm convinced that what we saw was some kind of exotic propulsion system not necessarily associated with anything KSC-based. The lack of sound and
the overall neat-and-tidyness of such a huge burst of light and the contrail or 'tear in the space-time continuum' was like nothing any of the
witnesses have ever seen, heard or read about. It was not the Aurora Borealis, or a bomb,or a plane, or hallucination. That night piqued my
In searching for pictures of different atmospheric phenomena I hit this site:
In my feeble mind, trying to discern whatever we saw that night, I hope it was some craft capable of travelling interdimensionally. Or something.
Please give me some feedback! Have you seen anything like this?