posted on May, 31 2006 @ 05:43 PM
It is commonly held that the universe we know and love is expanding. It has been expanding ever since its creation, the Big Bang. I am only going to
be looking at this matter, excluding implications of M-Theory and other things greater than our 5-dimensional universe.
I am terrible with Math. I love calculators. I do not posess the mathematical knowledge to formulate these ideas. Please bare with me on this.
In most instances my statements should be related to the three physical dimensions only.
Immediately after the Big Bang the universe could obviously have been seen as spherical. When something explodes outward from a single point, you get
a sphere. The space between bits of energy expanded resulting in the distribution of energy and matter.
I propose that at this point the collective gravity of every single speck of matter in the universe began warping all of space. Because gravity
travels at the speed of light, this warpage began slowly, and continues today.
Again, speaking in three dimensional terms, this would have at first squished the sphere into an hourglass shape. Slowly this shape would have become
more exaggeraged, progressing towards a doughnut shape. The doughnut shape is still a ways off because of the time it will take for gravity to warp
space to this point. Presently it could be looked at as a pair of umbrellas with the handles joined.
I can't stress enough that these are three dimensional descriptors. The shapes must be represented in every possible permutation and orientation
The doughtnut shaped universe theory is often dismissed because it is apparent that everything in the "core" area would have to be getting closer
together. This is not so. The reason being that the "core" is everywhere. Every point in space occupies every point in the doughnut.
Space only appears to be expanding, but it is actually still in the process of folding back on itself.
This prompts the question, what happens when the edges touch? When the doughnut is complete? Do they even touch?
I suspect at this point we begin the "Big Crunch." The universe continues to warp back on itself eventually folding itself into implosion.
So that's my theory. I don't know how original it is, I just came up with it last night while trying to sleep. Blast it apart, by all means. But
please share your thoughts.