posted on May, 31 2006 @ 12:28 PM
Actor, comedian, writer, philosopher, musician, artist, brilliant engineer and all around one of the most intriguing persons ever to live. In the late
70's my father worked with this man. I didn't learn about him until about a year ago when I found a book in my dad's office called "Rhizology".
It was written by Robert Vidoloff. It was so interesting I had to read through the whole thing. Then I found out he had made an album from some time
in the 1940's. He recorded the whole thing in his house and I still listen to it sometimes for a laugh if any anthing else. He claims to have worked
for Disney as an animator and all the major aerospace firms as an engineer. I can vouch for the fact he was an engineer because my dad worked side by
side with him in the 70's designing test fixturing. I've never seen such good portrait artwork. I just thought you all might find some interest in
the man, he was a pioneer of expansive thinking. Look through his artwork and crazy inventions (ray gun for example). I have his one off Rhizology
bible. He priced his paintings at ridiculously high prices like $250,000. Someone has even created a website all about him and you can read everything
else you'd want to know there.
Some sample artwork: