posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 12:10 AM
Hi fellas!! This may sound like a total waste typing this up but i need to actualyl DO something about it. Im 100% sure there is SOMETHING suss going
on in australia at the moment. I have nothing to back it up so i wont go on about this and that, but lately ever since the whole wtc attack the world
in general has gone to #.
Especially australia.. there is somethign going on and i am determined to find out what that is. Basically what im asking is somebody that has
knowledge in wierd things in australia that people have thoughts about, but cant really explain it.
For instance i was just reading the post from hellium (sorry if i didnt get yoru name right man im just in a hurry
) talking about the pyramid on
the m5. Now i have no idea what this is meant to mean, if anything.. but if there was evidence to suggest that there was somethign suss about it, id
be the first person to go check it out. I really dont care how much trouble i get into i just NEED to know.
I dont have much time im just typing away here, but after watching things like evangelion, mgs2: patriots.. it makes me think.. if.. IFFF there is
anything out there to suggest something liek that going on.. i NEED to know about it.. im over 20yrs old and am 100% in what im saying..
Anyways my msn is
[email protected] if anybody can relate to what im saying please by all means add me, talk to me i know im not the only one out
Im new to all of this so stuff about aliens and reptiles :S is none of my concern.. im more interested in the paranormal, unexplainable type
Anyways enough of me talking crap, if anyone can relate please add me
[email protected]