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Projecting into another consciousness

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posted on May, 30 2006 @ 07:48 PM
I have been experimenting with Astral Projection for a few months now, and have had limited success. However, recently another idea popped into my head in relation to this. Rather than just trying to project into the astral or physical realms, perhaps it is possible to project into the consciousness of another being. I understand that if this were to happen it could cause some major moral conflicts, but I was thinking more along the lines of being able to communicate with someone or something that it would normally be difficult to do effectively otherwise. It would also give one the ability to see things through a different perspective (a skill very few possess in my experience), aiding in the understanding of why people behave the way they do.

Imagine being able to talk to a baby or even an animal and know exactly what it was crying for. Perhaps you could even learn to understand that a tree stump was in fact in some pain after being chopped down? It would certainly have a profound effect in my opinion.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 08:37 PM
It's pretty easy actually. To say it in one sentence... All you have to do is enter in a relaxed (alpha or theta) state of mind, and then see yourself stepping into the target standing in front of you and feel yourself becoming that person.

You can experience what that person is thinking, and you can also influence that person remotely with that technique. The deeper your relaxation state is, the more accurate and intense the experience can be. It also works with babies and animals. (Although I've never tried "putting on the head" of a baby before)

Once you step into that person, you have to start experiencing yourself as that person, in as much sensory detail as possible (which becomes easier the deeper you are in alpha or theta state) You have to become that person and feel in your gut, your skin, your face... your whole body that you are that person. An easy way to do this is by following the Borrowed Genius method (link below), which is an excellent one. You can then either observe the thoughts or impressions you get, do something the target is really skilled at and aquire some of his/her skills, or do something you woud like the target to do -which should be acceptable by their subconscious mind, because they still have free will!- and imagine yourself liking it.

Mind influence (not control) is possible in that way.

Hope that helps.

Synonyms are:

Borrowed Genius
Wafting into a person
Stepping into -,,-
Putting on the head of a person
Remote viewing through another person.

IMO it's possible to do this to any person or creature and get to know their thoughts and feelings. It doesn't matter if that person is alive or dead.

And that's why it can be dangerous. I've understood that it's possible to waft into Adolph Hitler and start to realise why jews should be exterminated for example. After you would need to purge yourself from those thoughts which are obviously his and not yours. Seems strange, huh??

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 12:43 AM
I've had a few experiences where my consciousness expanded itself into a scope beyond my normal limitations - all and all, it was a highly confusing experience. Not only was I picking up on my thoughts, I was also picking up on the thoughts of others and it became very disorienting.

As it turns out, I have an extraordinarily high ability to enter into these altered states, unfortunately - I have not yet learned how to master it. Most of the time it happens in a sphere outside my immediate control.

The only times it is a reflective and comfortable experience is when I am far away from other people - say, on a camping trip and off the main path reflecting on nature. Only then is it a life affirming state.

Good luck with your studies.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 02:50 PM
That reminds me of that Jim Carrey movie, "Bruce Almighty" where he is overwhelmed by the volume of external thoughts he is able to receive. I can see benefits to not being able to control this ability though. If you could it would most definitely affect the way you socialise with others possibly causing conflict via the knowledge of thoughts you should never know.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
It's pretty easy actually. To say it in one sentence... All you have to do is enter in a relaxed (alpha or theta) state of mind, and then see yourself stepping into the target standing in front of you and feel yourself becoming that person.

You can experience what that person is thinking, and you can also influence that person remotely with that technique. The deeper your relaxation state is, the more accurate and intense the experience can be. It also works with babies and animals. (Although I've never tried "putting on the head" of a baby before)

I agree that it's important to have the correct state of mind. IMO, groundedness leads to focus leads to control leads to success.

It's not necessary to enter into the person's mind. One can get alot just by projecting one's consciousness near the person.

On a side note about groundedness, I find as long as I consistently consume red meat, the energy of the meat helps greatly with the grounding of the mind. Oh yeah, I tested this theory out on myself. There is also a book (I don't remember which one at the moment) that made a similar claim in that consuming it as part of one's 'AP diet' is beneficial for the practice of AP. I certainly concur after some experimentation of my own.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by mytym
I have been experimenting with Astral Projection for a few months now, and have had limited success. However, recently another idea popped into my head in relation to this. Rather than just trying to project into the astral or physical realms, perhaps it is possible to project into the consciousness of another being. I understand that if this were to happen it could cause some major moral conflicts, but I was thinking more along the lines of being able to communicate with someone or something that it would normally be difficult to do effectively otherwise. It would also give one the ability to see things through a different perspective (a skill very few possess in my experience), aiding in the understanding of why people behave the way they do.

Imagine being able to talk to a baby or even an animal and know exactly what it was crying for. Perhaps you could even learn to understand that a tree stump was in fact in some pain after being chopped down? It would certainly have a profound effect in my opinion.

It is definately possible. I feel that it is a curse for myself, for I am experiencing only the negative side to it.

I pray that I can one day control this for the benefit of all.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by mytym
I have been experimenting with Astral Projection for a few months now, and have had limited success. However, recently another idea popped into my head in relation to this. Rather than just trying to project into the astral or physical realms, perhaps it is possible to project into the consciousness of another being. I understand that if this were to happen it could cause some major moral conflicts, but I was thinking more along the lines of being able to communicate with someone or something that it would normally be difficult to do effectively otherwise. It would also give one the ability to see things through a different perspective (a skill very few possess in my experience), aiding in the understanding of why people behave the way they do.

Imagine being able to talk to a baby or even an animal and know exactly what it was crying for. Perhaps you could even learn to understand that a tree stump was in fact in some pain after being chopped down? It would certainly have a profound effect in my opinion.

It is possible what you suggest. And there are various ways/degrees in which you can.

One very easy method is creating your own "astral location", a meditational surrounding. Go there when you agreed a time to meet up with the other individual. This was my first step. I knew a female friend was meditating each night at the same time and thus I entered her area. She said I was always welcome so it wasn't an intrusion. In the beginning we had phone conversations afterwards which were more of an acknowledgement en verification that it wasn't just imaginary and it truly occured.

From that point on when some people were asleep I entered their dreams in a similar way. Especially people who were having problems. I gave them unconcious aid and advice which they could use. Once I gave someone an Egyptian Mirror. This would reflect herself onto her and also allowed her to reflect the behavior of others that were involved with the personal situation. It was an unconcious aid which she was helpfull for later on. But it can also go different that you go visit someone and in she thinks she's dreaming and then throws you to the ground for a wet dream...that was funny since it showed her true feelings about me ahahah. Seeing how I only went to see how she was doing I came to the conclusion she was doing very well for herself

What I've seen other people mention, such as having your concious "near" another and directing their thoughts. That falls more under telepathy which is usually one way traffic and rather shallow. It isn't truly entering someones mind like some occultists can do.

Stepping into someone else as explained by the moderator is completely different as well. It comes closer to moving your entire self into the other body and being able to sens what they do since you're in the body as well. I had that experience once by accident and didn't feel good to me. Felt the beer go down his throat as it was my own and I dislike beer. Or you feel how they touch the wood of the bar.

Red meat isn't a necesity in an "AP Diet" per se. The only "diet" is to have a healthy body and mind with as little pollution and obstruction in it as possible. When you eat too many calories in the wrong amounts of fats, eggwhites and carbs then you'll obstruct the flow of energy on a physical level. If you have psychological and emotional masks and barrieres you obstruct the flow on those levels. But most people fail to go through this since it is very confrontational in order to get rid of most barrieres and masks.

[edit on 22-8-2007 by Enyalius]

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 08:23 PM
Astral projectors cant read thoughts but they can visualize a person's visual thoughts.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Mabus
Astral projectors cant read thoughts but they can visualize a person's visual thoughts.

No one is limited, and everyone can learn anything they want. Even AP'ers can learn how to read thoughts.

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 12:19 AM
i'm new here maybe somone can help me out what are alpha and theta states of mind and how can i learn to do this #?

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 09:29 AM

That should help you get started Cory

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Hi All,

Don’t know if this counts as projecting into someone/something's conciousness or not. One night, sleeping with my cat under my arm I dreamed a very vivid dream. I was low in the grass, moving very carefully and pounced into the bushes and pinned a mouse with my paws (?) and then I picked up the mouse in my mouth and carried it up the steps to the porch. On the porch was a thick pile of leaves with our two other cats and one of our small dogs sitting on top of it; sorta relaxing and surveying their domain.

Happily and proudly I tucked the frozen with fright mouse underneath the leaves. It didn’t stay put and tried to run away so I bit it again and put it back in the leaves. Thoughts of happiness that I was taking care of my family (the other cats and dog and also the big legged people). They did not need to do any hunting; I would do it for them as I was very good at it. Already I had tucked many good morsels under the leaves for them to eat at their leisure.

The front door opened and then the screen door pushed open and I saw the big legs walk out onto the porch. Looking up and then up some more I saw that it was me and that through my cat’s eyes I was indeed big legs standing in front of her. The big legged one bent over and petted me with her big hand/paw and was very proud of my efforts, she would enjoy the morsels also. I purred with happiness, all was well.

Lol, it was quite a dream, my cat’s dream I guess. It gave me insight into her feelings,


Note: She does bring us a lot of presents, she usually puts them in the bathtub so they'll stay put until we step into the tub.

[edit on 8/23/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 10:46 PM
i had a crazy experience this morning i tried it and almost got there i could see my room and look around with my eyes shut tomorrow i'm hoping to leave the body

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by TheBandit795

Would you share some of your experiences with us? Especially with animals/pets? I'm always wondering what dogs are really thinking about since my experience with one of our cats. Any insights would be very interesting and a lot of fun!



[edit on 9/13/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 10:37 PM
This is a cool thread. I've often experimented with this on many occasions and have found it to be quite true. I often have moral quandaries over this because of the notion of control over somebody else. Since most people seem to be accepting this possibility, I'm interested to hear more about peoples moral issues on the subject.

None the less it is real and possible. Usually I find validation in peoples immediate body language as well as what they say. Sometimes it happens unintentionally.

One example I can give is being able to make somebody stop taking notes in a class of mine. I got her to relax and sit back and listen, where as every class before she had written down every last word.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:16 PM
Bumping an old thread to see what else our members can get out of this.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by seentoomuch

Did it last night with an alternate self (parallel self), projecting myself into his reality to see how it is to be living as him. I've also done it to enter other people's consciousness, and have felt how it is to be that person. It is still vague with me though, but I do get a different feeling, a different being when I do this with myself (alternate self) or someone or something else (the most difficult to do).

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 05:32 PM
This isn't really a related experience, but I thought it would be a waste to make a new thread about this experience.

One time I had a normal scripted dream and I was involuntarily walking down a subway or something, and there were a couple of people reading newspapers. Out of nowhere, I got put into the consciousness of the dream me, and I could physically hear and see everything as if I were bi-locating. I could even hear the rsutling of one of the backgruond guy's newspapers as he turned the page.

I even physically walked up some steps and physically opened a door. It felt a lot more tiring, though. It was a weird experience. I ended up finding myself in this room with a stereo that was playing creepy disco type music that seemed sinister, and then I thought about demons and stuff and creeped myself out back into my body again. Weird stuff.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:44 AM
Deep Trance Identification.... Another definition of this technique that I couldn't remember for a long time.

Here's a wikipedia article on it:

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Related threads:

Skyfloating's thread on shapeshifting:

In which he described a clear process on doing this with your parallel/alternate selves:

CitizenC's thread on parallel realities:

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