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"Mason initiates contact with Sirius"?

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posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:17 AM
Well, I thought I would ask to see if any of the "High ups" know of contact with Intergalactic Beings.So if you have information on this Please present it.I think this would be a very interesting topic to discuss.

[edit on 30-5-2006 by menguard]

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:18 AM
That's a tricky headline, maybe put a question mark at the end of it.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:25 AM
Ohhh, I dont know about that. I've had some pretty deep chit chats with my fater-in-law, whos been a stonecutter for a long time. He is very much involved and takes great pride in his affilation with the brotherhood and I have yet to hear about summoning Aliens from Sirius. LOL

People give Masons FAR to much power.....They like that you know.

There is no question, some old sciences are used in the higher rankings for special ceremonies and sure, lots of political figureheads over the years have been Masons too but gmchrysler man!! They dont call up aliens.

People put them way up there on this perch, totally out of reach far too often. 99.9% of Masons are old, retired and overweight. Dont give them soooo much power.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:26 AM
I'm a strict ((xm)) user (and shareholder), I'd never use Sirius.

As far as intergalactic beings and Freemasonry go... Don't believe it!

[edit on 30/5/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:31 AM
Most interesting, this is more like a personal survey of what is known through all sects of their traditions on this topic, thanks for the feedback, would like to hear more if any contact.Or if Masons have any traditions that deal with astrology?

[edit on 30-5-2006 by menguard]

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:39 AM
XM is mint. I just got a portable Delphi, docks in the car, on the stereo...just great.

Squizz all the way!!

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:44 AM
Would the Generals of Masonary have any "Knowledge" of any contact through the cosmos?

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:51 AM
A Mason by the name of Foster Bailey once wrote a book called "The Meaning of Masonry" (although, in reality, the book was probably written by his wife Alice, and published under his name).

In it, Foster/Alice makes a few ambiguous comments about Masonry having originated on Sirius. Needless to say, this probably isn't the case.

Einstein's Theory of Relativity makes space travel over long distances improbable. It appears to be unlikely that we've ever been contacted by any alien intelligence, even if such exists.

It should also be noted that Sirius is a star, not a planet, and that the nuclear reactions and radiation produced in its core are similar to those of our sun. Biological organisms would not be able to survive on Sirius, any more than a human or a horse could survive on the sun.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:53 AM
If there was such a thing, masons shootin the chit with aliens, then ya, the "generals" would have the answers but do you think they're gonna telll you or anyone else.

Call your local lodge, maybe they can tell you something.

*hello, is this Solomons Temple, lodge 322*
*yes sir, it is...can you please hold sir, I have a caller from Sirius on the other line*
*hello sir, are you there*
*yes...I was just wondering, do you guys summon aliens?*
*why yes we do, as a matter of fact we have a faction of grays on the way here right now to assist us in a funraiser BBQ for sick kids in the park this saturday*

Sorry.....I had too

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 12:00 PM
Interesting, There is a Brotherhood on Sirius and yes body chemstries can and will live.A body is nothing more than a vehicle for the light.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by menguard
Well, I thought I would ask to see if any of the "High ups" know of contact with Intergalactic Beings.So if you have information on this Please present it.I think this would be a very interesting topic to discuss.

Doh! I hate it when people ask for the higher ups to comment, because I don't know if I count as a higher up or not.

I guess I'd know if I was one, so I'd better keep schtumm.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by menguard

Interesting, There is a Brotherhood on Sirius and yes body chemstries can and will live.A body is nothing more than a vehicle for the light.

A body is a lot more than just a vehicle for light, and such bodies simply cannot exist in the heat and radiation produced by a star. I wouldn't even recommend that you squeeze yourself into a large microwave oven and start it up, much less attempt to survive on a star.

As for a "brotherhood on Sirius", again, Sirius is not a planet. It has no surface, and is a conglomeration of burning gasses and nuclear explosions. It would be possible for some type of life to exist on a planet in Sirius' solar system, but not on Sirius itself.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 12:56 PM
Our chemical composition would be different then those in a different atmosphere.Yes, Siruis is a star system.For every planet that ascends to a higher state of being it becomes a star.

Mason Light,
Have you ever met any of these Mason Generals at any of the gatherings?Or have you heard from friends that have any insight into that pool of people?

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by menguard
Our chemical composition would be different then those in a different atmosphere.Yes, Siruis is a star system.For every planet that ascends to a higher state of being it becomes a star.

But planets don't become stars. Rather, planets are drawn to stars through gravitational pull. The life cycle of a star ends when it collapses in on itself during the stages of white dwarf, nova, and supernova. The star's mass then creates a negative gravitational vortex called a black hole, which usually pulls in the planets in its system reducing them to particles.

Mason Light,
Have you ever met any of these Mason Generals at any of the gatherings?Or have you heard from friends that have any insight into that pool of people?

We don't have generals, but we have Grand Lodge officials, who admister the fraternity's governmental affairs. I've been one of these in the past, and know many who serve in those capacities at present.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

As for a "brotherhood on Sirius", again, Sirius is not a planet. It has no surface, and is a conglomeration of burning gasses and nuclear explosions. It would be possible for some type of life to exist on a planet in Sirius' solar system, but not on Sirius itself.

As it happens, we have some information that makes it possible that beings from Sirius did visit the earth. In the legends of an African tribe called the Dogon, there remain specific items of knowledge that appear to bear out this hypothesis: in legends going back hundreds of years with little or no contact with the Western world, their cosmology is advanced. For example, their symbol for Saturn (which they know to be a planet) is a dot with a ring around it. Their symbol for Jupiter is a dot with 4 smaller dots around it denoting the Copernican (largest) moons. they also view Sirius as a multiple star system with planets describing presumably extraordinary complex orbits within.

Their cosmology appears to be more advanced than some of the posters on this thread!

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:11 PM
Masonic Light,

What information could you state, that would be the "utmost importance" to those govermental affairs if any to the Masonary?

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:20 PM
Well, of course, the Masons have had the triggering key to the Ark of the Covenant for a long time, the true name of "God," encoded in their rituals. The problem has always been constructing a proper replica of both the Ark and Solomon's Temple, which acts as a subspace waveguide tuner. Perhaps they've finally been able to experiment with enough virtual models to construct a workable waveguide and make the no-lag interstellar communication equipment work the way it was supposed to.

Please review this website and the associated texts for further insight:

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by rich23

As it happens, we have some information that makes it possible that beings from Sirius did visit the earth. In the legends of an African tribe called the Dogon, there remain specific items of knowledge that appear to bear out this hypothesis: in legends going back hundreds of years with little or no contact with the Western world, their cosmology is advanced. For example, their symbol for Saturn (which they know to be a planet) is a dot with a ring around it. Their symbol for Jupiter is a dot with 4 smaller dots around it denoting the Copernican (largest) moons. they also view Sirius as a multiple star system with planets describing presumably extraordinary complex orbits within.

The Dogon Controversy is interesting, but the story about ancient astronauts and the Dogon has been considered debunked by many leading scientists, including Carl Sagan, who refuted the story. Nevertheless, the book about the Dogons that created all the interest, "The Sirius Mystery" by Robert Temple, initiated the hypothesis that aliens from the Sirius solar system had visited the Dogons, not from Sirius itself. Above, I did not deny the possibility that life exists on one or more of Sirius' planets, I only stated that it is impossible for life to exist on Sirius itself.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by menguard
Masonic Light,

What information could you state, that would be the "utmost importance" to those govermental affairs if any to the Masonary?

Knowledge of, and familiarity with, Masonic law, which is written in the Constitutions and Codes of the Grand Lodge. A close second would be knowledge of and familiarity with the Craft's customs, traditions, ceremonies, and philosophy.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by menguard
Masonic Light,

What information could you state, that would be the "utmost importance" to those govermental affairs if any to the Masonary?

Knowledge of, and familiarity with, Masonic law, which is written in the Constitutions and Codes of the Grand Lodge. A close second would be knowledge of and familiarity with the Craft's customs, traditions, ceremonies, and philosophy.

So how high up would the Masonary, influential part exist within our whole government makeup?Or are laws written from "them" then passed by legislation?Sort of like a double agent agency?

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