posted on May, 29 2006 @ 11:21 AM
A was wandering what the current state of engines(rocket and normal aircraft engines) that involve vortises in the combustion process is.
I did search a lot...............
and this is about the best thing out there (besides some .pdf files) with little info on the trapped vortex combustion engine and even less
informative sites about the cool wall vortex combustion rocket engine.
And by little information I mean nothing about the curren state of the projects and the technology.
So whats happening out there? Have these new and surely promising projects been cancelled like the RS-84 was( I still can't beleave that nasa did
that nad desided to stick with good old tech from half a century ago
I just hope not.............................
I'll be gratful If someone could give me more on the engines.
[edit on 29-5-2006 by vorazechul]
[edit on 29-5-2006 by vorazechul]