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Bush 'Planted Fake News Stories on American TV'

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posted on May, 29 2006 @ 07:24 PM
Carseller 4
I agree...what happened yesterday is only different by the sheer magnitude of the same crap happening today.
Now it's run through a stack of Marshalls off over wound pick-ups man!
When in the history of America have so many rats jumped a sinking ship? Gonzo is threatening to quit - LOTS of ONLY RECENTLY retired generals have piped up, and a pant-load of W's henchmen are flat out quitting or being indicted - Rice, Cheney and even Skippy his own damn self are getting dissed all over the place, and still you think everything is okay?
It's NOT okay man...IT IS NOT OKAY
The only people who believe it is - are an Austrailian media tycoon and the idiots who buy into his horse-flop, and the few, the proud, the perpetually mis/un-informed.
Now, I know damn well that you are way too smart to be lumped into the group above, and when you get right down to it, I just really wanted to talk about guitar pickups and the various attributes of Alnico magnets, but I REALLY, SERIOUSLY have to ask you this:
Who invented liquid soap and why?

[edit on 29-5-2006 by triptrippington]

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 08:50 PM
My point is when there is nothing in the current news to bash Bush about, some go back and try to make old news current.

Stretching is only good in sports, not the media.

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
My point is when there is nothing in the current news to bash Bush about, some go back and try to make old news current.

Stretching is only good in sports, not the media.

your right there is nothing new about it and thats the most disturbing part...the new excuse to get away with breaking the law parroted out by our pseudo-government is that, "they've been doing it for years.. its nothing new"
This is the most outlandish excuse ive ever heard...thats like saying "hey you cant bust me.. my grandaddy was a burglar, my daddy was a burglar. Im thrid generation!"

The reason people keep "stretching" out this story is because:
Nothing is being done about it

When we let minor transgressions betray our constitution it paves the way for far greater usurpations of said document and destroys the very reasons that we swore to protect.

ex. As im sure you know the first amendment aswell as any of the rest of us so ill spare you the direct quote and source. But it CLEARLY states that there will be NO abridging or censoring of the press. NONE... not, "a little".. not,"because its to protect you" and, not, "because I said so." there is NO exception clauses that can validate the desicration of our most valued principles. Yet, today we have full censorship of our press. Its called the FCC. It is their job to censor and filter everything that is broadcast, save internet(sofar)*
and satellite radio.

the problem in this area is mainly APATHY on the part of the American people. We have been so lulled into this false belief that we need our govt to protect us from every possible angle and treat us as children for the entirety of our lives. And we willfully have handed our right, to our own choice, over to those who dont know our names much less, the content of our characters.

*=thread by: Sir Solomon

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
My point is when there is nothing in the current news to bash Bush about, some go back and try to make old news current.

Stretching is only good in sports, not the media.

Dear Carseller - your signature tells it all.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 05:56 AM
Well all that is nothing new and has been going on for a long time now.

They have been deceiving and b*llsh*tting for years. It was all in the satellite feeds which could bypass the TV networks and TV stations.

Watch this and know a bit more and tell me what you think.

Real Player format A look behind the scenes of corporate spin tv

[edit on 30-5-2006 by aob982]

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 06:06 AM
there is ONE thing you can do, start signing some immigration papers and get out of the country while you still can, do you really think that once the US is in full lockdown and under the government control that it'll be easy to leave the country? airport security already takes you hours of waiting, that'll stretch even longer. If you TRULY believe that your government is corrupt and is going to become a police state, then leave. You won't get the masses into a rebellion, and you won't get anyone to impeach him, because he controls everything. At least, from another country, you aren't subjected to his crap.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Seether
At least, from another country, you aren't subjected to his crap.

No, certainly not, but then again, you are subject to someone else's crap, correct?
Must be just a "Bush" thang, huh?

Question: were you one of those brave individuals who proclaimed that if Bush was re-elected that you would move out of the country....and did not?


posted on May, 30 2006 @ 07:03 AM
In order for governments to "plant" false news stories and propaganda pieces they need the cooperation of the big media corporations. The media outfits running these false pieces do so knowingly, it's not like they are duped into doing so.
There was a time when journalists would investigate and verify before a story would make it into print, but those times are long gone. Now we just have tv talking heads making verbatim statements from government press releases. No questions, no investigation or verification.
In fact, do they even have a mandate to tell us the truth?

Todays journalists seem far too busy telling us about which Big Brother freak is heading for eveiction or which Soccer star is shacking up with which supermodel. Just pulp for the masses.
That's probably why the internet is coming in for so much government scrutiny and talk of controls. Knowledge is power and should not be in the hands of the people. We are here to be manipulated and led, not question those who would lead us.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

Fortunately, we now have the internet, providing us with the ability to tell the truth or show the truth in a matter of seconds all over the world.

The great part about OPEN SOURCE NEWS is that people from all walks of life can contribute, comment, question the facts and add to or debunk stories.
This freedom of communication also gives us the ability to fight ignorance and deception.

UNfortunately, the administration have a way of dealing with that, too. There's a US government document about "fighting the net" and that, combined with the moves by ISPs to start declaring the net a private place (not to mention Echelon and NSA snooping) means that the Net, too, is running out of time. I have a horrible feeling that by the time the frog (thanks Gools) has woken up to how hot the water is, he'll be too boiled to be able to move...

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by rich23
There's a US government document about "fighting the net" and that, combined with the moves by ISPs to start declaring the net a private place (not to mention Echelon and NSA snooping) means that the Net, too, is running out of time.

Yep. PNAC calls it "controlling cyberspace".

So replace "luckily we have the Internet" by "luckily we still have the Internet".

Enjoy it while you can campers....................

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 08:31 AM
I've been setting here thinking on how best to present this. I realise some of this is a little offtopic, so forgive me.

It occurs to me that the damning factor, the thing that has corrupted and made our media unreliable, is the escalating pressure to make a profit. And no wonder when we've created a society where the SINGLE focus, the most prevaliant motivating factor is creating wealth.

News is no longer about...well NEWS, but about making money. And while these two things may not be mutually exclusive, they certainly can be very different goals.

What about political policy? How often is it slanted and focused on the fruits of capitalism? How about how we made LEGAL ENTITIES of corporations? Why have we allowed their interests overshadow the common man's? Why is that that a rich man's concerns are more important than the poor man's? Do the wealthy deserve better health than the poor? Better education?

Why are we represented only by the wealthy? Are these men and women any more wise, more suited to run industry and government?

When did making money become more important than any other goal? Why do we allow it to influence not only our internal, but our foreign policies?

All this said, do not misread me and misunderstand. I certain realise that we do want to be prosperous. I only am uncomfortable with the single minded focus that we often seem to have. I also realise that wealth can represent success of other goals, and rewards the intelligent, the clever, the quick and strong.

And now look at what they want to do to the internet. It's strength was its freedom. The anarchy of it. But now, just like the news, like everything else in our society, they want to bridle it and make it more single minded. Turn it into a tool for the corporate wealth.

Back to the news and the original topic; if this is the case, then 'they' will control the feed of information and fact here too.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by triptrippington

I agree...what happened yesterday is only different by the sheer magnitude of the same crap happening today.

the modern era of manipulating the news, tailoring the content, and foisting propaganda on the masses in the guise of News & Specials or Behind the Scenes ...

sprang up during the Johnson Administration
~ with the Vietnam body counts etc, and the civil rights issues & events~

Then Nixon took the art of managing the masses to greater expertise.

every administration since has been engaged in Planted/Tailored news...
As i see it, this Bush-Cheney administration took a page from the 'Max Headroom' files
and it is most likely the source of the 'bin Laden tapes' which make their timely appearance in a suspicious but unprovable coincidence with
the administrations Policy moves or Political needs.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
My point is when there is nothing in the current news to bash Bush about...

Ha! Are you kidding? There's always something in the news about Bush. And 99% of the time, it's something really bad. His administration planted fake news. Nobody made this up! It's real. Enjoy...

Jadette - Yes, the quest for the almighty dollar is a strong motivation, but I think even more than that, at the root of Corporate America and this administration, is some sort of power hunger. They kind of go hand in hand. But I think power and control are really what drives this situation. I mean, how much money can the corporations need? They need a few new corporate jets? Once so much money is available, what drives a person to want more? Power...

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by niteboy82
I don't think that any of this could come to a surprise to me anymore.

That's the saddest part about this. I read this story and said, "Well, duh."

Ditto. I don't really believe for an instant that this is the first time this has happened - I'm thinking of a certain July day in 1969 here - and I'm sure that it's far from being the last.

It's hardly just the US that is guilty of this, though - many, many many other countries do the exact same thing under the banner of "state television".

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 10:33 AM
This whole topic area has continued to get progressively worse as more and more is exposed. Kind of like the surveillance issue. !st they paid a newsperson to report favorably on thier policies(Armstronghen they made these 'news spots' that fox and others ran as news, most likely illegal. Somewhere they slipped in a non press person to press conferences to ask questions that Bush could answer and convey perty line and then worst of all they placed pro-American information in Iraqi newspapers
The worst part of that is that those stories come back to the US via Iraqi news and is considered legit. In addition they have spent millions in taxpayer money to inundate us with propaganda.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 10:34 AM
Manipulation of the Media is nothing new and disturbing as it is; it pales in comparison to the fact that most people are so in love with authority figures
they accept any tripe, lies, banal stories, fabrications, exaggerations etc and then parrot it back as truth. Never questioning the existing power structure even when
the lies are so transparent.

I can already see subtle signs for the www. being used the same way the MSM as a propaganda tool. Coming soon to a PC near you an internet tax so that we can pay to be lied to.

I'm goin fishin!

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 01:31 PM
Don't count on the internet to stick around and save the day.

I wonder too what road our world is walking down. It's not just Bush's fault. It's worldwide. It seems to be human nature to push society towards further and further dictatorship and I don't entirely understand why.

But all I know is that whether or not we one day wake up in a world that looks like The Handmaid's Tale or Nineteen Eighty-Four it's going to be too late to stop it because complacency will have allowed the seeds of fascism to sprout.


posted on May, 30 2006 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by mixvio
Don't count on the internet to stick around and save the day.

I wonder too what road our world is walking down. It's not just Bush's fault. It's worldwide. It seems to be human nature to push society towards further and further dictatorship and I don't entirely understand why.

But all I know is that whether or not we one day wake up in a world that looks like The Handmaid's Tale or Nineteen Eighty-Four it's going to be too late to stop it because complacency will have allowed the seeds of fascism to sprout.


thanks for the link MIX i just signed it..... we HAVE to do something and FAST!

This IS the last bastion of freedom that we still possess and we have to defend it vigorously. If we do not act... then we have noone to blame but ourselves

[edit on 30-5-2006 by TONE23]

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 12:53 AM
Honestly, I think the majority of Americans are just sleeping most of the time.

Doesn't anyone remember in the runup to Gulf War 1, the Bush1 administration got us all excited about babies being thrown out of incubators in Kuwait? That was a total falsehood created by a PR agency.

Then, later, we found out the US had tacitly approved Saddam's invasion of Kuwait after he made a point of asking for our permission beforehand.

No deception is beneath them. And it's not just them. It's still unclear whether the Clinton administration was aware that 'genocide' claims in Kosovo were mostly exaggerated.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Expected Response.

I was kind of hoping that some Bush&Co appologizers would arrive and tell me their side of this story.

I guess not in this thread!

What kind of response did you expect? Not one of the alerts/adds had anything to due with Bush. Each and everyone of the adds were run by private corporations and no mention of Bush was in any of them DUH :shk:

Talk about a misleading title

"Bush 'Planted Fake News Stories on American TV'":shk:

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