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What is Orgone Energy?

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posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by rich23

I think this fellow is right on the money too, but from a different perspective.

He reminds me a lot of my mentor. Steve left off abruptly teaching me, but he has reached me on the internet, with his "robots", as he used to put it.

A master and a helluva engineer.


I will be out mostly this weekend, that is my main work period. But I will be by to periodically check up on this thread.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:17 PM
Matyas, I tried, I really did. I tried twice... but I just couldn't get into what he was saying, partly due to his delivery and also possibly because I'm perhaps a little new to this way of thinking.

However, I've been looking for more detail on the links between DNA and consciousness as referenced by David Wilcock, and came across a guy who's looking at DNA as being a] a room temperature superconductor and, as a result, b) a quantum computer. intertinsng... but even more so is the fact that the brain seems to be able to work backwards in time:

Dean Radin and Dick Bierman have performed a number of experiments of emotional response in human subjects. The subjects view a computer screen on which appear (at randomly varying intervals) a series of images, some of which are emotionally neutral, and some of which are highly emotional (violent, sexual....). In Radin and Bierman's early studies, skin conductance of a finger was used to measure physiological response They found that subjects responded strongly to emotional images compared to neutral images, and that the emotional response occurred between a fraction of a second to several seconds BEFORE the image appeared! Recently Professor Bierman (University of Amsterdam) repeated these experiments with subjects in an fMRI brain imager and found emotional responses in brain activity up to 4 seconds before the stimuli.

It's interesting but I admit it doesn't really advance the thread, although I have seen somewhere the idea that consciousness is a HUGE Bose-Einstein condensate. I don't know. Again.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
How do you communicate something to a group of strangers that is extremely important, but also completely unbelieveable?

It is almost impossible to explain something unknown to the unbelievers. Until curiosity allows them to seek the answers and until they research this form of [orgone] energy for themselves, these strangers would never know what they are missing.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 04:19 PM
I find this thread of value for several reasons.

It did take me a few times coming back to it and assimilating the information shared before some things began to click.

The David W. video was Very Enlightening. As Rich23 said it does tie an assortment of ideas together in a nice way.

The first hour and a bit of the video blew my mind time and time again. I hoped to hang on to it all and really ponder it when I was finished but the last 25 minutes or about that somehow distracted me from all the "epiphanies" I felt I was given. I will at some point go back and watch again but I will stop at the point I feel is right for me.

There are so many things along the way that you hear and think you understand but really don't, for instance the idea that the same tools are used for both sides of the duality mode. Suddenly the meaning of that has clarified itself. I am speaking of the idea of illumination, specifically.

In noting the discrepancy between chaos and order is where I was able to make the assertion that both work for the common goal. Not sure what the common goal is exactly but I would guess it allows for us as spiritual human beings to have this experience.

On a personal note I was just introduced to a healing technique called meridian tapping points. I have found it to be nothing short of miraculous at this stage of my experience as a sort of "wounded healer"

I am glad this thread resurfaced when it did.

[edit on 6-2-2009 by interestedalways]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by rich23

I've been looking for more detail on the links between DNA and consciousness as referenced by David Wilcock, and came across a guy who's looking at DNA as being a] a room temperature superconductor and, as a result, b) a quantum computer. intertinsng... but even more so is the fact that the brain seems to be able to work backwards in time:

Dean Radin and Dick Bierman have performed a number of experiments of emotional response in human subjects. The subjects view a computer screen on which appear (at randomly varying intervals) a series of images, some of which are emotionally neutral, and some of which are highly emotional (violent, sexual....). In Radin and Bierman's early studies, skin conductance of a finger was used to measure physiological response They found that subjects responded strongly to emotional images compared to neutral images, and that the emotional response occurred between a fraction of a second to several seconds BEFORE the image appeared! .

It's interesting but I admit it doesn't really advance the thread, although I have seen somewhere the idea that consciousness is a HUGE Bose-Einstein condensate. I don't know. Again.

Actually I would say it does advance the thread, in fact it *ties* right in.

Having been reading a bit of Dark Moon mythology Hekate and her Triple nature has found itself all over this thread! With the idea of the use of luminescence to be found in the death/rebirth cycle of the dark moon symbolism and the figure with the three faces or even the three headed dog showing the ability to *See* both forward and backward in time...........

Well it works for me.

Busy robots!

Edit to add:

It also works with the David Wilcox video where it is mentioned about the human ear having the three positional system which it was noted is found in only one living being besides humans. The other being which displays this characteristic is the Owl, a symbol of Hecate.

[edit on 6-2-2009 by interestedalways]

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by rich23

I have been reviewing David Wilcock's interviews. Problem I have with Project Camelot is Bill and Kerry let Henry run down Ron (along with John), or should I say, did so by running out of town. I think Henry's MO to keep what is secret secret is in violation of an emerging paradigm of a right to know vs. need to know. Both ATS and Camelot have played out unforeseen reactions that have not benefited all.

Otherwise I think David is well on the money overall. It is a very good message, unconditional love (tempered with wisdom of course), and exercising the vision for a better world. The Hungarians have a saying, that life is so good and perfect the fences are made of sausages. It is just that, if a literalist visualizes fences made of sausages, we still would have to be forgiving and understanding towards this same individual enough to further the cause of evolution while surrounded with fences of rotting meat.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 08:16 PM
I apologize for not reading the middle pages, but I just started a thread on Aether and the many names for the permeating substance - aka Orgone Energy

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Implosion
From Wiki:

In the 1930s, Reich said he had discovered a physical energy, which he called "orgone," and which he said was contained in the atmosphere and in all living matter. He developed instruments to detect and harness this energy, which he said could be used to treat illnesses like cancer or control the weather. His views were not accepted by the mainstream scientific community.

Interesting man Wilhelm Reich, not least because of this:

In August 1956, several tons of his publications were burned by the FDA. He died of heart failure in jail just over a year later, one day before he was due to apply for parole.

Now, what did he know that made the FDA burn his papers? Remember this is after the shock of the world at the Nazi book burnings, and perpetrated by the US government.

OHHH that's worth the research, gonna read more about this. Any one has any clue in to why his publications were burned?

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 12:04 AM
Orgone Energy is something like the ether energy only more of
the molecular ether component.

The inventor was being watched by saucers and during a filming of
a directed beam toward some disturbance in the sky, that had a
saucer behind it, the saucer dropped to the ground.
The camera man rushed to the saucer as the camera hit the ground.

Not too long after the inventor died.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Implosion

His work had more to do with the science of Tesla which
is non Relativistic and suppressed by the Illuminati, in this
case the FDA did the dirty work.

Just like the FBI did with Tesla in 1943.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by rich23

Hi Rich, replying to your post in the Joe Cell thread here as more on topic:

I never really tried to 'understand' the processes or the sources, just did the practice.

I noticed the chinese tended to have these really complex explanations that usually involved dragons and serpents and peacocks, so I usually ignored all that stuff and focused on the actual energies

The buzz was always more exciting than the label

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Ownification

Reich threatened the AMA by having a workable cure for cancer that didn't involve pharmaceuticals. They got a supreme court judge to declare that there was no such thing as orgone, and then they had his lab destroyed and his books burned, and got an injunction to make it illegal to transport Reich's books across state lines.

When one of Reich's fans was caught doing just that, they arrested Reich who died in jail in, if memory serves, 1957.

And TeslaandLyne - dude, you relate everything to Tesla's work. This isn't it. Reich came to his conclusions on his own, and you need to read more of his stuff before you come out with more ill-informed stuff.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 11:38 AM
I was just watching a video where a guy said they used orgone to remove a birthmark from his face.

I thought that was an odd use, it seems it called it orgone gas, but not sure.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:47 PM
When I first heard about Orgone, along with fantastic stories of action at a distance, it was on a site talking about Sylphs and Reptilians, so I didn't think much of it. I thought it was disinformation.

I met someone who urged me to accept a piece of orgone, but I respectfully declined. Having had previously discovered Royal Rife and his work with frequencies, I figured orgone couldn't be much different, and a frequency/RF generator would be just as effective at pushing chemtrails around. I had been watching chemtrails, noticing periods of overcast lasting upwards of 2 weeks, so my witty response to people speaking of orgone was, "during a period of overcast, show me a hole above your house created by a cloud-buster". Plus, I figured it's more important to stop the spraying than push the trails around..

Until now, I never sought to delve more deeply into orgone and test it out.

Since investigating Tesla with his radiant energy, Bearden with his vacuum energy, shape/pyramid power, sacred geometry, unified theory, cymatics, dr emoto messages from water, etc. it all seems to be coming together.

To me, Tom Bearden has made a substantial contribution to the science of radiant and negative energy and he is a man I trust. If you read this article about Scalar Energetics you will see what I'm talking about.

Here's what he has to say about orgone:

Bearden suspects (in footnote 78) that orgone energy “is really the transduction of the time-polarized photon energy into normal photon energy. We are assured by quantum field theory and the great negentropy solution to the source charge problem that the instantaneous scalar potential involves this process.”


This stuff is extremely difficult to grasp. To me, orgone is a bit of a different breed. It's "shape power". Harnessing the electrostatic energy of the earth... and/or the longitudinal radiant waves... using physical material not with some synthetic electronic circuit.

Check out 1:23 of this video by John Hutchison: where he appears to have turned crystal natural resonance into voltage.

While investigating pyramid power here on ATS and on Google a LOT of interesting designs schematics and alleged case histories came to light.

I don't know if it's electrostatic, earth-magnetic or vacuum energy or what, but I think there is definitely something to orgone. It's just a matter of building a big enough pyramid or 64 vector tetrahedral matrix...

I see people throwing dirt, rocks, chunks of wood, nuts and bolts and resin into pyramid shapes... from what I can tell, that isn't necessary and you can simply use 2 substances (pyramid+cap) to create a dipole/gateway to the vacuum.
I've heard you can even influence the energy by building cardboard pyramids or even 2d diagrams... as some people in this thread have mentioned. I will keep investigating. I like the idea of using the freezer to test it. Now I just need to build a scale pyramid of Giza to meditate inside.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
In my research about Chemitrails, I have come up on many things, and one of them is Orgone Energy. I would like to know what Orgone Energy is, and not a debate over my belif in Chemitrails.

From what I have heard Reich said there was good and bad Orgone.
Since I connect Reich with Tesla in his research the pressure waves
mush be the same as Tesla made human health machines but did
not pursue any profits being too anti Illuminati.

Reich also made the rainmaker based on Tesla waves.
Thus one day aimed at a cloud to disburse it and out fell a saucer
suspended by Tesla waves. This was being filmed and the camera
fell on the ground as all ran to help the saucer pilot.

Thats about all I heard except Reich went to tell Einstein and somehow
got locked up and died shortly afterward.

Some Chemitrails are from ships using Tesla waves with such high
voltage that metal from the ship peels off. Thus the need for more
consumer plastic so the illuminati can make Tesla ether ships.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Wow!!! There is only one other time when the US government has burnt books, and that was in the fight against communism.

And when (now) someone ("far from god") (I won't apc who that might be!) goes to great lengths to reveal themselves as an agent of disinformation (rather than facts-substance) it can only reinforce my view that there is something to this guys theory.

Also Wilhelm Reich, doesn't seem to your typical, pseudo scientist, as his career starts well within the academic community, and finishes outside (most pseudo scientists were never in it, in the first place). It's evidence that his discoveries and vocalness in voicing them, was the reason for him being ousted, as opposed to the quality of his work.

And if Wilhelm Reich work is (today) full of online scams, and disinformation, then (since he's been dead since 1957) we can (for once) know this has nothing to do with the author of research making money, or conning people out of money through nasty website's!!!
So it's actually Fairly Good evidence that the effort to suppress his ideas continues to this day. After all there is no shortage of trash to sell to public, so the fact others are demeaning his work, I think, shows intentional slander.

I guess the mobile phone industry (is just one) enterprise that would hate the recognition of "Orgone Energy" since (from the sounds of his research) their transmitters will probably be sources of "negative energy."
So Thank God it's been so nastily suppressed, otherwise we'd all surely dismiss it, fake?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:51 PM
There is still the cosmic energy lamp that 'Radiant' energy engineers
refuse to hookup or even discuss.

They are so Tesla they never turn the page.
So they are no Tesla.

Tesla patents and publications are still out there but agents
must be afraid to mention them to head quarters to avoid
being slapped in the face like Benny Hill.

No telling what Reich knew now but Tesla had the windfall of
Niagara Falls and support of JP Morgan at 51% of his patents
that worked towards his amazing announcements which did
cover weather making. How much moisture was in the air in
Colorado when fog enveloped the inside of his barn sized lab.
ED: They didn't burn Tesla's books they kept them, 1943.
By 1947 anything of non Relativistic science was being
confiscated in the name of national security.
Now we deal with the robot agents they send out.

[edit on 6/6/2010 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by apc

Just wondering why if it does'nt work would the President be trying to ban it????
Seems strange if it has no effect why he would even bother trying

(post by orgoneffectsreviews removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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