posted on May, 29 2006 @ 01:31 PM
I also think it's about time for closer ties between the US and UK. As an American the British have been allies through and through for us and have
resources that we do not and vice versa. Hopefully the more information shared the better.
Kurokage - "What do you guys think the UK and US should do next, what do you think are the main benfits to this agreement?"
What we should do next is incorporate Australia into a similar deal. This would expand our "Area of Influence." The US, UK, and Au have shared
similar values and visions for the last hundred years or so and the closer we stand with each other in the future the easier our oposition will
"Would you like to see more of a combined R&D for future weapon systems, maybe a new MBT, or more intergration of existing technologies?"
Yes, however hopefully this falls under the intelligence/weapons systems already put forth. I would be cautious in combining ALL "Black" projects
with our allies. For the simple fear of having people on 3 different continents know about the same project, hence, it might be easier for the info
to be leaked.
Also, if we combine "Projects" with the UK and AU will this help the creativity of the project or hurt it. Here is why I ask. If we combine the
project than we will only have one group of people(1 team) working on it. While this will probably save a great deal of money it might result in a
worse final product than if we had each of the three countries with its own team working on it(3 teams). Competition usually makes for better work,
would combining R&D teams into 1 shared team make for better or worse competition?
Final question, do we take the setup that saves us the most money?
Or the setup that produces the best final product?