posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 06:06 AM
Originally posted by mrwupy
Without a doubt the greatest creation of mankind is the written word. Before that knowledge was passed word of mouth. With the invention of the
writtten word knowledge began to accumulate and libriaries were born. As knowledge began to build it lead to the world we live in today.
I would like to go a little further than just the written word, and add communication and language in general. Yes, the written word was without a
doubt one of the greatest inventions of all times, but i think far more exists to language both written and verbal, than always meets the eye.
I believe the systems of control and the subliminality of language may be side-effects of language. And for this reason i think language itself is
the greatest invention.
Communication is key
So which was the greater invention? The key that is communication, or the lock? Perhaps both were balanced in their importance.
Incidently i mention the "subliminality" of language because i believe it exists. Everything man creates is created of a mind that does not act as
one. As though we somehow have programming that prevents our own mind as acting as one consciously aware mind. If our minds create anything, it
stands to reason that perhaps everything we create also has at the very least dual meanings. Since we are not aware what our subconscious mind is
doing consciously, would we consciously be aware of the impact upon all we make, create, invent, etc. in regards to the affect our subconscious mind
has on all of it?