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Amerika still a British colony!!

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posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Peyre

Prime example as to the failings of the American educational system.

Yes, that's the myth perpetuated by the glorious history books that stumason has such an excellent grasp of.

Don't lump me in with those idiots.... I woke up a long time ago. But you do have to remember that America is one of the most propagandized police states with in the Crown empire. Europeans (not counting the Brits), not subject to the same brain washing that Americans are forced to endure, often understand more of what is actually going on than we do. But you can't really blame us, now can you... After all, the Crown agents have been working over time since the early 20th Century to take over our educational facilites and media, as is shown by the Colonel House Letter and a million other sources. We are a product of Crown education, and I can see from this thread that the Brits aren't far behind. The two major objectors to this material are American dullards and British num skulls. Why? It goes against their programming.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by HothSnake1]

[edit on 29-8-2007 by HothSnake1]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by HothSnake1

You contradict yourself Sir,

On the one hand you state the intended purpose is to "return US to the Crown", then state that by "The Crown" you mean British banking houses, (which aren't British owned!) not British monarchy and then state "America is a British Colony".

So what is it?
America is a British colony governed by Britain and her Royal Family


America is a "Crown" colony whose policies are determined by a group of bankers and financiers, some of whom have Headquarters in London, but other cities as well, mostly outside of Britain, who for generations have used their wealth and influence to manipulate world events for their own purposes.

I assure you I can, and do, read. Just because I disagree with you does not mean I am illiterate, why would you think that unless you are so narrow minded in your opinions that you fail to recognise that people can have different opinions, because at the end of the day, it can only be an opinion as we are not worthy enough to be privy to evidence that would enable us to present an arguement based solely on facts.

I say grow up, because you behave so childishly when faced with an opinion that contradicts your's, a childish trait if ever I have seen one.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by Freeborn]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:22 PM
My Opinion

Yuppers I agree, everyone has a different opinion.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by HothSnake1

You state you have "addressed every single one of my concerns".
No you haven't. You have offered your opinion, nothing more, nothing less and you certainly haven't provided any undeniable proof.

You have repeatedly quoted The Avalon Project, Yale Law Society website.
How credible is this? Is this THE definitive source for historical analysis of British, American and World Events.
I suspect not, but then again that is just my opinion, same as in your opinion, it maybe, but i'll back my hunch on this one.

You go into some depth with your interpretation of events surrounding The Magna Carta then leap forward to 1783.
I think you have conveniently forgot about a minor event in British, in fact world events, when ignoring that little known British monarch Henry V111 and The Reformation.
I think that a good read of these may help

Allthough, by your own admission you doubt the validity of these sites mainly because they are mainstream and help perpetuate the accepted version of events

Vietnam was not a UK war.
Grenada, well you were fighting a major super power there weren't you. Didn't realise you needed UK help with that one.
Cold War; US policy was to ensure that if any conflict was to occur that it would happen on European soil with massive European casualties and minimal US casualties.

As previously stated, something that you have not mentioned, (so by extension do I then assume that it is you who have not read all the previous posts? or merely that you have selective memory, I don't know),
that it would not not suprise me if there was a group of families / societies / organisations etc who for generations have tried to use their wealth and power to influence world events to further their own agenda's and that these people transcend nationalities.
If this is so then I would be amazed if they haven't at times tried to reconcile, if they felt they had to, the US back in to the fold as it were. there definate evidence that undeniably proves this, well I'm afraid the answer is no.
And, is America a BRITISH Colony, then no as well.
Is it something that it pretends not to be, possibly.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by HothSnake1

You contradict yourself Sir,

On the one hand you state the intended purpose is to "return US to the Crown", then state that by "The Crown" you mean British banking houses, (which aren't British owned!) not British monarchy and then state "America is a British Colony".

So what is it?
America is a British colony governed by Britain and her Royal Family


America is a "Crown" colony whose policies are determined by a group of bankers and financiers, some of whom have Headquarters in London, but other cities as well, mostly outside of Britain, who for generations have used their wealth and influence to manipulate world events for their own purposes.

I assure you I can, and do, read. Just because I disagree with you does not mean I am illiterate, why would you think that unless you are so narrow minded in your opinions that you fail to recognise that people can have different opinions, because at the end of the day, it can only be an opinion as we are not worthy enough to be privy to evidence that would enable us to present an arguement based solely on facts.

I say grow up, because you behave so childishly when faced with an opinion that contradicts your's, a childish trait if ever I have seen one.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by Freeborn]

Not at all, It's just too complicated for your simple mind to understand. I believe that the Elders would refer to you as the "Goyim".

Again, you present a strawman. I've come to expect that from you. Some of them are British banking houses and some of them aren't. A lot of them are Rothschild controlled and the Rothschilds aren't British.

I realize that you are easily confused, so I will take it easy on you, but technically, the American colonies of the 16 and 1700's weren't British subjects, per say, as they were "Crown" subjects, i.e., owned by the Vatican (Cantract of 1213). It's history man... read it. But I do refer to them as British subjects, because that is the official history and I am trying not to confuse the simple folk like you. But if you want to get technical about it, then we can say that the American Colonies were corporate charters controlled by the agenturs of the Crown (Pope), which were declared in the various treaties and contracts of the world as the King of England and the vassal states that he managed on behalf of the Crown. You can think of the British Monarchy and Parliament as the managers of the Pope's resturaunts. But you will find that the Pope was just a puppet controlled by the money powers, so we will refer to them as the Vatican (Switzerlan, Belgium, London).

Now, today, this control is not as blatant. Even though the Queen does ammend our Social Security from time to time (see top of this thread) the control is much more subversive. It comes down to the old addage "follow the money." We are still paying taxes to the mother country, i.e., our Crown handlers. Think of it like that movie "The Island"... they let us think that we are free, when we really aren't.

I refer to you as illiterate based on the simple fact that you clearly haven't read this thread, and I base this on the fact that I am the creator of this thread and the main provider of its information, which you have mostly ignored or failed to read. You can understand how that can be very annoying? I do realize that the information that I have provided is very extensive and that it can take a long while to read and assimilate. I guess that I can't expect everyone to be as well informed as myself or put in the effort to be so, but I am being generous with my time here in an effort to inform.

How anyone could come to the conclusion (based on reading the content of this thread) that I am narrow minded, is beyond. Clearly, you are being hypocritical.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 01:36 PM
Again, I have to say that I am not interested in baseless opinion. Though I may be offering what could be considered an opinion, it is a well founded one (this thread and its many links is evidence of that), whereas, most of your comments and those of others have been unfounded baseless opinion. I have no problem with questions based on real concerns that have been presented here, but I consider it the height of childish behavior for someone to post a response to a thread that they didn't bother to read. Clearly, they are spouting preconceived notions and programmed chatter without reviewing the evidence, which is only waisting my valuable time and offering fodder to the ignorant bar noise crowd.

Jonathan Williams recorded in his book, Legions of Satan, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington during his surrender that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown."...."in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire."

You see, it was part of a large design.

"Not only the financial power, but also the legal power, has remained seated in Britain. The Washington Post commented on June 18, 1983 that after the American Revolution, all the old laws remained in effect in the new United States: Some of these laws of "English common law" dated back to 1278, long before America was discovered."-- Eustace Mullins

Britain was first invaded in 55 BC. by Julius Caesar, then again in 54 BC. In 63 AD. Joseph of Arimathea was sent by the Pope in Rome to try and establish the Catholic Church in Britain. In 77 AD. Britain was taken over through conquest by Rome. The Imperial governor Julius Agricola was put in place to rule over Rome’s new territory. Britain was as of 77 AD. subject to Rome, with Roman law. We are still under Roman commercial law, e.g., the Uniform Commercial Code. All of her vassal states are ruled by it as it is still the law of the world.

The Constitution was the formative document for a new Crown colony, placed in the united States on a piece of ground ceded by Virginia. This gives the United States the same status under International Law as Canada. This was done by men who had no desire to see the "colonies" separate from Britain. Men who deeply felt the need for a "king".-- David Gould

Congressional Record, January 8, 1934 Congressman McFadden: "Why should the United States be buying gold and paying $35 an ounce for it? Why Should the United States be making Great Britain a present of $14.33 an ounce on the hundreds of millions of dollars of British gold that is being shipped to the United States through this process be favoring four London gold brokers? Why should the United States set a price of $35 and pay Great Britain an increase of $14.33 on ever ounce of gold? This is interesting when you consider that three fourths of all the gold produced in the world is produced in the British Empire. Did we do this because Great Britain demanded it? Is it possible that this $14.33 profit to Great Britain on every ounce of gold shipped into the United States is for settlement of a debt that the United States owes to Great Britain?"

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by HothSnake1
It amazes me that even in today's so-called "information age", how well the government propaganda machine has worked. I mean, this is a conspiracy forum for God sake... and you've never heard of Bohemian Grove?

I dont watch much TV Mr.Hoth, Other then ESPN on occasions.

I do realize that for the government-schooled crowd, this is hard to grasp, but it's really nothing new. Fifteen years ago this would have been unheard of, but today it is pretty much old news. Only a hand full of the quite young and the very old have not heard about it. Everyone in the middle has heard about it.

how so? What do you mean by the "government-schooled crowd". What does the government teach, that is the form of propaganda you speak of? Somehow, teaching a crowd of kids about our leaders are worshiping big wooden owls and having gay sex with one another is teaching them somthing? Do you honestly think parents and such, would want to send there kids to such a school that teaches such filth that has absolutely no backing?!

You may be oblivious to it, you may not like it, and it may seem crazy, but it's reality.

Saying "it may seem crazy", Mr.Hoth, is and understatement.

Here's a video of a guy that broke into the grove and videotaped their ceremony.

So, let me get this straight, you want me to believe that this guy 'secretly' videotaped our leaders worshiping a wooden owl, having gay sex with one another, and sacrificing little kids?

I do not have the time for such nonsense.

Please read what I have posted and follow the links provided, otherwise you will be lost and then come off as a government-propagandized goon.

and what is of this propaganda that you keep speaking of? I do not believe in everything the government says. But I do not believe they are a bunch of sadistic, wooden owl worshiping, child murdering...retards.

I'd like to know in what way, shape or form the British are our "lap dog," as you say?

GW1, GW2, Afghanistan, are all perfectly good examples. Who did we drag in to help us with such conflicts? Our friends from across the pond. Gary Mckinnon is a hacker from the UK who is being extradited to the US on felony charges due to destroying/hacking government computers that was considered by the US defense department, to be the greatest hack ever pulled off against the US defense department. He is being extradited on the demands by the US. We demand, they give in. We go to war, who do we throw a bone to, just so they'll come with us? Whos foreign policy dominates all? So first, prove to me that the US is not an empire of its own, using others for its own benefits? You would have more of an argument there.

After the collapse of the USSR, Dick Chney himself is quoted as saying, "With the collapse of the USSR, there is no one that can come even close to rivaling/matching us militarily, the US is to be the "New Rome". Thats the way it should be, and thats the way it ought to be."

Let me suggest a video to you, its on youtube and in 4 parts I believe. Its called "why we fight". and it answers all the questions that you asked, "what have we gotten out of all these wars and such". The answer, may shock you(sarcasm), but its for the "growth of the american empire". To deny the enemy access to what we deem inaccessible. To suffocate the enemy by encircling it.

We share a symbiotic relationship with the brits, yes. We are close alleys, nothing more, and nothing less.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by HothSnake1
reply to Watch the friggin video...

I watched the video and compared it to the Wiki. In the video it was the author that formed the premises that it was a live sacrifice and I saw basically what Wiki explained

“On July 15, 2000, Austin, Texas-based journalist and filmmaker Alex Jones and his cameraman, Mike Hanson, became the first people [citation needed] to successfully infiltrate the Grove and make it out with documented evidence. With hidden cameras, Jones and Hanson were able to film the Cremation of Care ritual. The footage was the centerpiece of Jones' documentary, Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. Jones states his opinion that this is an "ancient Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylon mystery religion ceremony" involving a 45 foot (14 m) statue of an owl which he named Moloch. (Ancient descriptions of Moloch suggest a bull not an owl).”

Here is the Cremation of Care

Cremation of Care
The Cremation of Care was devised in 1893 by a member named Joseph D. Redding, a lawyer from New York. G.W. Domhoff, a sociologist, obtained access to the Bohemian Club's records and membership and was able to conduct extensive research about the organization and their activities. He was able to detail the Cremation of Care ceremony, along with the High and Low Jinx and other ceremonies and plays of the Club.
The ceremony involves the poling of a small boat across a lake containing an effigy of Care (called "Dull Care"). Dark, hooded individuals receive the effigy from the ferryman which is placed on an altar and at the end of the ceremony, is set on fire. This "Cremation of Care" symbolizes that within the Bohemian Grove members leave the care of the outside world.
The ceremony takes place next to a 45-foot (15 m) high concrete owl statue. During the ceremony, the voice of the former-newsman Walter Cronkite, a member of the Bohemian Club, is used as the voice of The Owl. Music and fireworks accompany the ritual, for dramatic effect.
The ritual was also performed in 1913 at the world famous "Red Rocks" Ampitheater, along with a ceremony entitled "The arrival of the goddess of prosperity".

Alex Jones filmed it and suggested they had a live sacrifice, but he failed to show a live person being burned, and as the pyre was being moved no body could be seen on it or even moving on it. I think it is great that he was able to get in there to film, but I didn’t see any footage to really back of his sensationalized claims on that footage. And so I like to know what bridges the huge gap from what the author stated and what is written in Wiki.

It just always seems that really hard evidence is lacking or there are big links of the chain missing when trying to connect chain of events etc.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 01:51 PM

"Through the Federal Reserve Board over a billion of American money has been pumped into Germany. You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany..."--Congressman Louis T.McFadden (D-PA) who served twelve years as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency.(1935)

What?? The Crown banking cartels were using America to fund Hitler?

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -- President Woodrow Wilson, discussing his role in the passage of the Federal Reserve Act

The following information comes from the on-line book titled The United States is Still a British Colony, which can be found at ‘’.

"As further evidence, not that any is needed, a percentage of taxes that are paid are to enrich the king/queen of England. For those that study Title 26 you will recognize IMF, which means Individual Master File, all taxpayers have one. To read one you have to be able to break their codes using file 6209, which is about 467 pages. On your IMF you will find a blocking series, which tells you what type of tax you are paying. You will probably find a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 says is reserved. You then look up the BMF 300-399, which is the Business Master File in 6209. You would have seen prior to 1991, this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, non-refile DLN. Meaning everyone is considered a business and involved in commerce and you are being held liable for a tax via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the U.K.. The form that is supposed to be used for this is form 8288, FIRPTA - Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Account, you won't find many people using this form, just the 1040 form. The 8288 form can be found in the Law Enforcement Manual of the IRS, chapter 3. If you will check the OMB's paper - Office of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury, List of Active Information Collections, approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act, you will find this form under OMB number 1545-0902, which says U.S. withholding tax-return for dispositions by foreign persons of U.S. real property interests-statement of withholding on dispositions, by foreign persons, of U.S. Form #8288 #8288a.

These codes have since been changed to read as follows; IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reserved, the BMF 300-309 reads the same as IMF 300-309. BMF 390-399 reads U.S./U.K. Tax Treaty Claims. The long and short of it is nothing changed, the government just made it plainer, the 1040 is the payment of a foreign tax to the king/queen of England. We have been in financial servitude since the Treaty of 1783."

Then we have the trillions of dollars in investment revenue shown in the CAFRs of our governments... Where is all of this money going and why are we being taxed out the wazzoo?

This is just a little of the evidence already presented that you have failed to read.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by HothSnake1

I have read all the thread, you sir, just confirm your arrogance and ignorance by assuming anything other.

You then re-inforce that by failing to understand that I fully understand every attempt you have made to convince me of the validity of your claims, it's simply that I do not agree with your interpretation of world events.

You again contradict yourself by agreeing that the "controlling" financial institutions are not solely British.
If you are using this as evidence of Britain controlling America you in fact prove yourself wrong.

I suggest YOU read the whole thread and consider the opinions of others.
I also suggest you consider everything that is said rather than cherry picking the items you disagree with and then posting insulting replies.

Your suggestion that because you are the OP that you are most learned is well, quite frankly, conceited and ignorant.

You are an intolerant, ill mannered individual whose childish responses to any different opinion suggests deeper routed problems.
I suggest you seek professional help, or as posted before, grow up and accept that people simply have a different opinion or viewpoint, that does not make them stupid.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by HothSnake1

You state you have "addressed every single one of my concerns".
No you haven't. You have offered your opinion, nothing more, nothing less and you certainly haven't provided any undeniable proof.

You have repeatedly quoted The Avalon Project, Yale Law Society website.
How credible is this? Is this THE definitive source for historical analysis of British, American and World Events.
I suspect not, but then again that is just my opinion, same as in your opinion, it maybe, but i'll back my hunch on this one.

You go into some depth with your interpretation of events surrounding The Magna Carta then leap forward to 1783.
I think you have conveniently forgot about a minor event in British, in fact world events, when ignoring that little known British monarch Henry V111 and The Reformation.
I think that a good read of these may help

Allthough, by your own admission you doubt the validity of these sites mainly because they are mainstream and help perpetuate the accepted version of events

Vietnam was not a UK war.
Grenada, well you were fighting a major super power there weren't you. Didn't realise you needed UK help with that one.
Cold War; US policy was to ensure that if any conflict was to occur that it would happen on European soil with massive European casualties and minimal US casualties.

As previously stated, something that you have not mentioned, (so by extension do I then assume that it is you who have not read all the previous posts? or merely that you have selective memory, I don't know),
that it would not not suprise me if there was a group of families / societies / organisations etc who for generations have tried to use their wealth and power to influence world events to further their own agenda's and that these people transcend nationalities.
If this is so then I would be amazed if they haven't at times tried to reconcile, if they felt they had to, the US back in to the fold as it were. there definate evidence that undeniably proves this, well I'm afraid the answer is no.
And, is America a BRITISH Colony, then no as well.
Is it something that it pretends not to be, possibly.

My opinion based on something, which is far more than I can say for you. Undeniable evidence? Such evidence is difficult to come by, as I can not produce King George III or Pope Innocent (maybe we can hold a saonce?) but I can produce large amounts of hardcore circumstantial evidence: the historical record and such. This is good enough for a court of law and what we base most of our history on.

Yale Law School's documentation of the Historical Charters between America and foreign countries isn't good enough for you?? Don't make me laugh. What, you're saying that they fabricated all of this?
The lengths that one will go to defend their specious arguments. And I have given you much more than just that. Have you read the friggin report yet, or visited the evidence on the website, considered the CAFRs that I pointed out, looked at the Congressional Record etc., etc., etc. ?

No, I haven't forgotten the Reformation and the creation of the Anglican Church under opulent King Henry VIII. You have to keep in mind that there have been revolts through out history, but I'm sure that this one has its sinister purposes other than King Henry wanted to marry again. Have you heard of the phrase "divide and conquer". Revolts, devisiveness have always been used by the powerful for the cementing of their power and control: Republican vs. Democrat, The Proletariat vs. Bourgeois, liberal vs. conservative, rich vs. poor, white vs. black, and yes, Catholic vs. Protestant.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by HothSnake1

I have read all the thread, you sir, just confirm your arrogance and ignorance by assuming anything other.

You then re-inforce that by failing to understand that I fully understand every attempt you have made to convince me of the validity of your claims, it's simply that I do not agree with your interpretation of world events.

You again contradict yourself by agreeing that the "controlling" financial institutions are not solely British.
If you are using this as evidence of Britain controlling America you in fact prove yourself wrong.

I suggest YOU read the whole thread and consider the opinions of others.
I also suggest you consider everything that is said rather than cherry picking the items you disagree with and then posting insulting replies.

Your suggestion that because you are the OP that you are most learned is well, quite frankly, conceited and ignorant.

You are an intolerant, ill mannered individual whose childish responses to any different opinion suggests deeper routed problems.
I suggest you seek professional help, or as posted before, grow up and accept that people simply have a different opinion or viewpoint, that does not make them stupid.

That's funny... I guess that most of it just went right over your head then, since I have had to repeat myself at least fifty times and that's just to you. If I am being insulting it is because I hate repeating myself to idiots.

It's not a difference in opinion, but apparently a difference in reading ability.

I state that I am the OP because, well, I'm the one repeating myself over and over.

You clearly don't understand, which is why you have failed to grasp (read) 1/5 th of the evidence that I have put forth. Did you bother to read the last two posts that I have made to this thread?

Again, I will explain to you the simple fact that by "British", I don't necessarily mean the British people, but the financial powers that control the British government and by proxy the people. I thought that I explained that earlier, along with a host of other things. Historically, the British have been our handlers. It's really not that difficult. I'm starting to think that the British educational system is worse than the American's.

If you are using this as evidence of Britain controlling America you in fact prove yourself wrong.

Only in your warped brain...

I have taken the considerable time to answer every one of your little, usually irrelevant, concerns. Just look at this thread and the amount of info that I have offered you alone. You are like the dog that bites the hand that feeds you. Remember, you insulted me first. But, again, my insults aren't without merit. Who is the more childish?

[edit on 29-8-2007 by HothSnake1]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by HothSnake1

You still fail to understand one of the basic fundamentals of human interaction.

I fully understand what you are trying to say, I simply disagree with some of your interpretations of some world events.
That does not make me stupid or any less learned or informed than you.
It also does not justify your intolerance of opinions that differ from yours and subsequent personal insults.

I too could quite easily retort to personal insults, but in the interests of civility and respect for ATS TAC I attempt to refrain from doing so.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Keep in mind that this isn't the only documentation of this place. It has been written about in major publications, like the L.A. Times and in several biographies of the wealthy and powerful. David Gergen (Presidential advisor to 4 adiministrations) was the one that stated that they ran naked in the woods. It was a gay pornstar that stated that he regularly serviced moguls there, etc.

You will note that there was a brief moment (that isn't visible in the video) when the crowd is cheering something, and this was when Alex says that there might be a real human sacrifice going on. Later in the video he admits that CARE in the cerimony was a dummy effagy, but that there are several different CAREs used. Rumors have circled for years that people are murdered there, but I never said that it was proven in the video. One thing is for certain, they are sacrificing mock human effagies to a demonic deity. Either way you look at it.. This is weird stuff.

What the video does show is a strange druidic ceremony, which involves the worshipping of a giant owl, representative of Moloch, a Canaanite deity that children are sacrificed to. Alex explicitly denied that this was a real human sacrifice in the video. The Cremation of CARE cerimony is full of occult symbology and incorporates a mock human sacrifice. You have to admit, this is strange stuff. And our elected officials regularly attend it, as was documented in the film. Bush, Cliinton, Reagan, Walter Cronkite, Carter, etc.

CARE can be indicative of your conscience. Essentially, they are throwing their cautions to the wind so that they can have wild orgies and generally screw the public over.

You also have to keep in mind that this is only one day of 14 days of activities like this one. Also, this is only one place of many that these strange rituals are performed. Supposedly, they are performed on old castles all over Europe.

Remember Pauly Klass? She was found near Bohemian Grove with her head cut off.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by HothSnake1]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by HothSnake1

Your insults are infantile and laughable and lack any cutting edge at all.
I left such poor attempts at humour behind in the school playground.

If you are going to insult me at least try to be original, sharp and intuitive.

As for amount of info supplied, so what, I simply disagree with your interpretation, why can't you handle that?

Your responses show infantile like responses akin to toys out of the pram because you are not getting your own way.
Or is it because that even with your alleged high level of insightful understanding of world events you can't even convince a pleb like me with the powers of your arguement.
Is the failure my limited i.q. or the poor quality of your arguement?

Or is it just that I simply see some things different to you, why is that so hard to accept?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

That is all well and good, you are entitled to your opinions. Where I have a problem is when you insinuate that I am wrong based on your baseless opinions.

You've been attempting to insult me for ten posts now. A remarkable display of restraint, my son.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by HothSnake1

I have never intended to insult, there were merely responses to what I perceived to be you insulting me because I refused to accept your interpretations.

I fully understand your opinions and suspect that there is more than an element of truth in some of it.

As you are the OP, it is for you to convince me that what you have stated is correct.

So far you have not.
I am not so close minded that I will dismiss your opinions outright, just that, in my opinon, you have not proved anything yet.

I also contend that the use of "British" in the thread title is mis-leading when you agree that it's a mixture of British, Swiss, German, American bankers / organisations which are in control. (All controlled by The Vatican according to your theory)

Your interpretation of Crown and mine differ, but none the less, I understand what you are trying to say.

Continue with your efforts, they are not unappreciated, just cut out the insults, intended or not, when people disagree with you, it undermines your arguement.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by West Coast

Hey, alright!! I like ESPN.. Go Chiefs!!

You have to understand that just because you don't understand something doesn't make it any less real. There are plenty of things that you probably don't understand (the computer you are typing on) that you have accepted as real because that is what society has programmed to accept. You must learn to reprogram yourself, otherwise you are missing out on some very real things. Fair warning, though... ingnorance is bliss' tis folly to be wise. Some things you are just better off not knowing, but I am the type of individual that likes to know it and then prepare for it, no matter how terrible it is.

It is amazing to me that after pre-Civil War slavery, the holocaust, Waco, Oklahoma City, 9-11, the Trail of Tears, Bosnia, the Sudan, Ethiopia, Hiroshima etc. that anyone could deny that evil and crazy things exist in this world. Even as we speak, we have trafficking of illegal drugs, human body parts, child sex slaves, genocide, death, war, etc. going on right under our noses. How much of it have you blocked out?

I think that I've seen the video that you are referring to, and I can tell you that most of the stated reasons for the Iraq War are not legit. You can not hope bring freedom and liberty to the Iraqi people, while abandoning it at home. Have you looked into the Patriot Act? It is the most heinous of laws ever passed. It repeals just about every one of the Bill of Rights.

I agree that it is about control of the Middle East, a key resource base, but we are not the ones seeing the benefit. GW1, GW2 saw the creation of a huge government contract racket, where Cheney's and Bush's connections garnered billions in government contracts and military spending. Halliburton, Bechtel, Carlysle Group are all making a killing, literally. What did we get out of it?? The highest oil prices since the 70's.

The phoney excuse that we are doing it for freedom and liberty is just that... phoney. Again, how can you be fighting for freedom and liberty abroad, while abandoning it at home. Since GW1 and GW2, we have never been more of a police state, operating under martial law.

Again, history has shown that we have been fighting wars for everyone but ourselves. Study the report that I provided by Edward Mendel House and the history of the Federal Reserve System... here is a good book for you to cut your teeth on:

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by HothSnake1

Hoth, there you go;
I do understand, I just don't agree.
It's really that simple.

I assure you, I read, I watch, I think, then I make up my mind free from any conditioning that might have inhibited my thoughts years ago.
But it's my opinion, not just what they want me to believe in, or not to as the case may be.
I am not one of the sheeple, but I do not blindly accept anything that is presented to me just because it's conspiritorial etc.

Yes, you make a lot of intersting points, I suspect there is more than an element of truth in some of it.
But I want and need proof, not just a series of quotes and writings if you are to convince me of everything you have posted.

As long as we keep insults to a humourous level
respect each others opinion and concentrate on debating in an effort to determine the truth, whatever it is, then i'm certain we'll get along just fine.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by Freeborn]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by HothSnake1

You also have to keep in mind that this is only one day of 14 days of activities like this one. Also, this is only one place of many that these strange rituals are performed. Supposedly, they are performed on old castles all over Europe.

Remember Pauly Klass? She was found near Bohemian Grove with her head cut off.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by HothSnake1]

I do find it interesting, and with some merit, but I'm not ready to buy into it all at this time. I tend to see it more as a bunch of silly old men doing some very strange events, but as I said, I also see it as a gathering where unions are formed from many different successful people, and this can be scary too.

Maybe they are crazy like a Howard Hughes or Michael Jackson crazy where once you get up to a certain level you lose all sense of reality. This could be the case too, and even if that was the case politicians would still need to pander to their level of power which would explain why so many powerful ones do.

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