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Crop Circles Gallary........Wow!

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posted on May, 26 2006 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
And why (since they were capable of doing it) didn't they post fractal images long before 1979, or scanned-line images like Crabwood Farm long before 1990?

According to documentation, the crop circle phenom first appeared 800 A.D. I will include an external link (if i can).

As far as we know the fisrt written recording of the crop circle phenomenon dates back to about 800 AD. The bishop of Lyon (France) expressed his suspicions about the local folk, he is convinced they were worshipping Satan because strange circles were being found in the crops regularly.

I believe the crop circles, much like UFO sightings, have increased because technology to document and spread the information (internet) has increased.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 12:35 PM
Apparently, crop circles have become more detailed of late, i saw somewhere, im being lazy, not to find the link, but crop circles early on comprised of nothing more than circles, and in the 20th century they became more detailed.

[edit on 26-5-2006 by Denied]

[edit on 26-5-2006 by Denied]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:05 PM

Found this apparently since 1890?

Why not before, either its all pretty much a hoax, or maybe the "aliens" decided that are intelligence level wanst up to scratch until we entered the 19th/20th century?

just read the bit about how it dates back to Issac newton?

Anyone know anymore?

[edit on 26-5-2006 by Denied]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:17 PM

Maybe they are not trying to communicate with us at all? Maybe they are using crop circles to communicate amongst themselves?

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Eyesofbear

Maybe they are not trying to communicate with us at all? Maybe they are using crop circles to communicate amongst themselves?

At first i thought hog wash, then after thinking, you make a good point, branding, graffiti, messages amongst themselves who knows.

This subject intrigues me, but hard to prove, check out the documentary i posted early above.
Boring but informative.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:31 PM
Heres the vid.

part 2.

The guy is well boring, but its a good documentary.

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 06:41 AM
Earlier in this discussion I mentioned that I felt there was a deliberate attempt to debunk crop circles. I came across the following today. Someone who share the same view.

The above scenario seems quite suspicious. It is practically impossible to appear on CNN or on any other main stream publication with a topic as far out as crop circles. That this happened in a timely coordinated fashion indicates that someone with a lot of clout was behind this action. Probably the crop circles had stirred up enough interest and enough credibility that the public began to take them seriously, which translated into a world- wide security problem. Probably several governments got together and decided that anything in connection with them had to be discredited. - The plan worked. After this sensational "confession" interest in crop circles was non-existent in scientific circles and the topic was dead for all main stream media.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 12:47 AM
to whom it may concern:

i did not post this gallery to start a debate on wether or not crop circles are man made anyone with half a brain can see that there is no possible explaination (other than higher intelligence not of this demension) for these formations, why people still try to debunk these formations as man made is beyond logic

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
i did not post this gallery to start a debate on wether or not crop circles are man made anyone with half a brain can see that there is no possible explaination (other than higher intelligence not of this demension) for these formations, why people still try to debunk these formations as man made is beyond logic

Oh, I thought that, as this is a discussion forum, the thread was open to debate.

Maybe because I have a whole brain, I see other possible explanations
, but because you do not want a debate, I stop right here.

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
found this and thought i would share it does anyone really still think that crop circles are man made by hoaxsters...

Actually, you posted this thread and posed the question in your original post. Therefore, you opened it up to debate. Again, I believe there is a portion made by hoaxers. I also believe a portion is made by a "visitors" of higher intelligence. I certainly have a full brain of which I use approximately 10% (according to medical research).

The big question, at least from my standpoint, is what is the purpose of crop circles?

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 05:06 AM

I certainly have a full brain of which I use approximately 10% (according to medical research).

What i heard was, that you only use 10% at any one time but do use most parts of the brain.

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
Can anyone explain to me why a group of highley intelligent beings from other worlds would communicate to use using a wheat field as a medium ?


Quite simply, their inteligence is so far advanced and removed from ours that they communicate (just as the spirit world does) using symbols to send us messages. But at the same time, they do not interfere with our progress. They do not speak. They dont need to as they rely on telepathy. Now this relies on sounds that we cannot hear. Sounds that are vibrating at such a fast level. Imagine another 7 octaves on a piano. Animals can hear but not humans. Prob a good example is the Dog whistles. Animals can also see spirits as their eye shutter speed is different to ours. lol we cant even comprehend the next level of vibration. Now, I can't provide links as it is all from my head and just what I know.

aside from that, I was very impressed with the images. So thanks for posting them up. I dont believe they are ALL manmade. The majority are for real.

Just curious, how many people looked at the symbols and recognised some of them?

[edit on 29-5-2006 by NJE777]

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Eyesofbear
Maybe the aliens are not trying to communicate with us? If there are more than one breed or type of alien, they may be trying to communicate with each other? The best way to view a crop circle is from above and it may be some sort of marking, similiar to a conquering flag or claim, to communicate with another species of alien. I know this sounds too simple.

If we are that much lower on the food chain than the creators of crop circles, it might be arrogant to think they are trying to communicate with us?

well, I agree with part of this. I dont believe that they are communicating to other aliens on other planets. They are on the other hand, communicating to 'each' other. The symbols do two things, 1) they act as a trigger and 2) contain messages.

Lets just say, hypothetically, that you doodle a certan patten or symbol and always do the same thing but dont know what it is, as a child I drew the same symbol and even now when I am unconsciously doodling, I will end up with the same picture. Then you see it as a crop circle. Things start to make sense. I have read somewhere that DNA can be triggered/activated? I am not 100% sure of that but aside from the scientific explanation, I feel these symbols trigger memories in some people that have been dormant.

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 08:46 AM
theres no way that all crop circles are manmade. they are just too perfect in shape. if you think they are made by man then go out and do one youself, take a pic and post it here. bet it doesn't look anything like the real ones. you probably can only make a wobbly mess that looks like a giant piece of dog poo.

crop circles are made by something we dont understand. aliens, or something else. question is are they here to hurt us or help us?

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by NJE777
[ The symbols do two things, 1) they act as a trigger and 2) contain messages.

That makes sense to me. Unfortunately, I still believe we are putting way too much emphasis on "them" communicating with "us". It sounds correct that the crop circles would be triggers, especially if they are abducting humans and performing mind alteration and implants.

Your point about DNA is interesting. If we are an experiment by nature, the creators would manipulate us like we do a computer. DNA could accept code and alter thoughts or actions. If I had an ant farm, I wouldn't use my normal form of communication to manipulate them. I might block a path, so they would create a tunnel where I wanted it to be.

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
to whom it may concern:

i did not post this gallery to start a debate on wether or not crop circles are man made anyone with half a brain can see that there is no possible explaination (other than higher intelligence not of this demension) for these formations, why people still try to debunk these formations as man made is beyond logic

Hi well I hope posting this info is ok?
I just love the pics. Cant stop looking at them

The below article talks of a cover up taken from D and D. Quite succinct so quick reading.
The info is very good:

The genuine circle has some characteristics that can not be reproduced by human action: they contain levels of microwave radiation, bent and not broken stems, changes of growth rate, enlargement of the nodes, signs of super quick heating, dehydration of the soil and mutations of the DNA of the plants. These signs can at best be explained according to dr. L. (in N. T. - Cropformations: A biophysical investigation.) by the reality of a plasma vortex as can be observed in natural lightening.

You can really see what ones are hoaxes. So obvious.

These are the worst examples and show rather sloppy irregular patterns of an evidently amateurish nature. Within these circles one could trace human actions as performances with rope and plank and broken stems. None of the above described anomalies were observed in these circles. Nor do these patterns make much sense symbolically, nor do they constitute any mathematical regularity of importance. It looks like children playing crop circle and that is all.

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 07:56 PM
thanks NJE777 that is the whole point of the argument that actual (real) crop circles cannot be duplicated by man and anyone who buys this man made crop circle theory is just in complete denial of the truth

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Denied
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN but still time.BELIEVE.There is GOOD out there.We OPpose DECEPTION.Conduit closing"

Thanks for the link and the deciphering.

*sarcasm on* BTW, a bunch of drunk yahoos with vast amounts of artistic and technical drawing skills did this overnight!
*sarcasm off*

And we're the only intelligent life in the whole universe just as the Inuits are the only human lifeforms on the planet Earth!

Thanks for denying ignorance Denied.

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