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Crop Circles Gallary........Wow!

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posted on May, 24 2006 @ 09:10 AM
i did not see the show where the ball of light was shown to be a hoax but i did see the one where it was originally shown and the fact remains that some of these formations remain a complete mystery

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 09:30 AM
In case anyone was really reading what I posted, I wasn't serious about the ball of light, but there is one measured constant here - the consistent ability of a team of Anglo-pubgoers to stay out late and CONSISTENTLY produce these crop circles. This is not like spray painting a delivery van. This is not like cow tipping. They're bloody crop circles that are several acres large and intricate to boot.

I will concede ball lightning/ball of quite likely not gonna be what did it.

So what did? I am NOT going to buy into the "theory" (and it is a poor theory) that hayfield hooligans are responsible for this phenomenon. If this has been some sort of clandestine tradition dating back to the 1600's and handed down from father crop circle fool to son crop circle fool....I'm just not buying that they've gone this long without detection.

If they are man-made....choose the most intricate design you can find on record, then have your most skilled board-stompers go out there and let's time them. See exactly how long it takes to make one and then see exactly how perfect it comes out too.

Additionally, I am quite fond of the British as a people and don't want this post to be derrogatory in any way toward them.

One final note: what about the circles that are showing up in other parts of the world? Are Ian and Clive jumping international flights after their big Crop Circle Club fundraiser and taking trips on the club's ensure the spirit endures????

That's almost as weird to think of as ball lighting.

Peace skeptics!

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
found this and thought i would share it does anyone really still think that crop circles are man made by hoaxsters...judging from the complexity of the images i doubt that human beings could have did anything so elaborate and beautiful i saw on the history channel a few weeks ago some video footage of a crop circle being made the video was grainy but the crop circles seem to have been made by a glowing ball of light as it moved across the field

all these pics seem to be the more famous ones seen on tv before but still worth looking at!!

The footage you've seen has been proven as a hoax long time ago. Regarding the man made crop circles those are totally different from the other crop circles made by God knows who. When they are man made the spikes are often cut and keep growing vertically. When aren't man made the spikes aren't cut, just folded horizontally and in this case they keep growing in that way.
Besides there is no way that a human beign can make a perfect design like that and with those dimensions. Have you seen few of them how perfect they are? How can a human beign make such a thing in 2 hr? (Few crop circles are appeared within 1 to 2 hr)

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 09:45 AM
The designs can't be made that perfectly by human hands. End of argument. And no one thinks this phenomenon that is as large as entire wheat fields is important enought to look into??? ARRRRRHGGG!!!! We'll blow millions looking into cold fusion, but crop circles? Nah, it's just a bunch of punks working from computer print-out designs. Right.

Here's an idea. What about electrostatic discharge. It's not ball lightning, but rather a build up of static electricity in fields that creates electro-magnetic force in different shapes on the crops. Happens due to variances in temperature and humidity and depending on the crop itself.

There's my scientific contribution to this.

(thought I was done on this thread last post....)

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by newtron25
The designs can't be made that perfectly by human hands. End of argument. And no one thinks this phenomenon that is as large as entire wheat fields is important enought to look into??? ARRRRRHGGG!!!!

that's what i'm saying what the heck is going on ???

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 10:25 AM
I also realize that many crop circles are man made. In fact, probably most but not all. I agree that many of these designs are extremely intricate and would take more than one or two evenings to produce.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
Ya I believe that they are man made. It dosnt seem to make any sense that an intelligent alien race comeing here from billions of miles away would communicate to us through some random persons crops in some fractal or strange symbol.

First, human logic cannot be used to define how or why an advanced civilization would communicate with us. It would be similar to how we try to communicate with apes. We draw pictures and attempt to teach basic hand signals. One of the common mistakes I have seen when reading posts about communicating with aliens is the comparison to how we communicate. If they are that advanced they are on our planet, how can we presume to tell them how they should communicate?

This may be how they choose to communicate a future event or it could be "drunk" aliens who just want to play a joke on humans. It could even be an alien field trip, and they are graded on the geometric design by the professor. To try an explain the reason behind crop circles requires insight into the alien cultural environment (if you believe they are not man-made). I do not have that insight, so I just marvel at the work!

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 10:43 AM
Human logic can't be used?

To communicate, information should go both ways. Crop circles, if form of communication, are one way communication. Something like TV, where somebody is sending you a message and you are just receiving it.

For communication to work better, message should be better formatted. If someone figured out how to send electric field or is creating so complex circles, shouldn't the same race be enough powerful to figure out how to communicate with us on higher level then making some geometrical signs on the fields??

It is proven that large amount of crop circles are made by hoaxers, but it is not proven yet for a single one that is created by an alien or some alien force. Until then we can just assume, and wonder how they were created.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by vietifulJoe
To communicate, information should go both ways. For communication to work better, message should be better formatted. It is proven that large amount of crop circles are made by hoaxers

Again, you are expressing how you would like them to communicate with you. If your dog suddenly could talk and said, "it would help if you would sniff my butt before you talk to me", I doubt seriously you would consider his opinion on how to communicate. Again, we aren't in a position to dictate how they communicate or who they communicate with. It is pompous to assume they should adhere to our standards.

It may be proven that "some" crop circles are made by hoaxers, but it would help if you could be more specific as to what a "large amount" is.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 11:14 AM
Can anyone explain to me why a group of highley intelligent beings from other worlds would communicate to use using a wheat field as a medium ?

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 11:23 AM
They could be communicating...or they could be "drunk" and goofing off...or they could be on an intergallatic field trip from Alpha High School and the crop circles are being graded by the professor/teacher.

On a more serious note, I have no clue why they would use crop circles to communicate. Maybe someone can catch them creating one and ask them? I know that in the business world, we are taught that a visual presentation is more likely to grab attention than a bunch of numbers or words on paper. Maybe the aliens are using a visual to get their point across? The next question would be....what point?

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:02 PM
Okay, I'd like some information brought forward:

I'll go out and saddle up my Google and see what I can scare up, but frankly when generalized "facts" are thrown out to the effect that it has been proven that many of the crop-circles have been created by hoaxers....this just makes me think even more that people would rather chose to be blind skeptics than to seek out the truth, no matter what that truth is. Admittedly, I would like to know that there is something beyond this shiny blue marble we live on, but I'm not ready to leave my grip on reality and abandon my senses to say something is fact without knowing all the information.

It's one thing to say you believe something and when I do, I make it pretty clear its a guess or a theory. It's quite another to dismiss something wholesale out of convenience by way of generalizations and assumed knowledge. The group of people who do that most frequently that come to mind immediately is the U.S. Government. I'm not sure I ever want to be accused of thinking like that group - lead my country as they may.

I actually thought this thread would have been fizzled out by now! Lucky me.

Back l8r with what links and information I can find....

The Newtron

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:20 PM
I am yet to see satisfactory evidence that crop circles are all man made. I am yet to see proof from the supposed circle pranksters that they can indeed make these perfect, geometric circles with a board and some rope in one single night. Where documetaries were made of people making crop circles, the circles turned out to be smaller, less precise, and other characteristics of the crop circles were absent, such as the bending of stalks, braiding of the grass, and weird changes to the plants themselves.

As to exactly what or who really creates the crop circles is a mystery to me. I have no firm opinion of the matter, and it could be anything from aliens to the spirit of the earth to some sort of collective unconcious phenomenon.

The only thing for sure is that crop circles continue to puzzle me from every angle.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:22 PM
The argument about people doing this sort of thing seems to hold up in England where there may be many people.

Here is an example in Saskatchewan, Canada. Not exactly a concentration of people living in this part of the world:

and another site for Canada:

Canadian Cropcircle Archives

These examples may not be as "sexy" as the ones near Stonehenge or in England, but the phenomena are very, very similar.

Here is an example of one in Wisconsin. Yet again, not the neat, clean beautiful picture necessarily of others spotted in other parts of the world, but there are anomalies (meaning, the bending of the plants) that are left unexplained here too:

Wisconsin Crop Circle

So please, don't tell me that many, many hoaxers did most or nearly all of these circles. The military is out there wading through this guy's field in that last link. They have sufficient reason to check it out, I'm thinking this is not just hoaxers.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:36 PM
I agree! General terms like "most" reveal more about the person than the topic.

I have a theory about why aliens use crop circles. It is just off the top of my head, but it may be plausible.

Maybe the aliens are not trying to communicate with us? If there are more than one breed or type of alien, they may be trying to communicate with each other? The best way to view a crop circle is from above and it may be some sort of marking, similiar to a conquering flag or claim, to communicate with another species of alien. I know this sounds too simple.

If we are that much lower on the food chain than the creators of crop circles, it might be arrogant to think they are trying to communicate with us?

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:39 PM
I agree that some are man made but not all. Some are just too complex and too large for a few old prankster farmers with ropes and boards to pull off.

Its said that in a genuine crop circle, the plants appear as though they are "steamed" when bent over, not kinked or broken and that would be impossible to do if you were using a board and a rope. Its also been reported that cell phones dont always work inside a crop farmer Joe pulls that one off is a mystery and at times radation is detected in crop circles...again, another one of farmer Joes mysteries. Also, a genuine crop circle has no foorprints leading in or out...some say the hoxars walk in along the tram lines...well thats fine but it doesnt explain the forementioned and in Canada, wheat feilds have no tram lines...its solid wheat and no footprints lead in or out so I guess the pranksters here use jet packs.

Etiher way, they sure are cool!

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:40 PM
Hrm.. Crop circles.

I've always been fascinated with them and the debate on 'who' made them is endless. I personally believe there is more going on then some people out there stomping and squishing wheat down with a board but what that is specifially I don't know. I've got it down to a category of 3 causes of crop circles:

1: Man Made (Someone or more than one person out making the circle)
2: Alien origin
3: Some super advanced 'man made' technology that I'm not familiar with.

All of the above maybe???

Check out this site:

In particular, look at the circle on the front page.. (Milk Hill, Wilts from August 2001)

THIS circle was deffinitly not 'man made'. certain attributes between circles that were known to be man made against ones that are in question.

One example of a difference is that in some circles (ones that were man made) the wheat stalk is broken near the base in the process of being 'put down'. Others, the wheat is merely bent over without being broken like it was heated from within.

Interesting stuff.

More here:

Bent unbendable plants. Some plants just should not be able to be bent, say some researchers. "Crop circle formations often appear in canola (oil seed rape) fields," says Joseph Mason. "This plant has a consistency like celery. If the stalk is bent more than about 45-degrees, it snaps apart. Yet, in a 'genuine' crop circle formation, the stalks are often bent flat at 90-degrees. No botanist or other scientist has been able to explain this, nor has it ever been duplicated by a human being."

[edit on 24-5-2006 by TxSecret]

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Census
I agree that some are man made but not all. Some are just too complex and too large for a few old prankster farmers with ropes and boards to pull off.

Its said that in a genuine crop circle, the plants appear as though they are "steamed" when bent over, not kinked or broken and that would be impossible to do if you were using a board and a rope. Its also been reported that cell phones dont always work inside a crop farmer Joe pulls that one off is a mystery and at times radation is detected in crop circles...again, another one of farmer Joes mysteries. Also, a genuine crop circle has no foorprints leading in or out...some say the hoxars walk in along the tram lines...well thats fine but it doesnt explain the forementioned and in Canada, wheat feilds have no tram lines...its solid wheat and no footprints lead in or out so I guess the pranksters here use jet packs.

Etiher way, they sure are cool!

There have been several tests and experiments done on plants within a crop circle that show damage consistant with microwave radiation, such as seeds cooked from the inside out. They have yet to explain how people with boards stomping grass will nuke oat and corn plants.

In another experiment, samples taken from both inside and outside the circle produced strange results. A bag that contained plant samples from outside the circle were decaying and had mold on them 5 years after they were collected, which is normal. However, plants taken from inside the circle were strangely preserved and rot free.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:50 PM

Check out the complexity of that one!

Even the circlemakers (hoaxers) were in awe of it.

Peace to the ATS!

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 01:02 PM
i saw a national geographic documentary yesterday in which pretty much every supernatural or extraterrestrial explanation was debunked. Really intriguing though was a guy who made crop circles at night, but first asked for "divine" inspiration - meditation stuff. Nearby were a group of cropfreaks also meditating for one to appear. The same night, the guy made exactly the shape the other group was visualising with their minds. So NatGeo concluded that maybe some intelligent force is picking up signals that are "out there" and projecting them into the minds of people...

Dunno. I still thing it's some guys at HAARP sending ultracondensed microwave beams in complex patterns into the fields at night : )

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