posted on May, 24 2006 @ 10:45 AM
The problem with most major world powers is that they subscribe to a "Realist" political plan.
Let me sum up this plan for you:
Rule 1: Everyone responds to force.
Rule 2: The only reason that countries go to war is because one thinks that they can have more force than the other, and so win.
That essentially sums it up.
And so the United States tries to intimidate others into doing what it wants through fear of that force. Since they're the strongest world power,
everyone listens, because to not listen means that they'll be pushed aside either militarily or economically or politically.
Now, China is a threat to the United State's power, and the United States is a threat to China's growth. The two are locked in a power-struggle that
seems doomed only to escalate as the two approach each other's positions.
However, certain things can avoid this. For one, the United States has been doing economically and militarily poor for the past 6 years, and so since
it's in a state of decline, it doesn't have the power to pose as much threat as before. China, meanwhile, is growing at a truely amazing pace, and
so poses greater threat than one would expect. If the two have their threat-levels whiz past each other quick enough, than only small amounts of
conflict will arise.
The US, of course, doesn't want China to romp up past it, since it likes being able to set world policy and control economies. So it will use
economic and political pressures to subdue China.
The problem for them, however, is that a lot of people are tired with the way the United States does business, and many more countries would rather
invest in a growing country than a declining one. This means that a lot of people "sign on" with China rather than the United States - the least of
which being Russia, the Middle-Eastern powers, and scattered portions of the European Union. This tips things far more towards China.
In the end, I don't think any military campaigns against the US will come of it, but economic and diplomatic problems will persist for awhile.
China's performing all these operations to SCARE people, and scare countries that would stand against them. Through fear of force, rather than actual
force itself, they're trying to avoid conflict with Taiwan. If the people of Taiwan are afraid of going to war with China, a war they know they'd
lose, then the people of Taiwan will pressure their government to be peaceful and accept China.
It's all politics in the end. The real question is whether you understand the politics behind it. I try to do my best for that, but remember that
just because almost all of it can be justified doesn't mean that all of it is all right.