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Why are certain drugs illegal when the govt brings them in in the first place?

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posted on May, 23 2006 @ 12:32 PM
It's insane.

Jails and prisons are filling up, mostly with non-violent drug offenders. But, you know what the worst part is?

The frickin govt brings in the drugs in the first place!!!

I have seen CIA agents, DEA agents, and cops on video ADMITTING that the CIA and the DEA traffic in drugs. There's so much evidence that they're doing this it ain't even funny.

THEN, they bust your ass with a dime bag on the street and throw you in jail. It is a pure hustle! It's no accident that the more money that's spent on the "war on drugs," the more drugs there are in the streets. Hell, look at Afghanistan. After we kicked out the Taliban, opium production went up 2000%. TWO THOUSAND PERCENT! Is that a coincidence?

This whole thing is one of the most crooked things I have ever seen. On top of it all, they're now pushing prescription drugs on the kids (think New Freedom Initiative). It's amazing. I can't smoke a blunt legally, but the govt can bring in the kill for me to smoke and get away with it. And that's small stakes when you think about the blow they move. Forget keys, they LITERALLY move grand pianos.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 12:54 PM
They keep drugs in this country to keep poor people in check (blacks).

Example: Man starts selling drugs because his job dosent pay him enough to make it in life. Man gets arrested for trying to put food on table. Man gets out of jail and still dosent have a good paying job so he goes back. Man gets killed by somone from another gang. No one cars about it because he is just another dead no good gang member.

The story that we dont hear is why do people sell drugs. They sell drugs because they are trapped. Its like arresting people for being poor.

If there wernt drugs, one of two things would happen.
1. Poor blacks would starve to death
2. Poor blacks would take action and demand change from government and get involved in government thus bringing big business down.

This is why they took out MLK. Because he was an effective civil rights leader and if he would have became president (if he were to run), the United States truely would be the best natation on this planet because of the change he would have broung.

The government dosent want "we, the people" in charge of government. Instead, big business runs the government and big business dosent want to pay more than $5.75 an hour (they would pay less if they could). So they bring in drugs so the poor fight each other and not the government. Divide and conqure.

More people die from drug related violence than terrorist attacks, why is terrorism in the news 24/7 while the media dosent even address the real issues about drugs?

[edit on 23-5-2006 by Tasketo]

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 01:02 PM
Pretty good points, there, Tasketo.

I am aware of the racial element. Hell, I was watching American Dad once, and one of the head CIA guys made a reference that the CIA didn't get credit for malt liquor like they did for crack.

But, in the end, it's all about the green. There's the money from the drugs themselves, pure loot. Then, there's the money from the people who get sucked into the system. THEN, there's the money from the smaller dealers who pay to get their action. THEN, there's the money from the busts.

I think the black oppression is a juicy side effect of it all. At least for the drug trade in general; the crack thing is definitely targeted to poor blacks. Now, meth is starting to slam poor whites. And the wheel keeps turning...

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 01:07 PM
q: Why are certain drugs illegal when the govt brings them in in the first place?

a: There is more money in keeping drugs illegal through the legal industry, revenue both municipally and federally, and the black money that is being made by control of the drug trade than there would be if drugs were legal.

Its all about the Benjamins.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:03 PM
if you were an elitist government, that felt that they were a natural born leadership class, then they would start thinking of ways to "keep a brother down", as well as escalate themselves at the same time...
this is a win win win situation for everyone except the citizens.

Truthseeka made reference to CIA and DEA admitting to running drugs...
but left out sources...
if you follow the thread in my sig, all are provided...
with full and complete proof, that the biggest drug racket in the country, and perhaps the world, was (and still is) run by the CIA cabal that was initiated by notables and includes some also notable shrubery of various ages and descriptions... (some will know of which i speak).

My jaw dropped as i researched this... this program is so out in the open, and nobody cares.

Recently 5.5 tons of coc aine was intercepted in mexico... the plane that they captured was owned by a company that was in turn owned by Brent Kovar ( a tom delay appointee, and admitted member of CIA).

the only advantage of this "open air drug business" is that it has allowed journalists/researchers a tiny look behind the curtain, that hides connections to the miami airport that was used to train 9-11 hijackers, as well as ties to the most ruthless and infamous robber baron, Adnan Koshogi (who surprisingly supports the 9-11 truth movement -now considered by many to be disinfo).

what seems simple at first, becomes clouded in massive corruption and greed.
I also suspect that silence is afforded by money for those that cross this information boundary...

BTW, not a connection, but that same plane that was busted for 5.5 tons of coke...
was the same plane that was leased by Howard dean during his 04 campaign...
meaning that howard dean, unknowlingly (we assume) leased a CIA plane that could have been bugged for his campaign trail...
can we spell W-a-t-e-r-g-a-t-e?

Didn't mean to meander off course, but just wanted to show that this is bigger than people want to admit...

BTW, from my research, this was originally intended to remove drugs from society...
replace, then remove... using this undercover operation...

now 30 some odd years later, i assume that they have dropped the idea of closing business, but instead opened up for investors... and perhaps expanded their mission to world domination...
if you knew how much money was involved, then you would see that they had more than enough to buy and sell kings and countries... the mafia and colombian drug lords are running boys in comparison...

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:31 PM
Drugs = Money = Power

Where does the funding for Black Budget Projects come from? You´ve guessed it.

The only reason it is illegal is that the prices of Cocaine would drop dramatically if it were to become legal, thus losing its value as a money maker for our friends in the Agency.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:42 PM
Outstanding thread and question. Too bad that from the very first reply, it was made into a racial issue. This (and almost every thing else the US elitists do to the US public) has nothing to do with race.

By constantly looking at things from a race/sex/religion perspective, the elitists are getting what they want: the rest of us are so busy fighting and hating each other, that we never notice what they are up to and certainly won't ever gather together as one group to stand up to them and tell them where to shove it.

I wish more people could see this and stop falling for it.

[edit on 5/23/2006 by Jaryn]

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:46 PM
Jaryn, I think you can rest assured that the reason noone addressed the Black Panther statement before you is that everyone realizes that its not a race issue at all. There are PLENTY of white suburbia kids doing more than their fair share of drugs - and the mexicans are helping us get em here!

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Tasketo
They keep drugs in this country to keep poor people in check (blacks).

No, it's about money. Nobody cares who the hell buys the drugs at all. Gimme a break!
You're stereotyping. You could also say they bring drugs in this country to keep rich people in check. Lots of well off people doing/dealing drugs and not because they need money. Lots of people deal drugs because they liked to party and have a constant buzz within reach. If a man starts selling drugs because his job doesn't pay enough then he needs to use common sense and get off his lazy ass and find another job. I don't care if it means scraping by working at McDonalds. Only a fool would sell drugs to supplement his income....actually, only a fool would sell drugs at all. Period. No all.

Originally posted by Tasketo
If there wernt drugs, one of two things would happen.
1. Poor blacks would starve to death
2. Poor blacks would take action and demand change from government and get involved in government thus bringing big business down.

What about poor whites? There are lots of them, you know?
Again, you can survive without selling drugs. If you can't, than you're not using your brains and you're thinking like a fool..

Originally posted by Tasketo
This is why they took out MLK. Because he was an effective civil rights leader and if he would have became president (if he were to run), the United States truely would be the best natation on this planet because of the change he would have broung.

Brung? Wow!
Sorry, but MLK would have never made it to presidency. Ever...
The voting odds were against him. In fact, and no offense, I think it's safe to say we'll never see a black president until blacks become the majority and whites become the minority. And based on the black birth rate versus the white, this could happen one day.........

Originally posted by Tasketo
The government dosent want "we, the people" in charge of government. Instead, big business runs the government and big business dosent want to pay more than $5.75 an hour (they would pay less if they could).

I'll agree with that!

Originally posted by Tasketo
More people die from drug related violence than terrorist attacks, why is terrorism in the news 24/7 while the media dosent even address the real issues about drugs?

Because Americans love their illegal drugs and a nice buzz, but we're very against blowing up innocent people and witnessing exploding flesh.The drug related violence is a bigger issue among minorities. In Baltimore we see this every night on local TV, so on this issue (at least around these parts) you are wrong. If anything it is such a common daily occurence that at this point it makes for boring news (that's ratings for you).

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 03:09 PM
I agree with a previous post that contends that by maintaining the illegal status of most "street drugs" the going rate for those drugs stays high. The escalated price allows the Feds to make large quantities of money from their operations which is typically funneled into "black" operations. Due to the process of congressional oversight, it has become easier to launch a "black" operation in a manner that is "off the books" thereby avoiding any oversight on the project. Then, as part of the project, a series of drug trafficking trips are made to generate capital and the OP is off and running.

There is a highly concerted effort to keep "street drugs" illegal on the part of a variety of players. The Partnership for a Drug Free America is actually a consortium of alcohol and pharmaceutical companies who seek to ensure that their drugs are the only ones which are legal to use. Beyond that, look at what just went down in Mexico over the past few weeks. Their legislature strongly voted to legalize small quantities of a variety of street drugs and Fox vetoed the bill. Considering the corruption present in Mexican law enforcement, the legalization would likely not have affected Mexican consumption of drugs one iota. It would, however, facilitate a cheap and ready source of "party material" for those US citizens willing to make the jaunt down south to recreate. It would not take very long for US citizens to realize that occasional, recreational drug use (similar to what they were heading to Mexico for) is not a terrible thing. Pressure would begin to mount on US lawmakers to make similar moves and the whole system would collapse.

Pharmaceutical market damage - Folks would take a toke instead of a Prozac or Vallium.

Alcohol market damage - Folks might take a toke instead of pounding a sixer of their favorite near-water barley-based suds.

and the biggest shot in the arm...

Prison industry damage - With an entire class of offenders released and no hope of reinvigorating the prison population with minor drug arrests which translate into mandatory minimum sentencing, the privatized prison system would take the greatest beating.

Want to take it a step further?

Without a large group of potential drug offenders to be rounded up and removed from the streets (and voting rolls) far less people would find themselved disenfranchised and the voting voice of the citizenry could change considerably. Since eliminating people from voting rolls has become the latest way to stack the deck in your favor prior to an election, congress would HAVE to pass legislation mandating that 1) Diebold recieve all future contracts for voting equipment nationwide and 2) Your local "agent of change" MUST be provided with an infared wireless device which could be used to "flip-flop" vote tallys within those machines as they "place their ballots."

Honestly, with all of the shenanigans surrounding the illegal nature of drugs, I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA, et. al. were excstatic when we evicted the Taliban and rapidly re-escalated poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 03:52 PM
Woah. Lets stay on topic and not attack my point of view.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by zerotolerance

Originally posted by Tasketo
More people die from drug related violence than terrorist attacks, why is terrorism in the news 24/7 while the media dosent even address the real issues about drugs?

Because Americans love their illegal drugs and a nice buzz, but we're very against blowing up innocent people and witnessing exploding flesh.The drug related violence is a bigger issue among minorities. In Baltimore we see this every night on local TV, so on this issue (at least around these parts) you are wrong. If anything it is such a common daily occurence that at this point it makes for boring news (that's ratings for you).

So your media covers the government bringing coke into the country? Or the dealers who sell it?

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by chaosrain
I agree with a previous post that contends that by maintaining the illegal status of most "street drugs" the going rate for those drugs stays high. The escalated price allows the Feds to make large quantities of money from their operations which is typically funneled into "black" operations. Due to the process of congressional oversight, it has become easier to launch a "black" operation in a manner that is "off the books" thereby avoiding any oversight on the project. Then, as part of the project, a series of drug trafficking trips are made to generate capital and the OP is off and running.

There is a highly concerted effort to keep "street drugs" illegal on the part of a variety of players. The Partnership for a Drug Free America is actually a consortium of alcohol and pharmaceutical companies who seek to ensure that their drugs are the only ones which are legal to use. Beyond that, look at what just went down in Mexico over the past few weeks. Their legislature strongly voted to legalize small quantities of a variety of street drugs and Fox vetoed the bill. Considering the corruption present in Mexican law enforcement, the legalization would likely not have affected Mexican consumption of drugs one iota. It would, however, facilitate a cheap and ready source of "party material" for those US citizens willing to make the jaunt down south to recreate. It would not take very long for US citizens to realize that occasional, recreational drug use (similar to what they were heading to Mexico for) is not a terrible thing. Pressure would begin to mount on US lawmakers to make similar moves and the whole system would collapse.

Pharmaceutical market damage - Folks would take a toke instead of a Prozac or Vallium.

Alcohol market damage - Folks might take a toke instead of pounding a sixer of their favorite near-water barley-based suds.

and the biggest shot in the arm...

Prison industry damage - With an entire class of offenders released and no hope of reinvigorating the prison population with minor drug arrests which translate into mandatory minimum sentencing, the privatized prison system would take the greatest beating.

Want to take it a step further?

Without a large group of potential drug offenders to be rounded up and removed from the streets (and voting rolls) far less people would find themselved disenfranchised and the voting voice of the citizenry could change considerably. Since eliminating people from voting rolls has become the latest way to stack the deck in your favor prior to an election, congress would HAVE to pass legislation mandating that 1) Diebold recieve all future contracts for voting equipment nationwide and 2) Your local "agent of change" MUST be provided with an infared wireless device which could be used to "flip-flop" vote tallys within those machines as they "place their ballots."

Honestly, with all of the shenanigans surrounding the illegal nature of drugs, I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA, et. al. were excstatic when we evicted the Taliban and rapidly re-escalated poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.

i was going to make a reply, but what you said is about all that needs saying.

if drugs were legal and taxed, then they would have to spend the money on citizens, imagine that. the revenue from coke would see income tax done with, and with everyone who wanted to growing there own tree in back yard, this would indeed be the land of the free.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Tasketo
Woah. Lets stay on topic and not attack my point of view.

The others have answered the original posters question quite well, the answer is the almighty dollar and those that stand to make the most out of the legality or illegality of these drugs manipulating the laws to keep things the way they want.

What I attempted to do was simply point out that this is not something that affects a single racial group, it affects us all and shouldn't become yet another topic that is used to divide us rather than unite us against our common enemy. Sorry if that offended you.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Tasketo
So your media covers the government bringing coke into the country? Or the dealers who sell it?

Our media mainly covers the drug related violence among the minorities in the inner cities.
This includes robberies, murders, rapes, etc. We see this almost every night on one of our 3 main local news channels. The Baltimore City Paper has a "Weekly Blotter" with all the violent crimes within Baltimore City each week. I read it every week. It reads like a broken record: black male, either assault or murder involved, always drug-related. In 2005, there 269 murders in one year (almost all were drug-related). That averages to 5 murders a week.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 12:29 PM
Thanks for that link, Laz.

Honestly, I didn't use any sources because, as you said, it IS so out in the open! Hell, look at this thread; not a single post so far saying the CIA/DEA/govt DON'T bring in a lot of the drugs.

Though, as a lot of you have pointed out, this is not primarily a race issue, the racial aspect cannot be ignored. I see the racial bit as part of the conspiracy to keep those out of the loop on this...out of the loop.

When you constantly see inner city black male, black male, black male, Hispanic male as the ones involved in drug related crimes, you go "huh?" when someone tells you that mostly upper class white males in suits are the ones REALLY behind the big stuff. Try telling someone that PRESIDENTS have been involved in their prior presidential careers!

And of course, the black market aspect keeps the prices jacked up. Cocaine has a 1000% mark up on it!!! If the illegal drug trade was somehow ended, it would have an enormous impact on the US economy...hell, maybe even the world's economy...

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 01:08 AM
there is no doubt that the black polulation was the seed of this epidemic, but i think the people here are pointing out they are not the only ones. where im from the vietnamese use the drug trade the same the africans and mexicans do in california, as well as many other poor imigrant nationalities.

the only race making a black and white race issue that i see these days are the blacks. and all along it was never the white people making trouble for the blacks, it was the polititians. and they are everyones problem. alot of africans and mexicans may be stuck on welfare, but geez louise, at least they dont have to lose half their wages to taxes, and spend all their best years fighting for a good gob with benifits.

the rich may have more options, but the poor know how to really have fun.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 12:57 PM
Whats really sad is that it is so well known that its as common as knowing the sky is blue. And thats truly sad.. because it is allowed to continue. I never liked the term war on drugs ..because its not a war on drugs its a war on our families and friends... god bless the criminals in office!!!!!

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 04:18 PM
With all the debate as to why certain drugs are illegal, we have to ask ourselves: How HIGH on the proverbial totum pole do we have to look?

Well from what I've read, heard, and personally seen, there is NO end to the top. My friend is in a court battle for her brothers child. Her brother died due to a Meth Lab explosion. The CPS [Child Protection Service] has been fighting her for ever since. See the CPS believes that the mother of the child [a Meth addict] is fit enough to care for the child. Well TRUTH be told several CPS case workers that have worked on this case in the past have been recorded on tape stating that they have ties to Meth Labs through their own families. This is easly plausable due to the fact that if you know one meth-head, you know them all. Meth addicts stick together to fulfill their habit. Anyway, the judge himself thinks that the biological mother [a known Meth addict in the "judicial system"] is fit to care for her child as well. Truth be told on him and most of the people under him; they too have connections to Meth addicts. But within this whole mess it's not about money. Federal employees get money from taxpayers easily, no it's about the power. You don't need money for power. Power can be obtained through mere control [blackmailing is easier than getting funding, BTW]. So next time you see someone in your town or city, and they hold a high position politically think about the possible conspiracies they have mascarading as skeletons in their closets...

Prima Faci: Don't Trust Anyone.

How this corralates to the topic? Well it's simple. With drugs being illegal Power is obtained. Blackmailing goes on in order to Control individuals. This Control is more powerful than having Money over someone else...Keep Drugs Illegal, Keep the Control...

[edit on 1-6-2006 by PrimaFaciFacts]

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 04:20 PM
you have to wonder about islands like ibiza, where drugs are rampant. i have never been there, but you have to wonder, whos making all the dosh out of a place like that.

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