posted on May, 23 2006 @ 04:22 PM
I even attempted to draw little pictures which I'll post if I'm even remotely close unless you wanna see them
05554 - triangular shape, dark material, my first thought was a plastic toy pteridactyll or a rubber bat
94144 - looked like a face. Action figure? the only one I could imagine colours to (it's dark in those envelopes LMAO) Blue and red. Captain america?
Has some kind of helmet on like a Roman Guard but with like big ears like batman???
are you amused yet? HA!
90471 - metallic strip looked like a two ring duotang clip (a kind of paper clip).
76680 - a picture of a tree lined street with a telephone pole (wooden with the two cross beams atop) a small house. Clear sky save for a wispy cloud
in the distance. A paved road with no sidewalks.
03511 - nadda - honestly couldn't even imagine anything - is it empty?
Very interesting exercise. Will be waiting for results!!!
Edited to add: my silly pictures: figured I'd be brave and subject myself to some embarrassment LOL
[edit on 5/23/2006 by justgeneric]