posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:08 PM
I must point out that aliens never had any intention of helping you and this is not an offer of help.
The lack of oil in itself is not what is expected to destroy civilization on this planet. Oil is not a necessity of civilization. Oil has only been
consumed as a primary fuel for the past century.
There are two reasons for posting this information.
The first relates to the fact that I am not the only one with this information, this is given away by odd coincidences and stark contradictions which
will become apparent later. Pop culture is saturated with false information, manifested in beliefs in so-called Greys on the one hand, and on the
other hand a prideful fantasy of a Star Trek Federation with Earth at the center of the universe. The reality is Earth is a hick town. You are
aggressive and prideful and totally ignorant of the fact that we see through you.
The second relates to the fact that TEMPLE seems convinced that human civilization is doomed, or possibly they feel that the power of the FIFTH
ALLIANCE is fading and don't wish to hold the reigns so tightly. Consequently, I have been extended special liberties. That is, I couldn't possibly
make things worse at this point, so here you go.
In spite of what you may have heard from Star Trek, you are not required to develop Warp Drive in order to prove yourselves worthy. Technology isn't
your problem.
It would be nice if the fact of the revelation of real aliens would shock the truth into you but historically that's not what happens.
The problem I speak of, your problem, is RELIGION.
Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, and L. Ron Hubbard were nothing but second rate hucksters and inscrutible and ignorant leaders have been riding their coat
tails for millennia.
The last significant event in the history of Rome was Constantine's conversion to Christianity. Catholicism then held Europe under its boot for
nearly a millennium.
The United States of America was formed in the Enlightment after the Dark Ages.
Today, American Christians are trying to bring back the Dark Ages once and for all. If the Christians win America, Earth loses. Simple.