posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 03:36 PM
Originally posted by BlackJackal
I cannot remember all of the dreams but none of the ones I can remember seem to be connected. Most of the time I wake up scared to death sweating and
highly alert but can't remember what I am scared of.
Thanks in advance.
I can understand your concern and frustration. This is a very discerning feeling when you wake up terrified and sweating. However, I myself usually
know what it was that placed that feeling there. So I cannot imagine not knowing.
I'm no expert on dreams, that should become the dreamers job as we all dream differently and for different reasons. However I'll just blab a few
things and you can read over and decide for yourself
You say you normally don't remember your dreams, but for the past few nights you have, which IS odd in itself(for you) So I suspect there could be
something going on that your subconscious knows and is trying to communicate with your conscious. This is sometimes how I believe our soul speaks to
us...through dreams.
But there is a miscommunication you aren't receiving what you are trying to tell yourself. Probably due to fear itself? You are afraid
of what it is that harbors deep within you..maybe something of things to come, maybe something that's lived inside you for years or even past lives
(if you believe in reincarnation)
I would focus on the dream, call out to the dream..if you meditate you can do it through meditation or even if you don't you can try it a few times
and see what enters your mind? You should try and diminish your fears and embellish your thoughts in reference to your dream. Evidentally the answers
are there, it's just a matter of perceiving them consciously.
Think of it like this; if it is something terrible atleast your mind is trying to prepare you for it, and inturn you can possibly keep it from
happening (if it pertains to the future) Or if it is something that has already happened, then you are preparing yourself for something that did
happen and you might need to face in order to vanquish it?
And lastly, it could just be a dream that means nothing more then a dream or thought..sometimes we do tend to place a little too much emphasis on
dreams *guilty here* but then they are a part of us like everything else so...
Good luck! Stay strong and remain aware and will either pass or come to understanding