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Strange Nightmares

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posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 12:54 PM

In the last week my nights have been plagued by very disturbing dreams. I can not recall having a nightmare before this in the last 7 years of my life so having nightmares all night for 5 straight nights kinda hits me as strange.

I cannot remember all of the dreams but none of the ones I can remember seem to be connected. Most of the time I wake up scared to death sweating and highly alert but can't remember what I am scared of.

Of the dreams I do remember one is about deadly spiders that have infested my house and can kill anyone with one bite. Another deals with my daughter becoming ill and dying.

I can not figure out why this is happening all of the sudden. There has not been any changes in my life recently, I am not under alot of Stress, and I do not live in a haunted area. So I guess I am looking for some answers as I am losing a ton of sleep literally.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
I cannot remember all of the dreams but none of the ones I can remember seem to be connected. Most of the time I wake up scared to death sweating and highly alert but can't remember what I am scared of.
Thanks in advance.

I can understand your concern and frustration. This is a very discerning feeling when you wake up terrified and sweating. However, I myself usually know what it was that placed that feeling there. So I cannot imagine not knowing.

I'm no expert on dreams, that should become the dreamers job as we all dream differently and for different reasons. However I'll just blab a few things and you can read over and decide for yourself

You say you normally don't remember your dreams, but for the past few nights you have, which IS odd in itself(for you) So I suspect there could be something going on that your subconscious knows and is trying to communicate with your conscious. This is sometimes how I believe our soul speaks to us...through dreams.
But there is a miscommunication you aren't receiving what you are trying to tell yourself. Probably due to fear itself? You are afraid of what it is that harbors deep within you..maybe something of things to come, maybe something that's lived inside you for years or even past lives (if you believe in reincarnation)

I would focus on the dream, call out to the dream..if you meditate you can do it through meditation or even if you don't you can try it a few times and see what enters your mind? You should try and diminish your fears and embellish your thoughts in reference to your dream. Evidentally the answers are there, it's just a matter of perceiving them consciously.

Think of it like this; if it is something terrible atleast your mind is trying to prepare you for it, and inturn you can possibly keep it from happening (if it pertains to the future) Or if it is something that has already happened, then you are preparing yourself for something that did happen and you might need to face in order to vanquish it?

And lastly, it could just be a dream that means nothing more then a dream or thought..sometimes we do tend to place a little too much emphasis on dreams *guilty here* but then they are a part of us like everything else so...

Good luck! Stay strong and remain aware and will either pass or come to understanding


posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 05:47 PM
Hi I am new here and I just read your post on your nightmares. I used to have horrible nightmares when I was a child. I would dream I was in hell running between large white columns with the devil calling my name. Now that I am older I have realized what may have caused that dream and other dreams that I had.

My theory on the situation is that you are having dreams of your fears. Do you have a phobia for spiders? If so this could be one of the reasons for your dream. I know it sounds very simple, but usually things are much simpler then people make them. As for the dream about your daughter. That is also very understandable. I am sure every father worries about their child. You want to see her grow up and become a good person, however you also worry about her being taken from you whether you know it or not.

If I were you I would not worry about these dreams in relationship to future real life events.

Either way good luck and I hope you sleep better!

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:05 PM
dreams of death before it is slaughtered...
im sorry to portray this in this fashion...

but do you think a bird dreams of flight before it leaves the nest...
once again my apologies...

life is all related and all beautiful, yet you have a choice regardless of what others want you to think...
a choice to believe in all that is possible...
of a choice that one way is all you have and the only possibility...

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:41 PM
You nor I cannot possibly know what a chicken feels or dreams before it is slaughtered...or..can we?

Let me tell you a moment that changed my perceptions of animals for the first time. I'll be brief, don't worry

I was volunteering at my local vet a few years ago, when a man brought in a dog named Misty, i'll never forget and it was my duity to remain with her while the doc and the man decided what to do with her as she was in a pitiful state alltogether. An hour I stayed with her and we never once took our eyes from eachother, she cried, I cried..I knew, she knew where she was about to go..and when they came in finally I saw in her eyes the fear and then as as they put the shot of death into her and as she collapsed in my lap, I watched her eyes the entire time and I then felt her fearturn to sorrow and confusion and then relief..

There is more to the story..but you get my drift, we should never try to know what someone or *something* feels unless you can step inside and feel their moment right with them..This experience was an awakening for me on all levels..

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 09:16 AM
I had another nightmare this morning all though I cannot remeber what it was about. I just woke up at 4:30 am scared to death sweating and breathing hard.

As for spiders no I am not afraid of them and never have been. The only phobia that I have is of heights.

Thank You all for your help.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 11:00 AM
Perhaps you feel that something has invaded your life, that seems unavoidable, and you feel that it may eventually effect your daughter? It could just be a subconscious fear or uncertainty about a decision to make, etc.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 03:19 PM
Hey i am the new guy. Lately i have been having nightmares every time i go to sleep, even short naps. It started with this reacurring dream of a little "man" walking into my room, my eyes are closed but i can still see him and he has a scary face, he walks in but my door stays locked and watches me for a minute then come next to me and screams in my ear but his scream is only a scary whisper and i wake up terrified. Then another dream where an "evil presence" is chasing me trying to take a baby out of my hands, the baby wants me to let it go but i feel like if i let go then the "presence" will grab the baby so i hold on. My wife says I make weaping noises and move my legs as if i was running while i sleep. When i wake up my legs feel tired from running and i feel exhausted. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening to me? I truly believe in et's and demons messing around with people through dreams, could this be whats happening to me? The fist timei saw the little"man" in a dream he pulled me into what i can only describe as a round box (if that makes any sense) and then he started coming into my room. Any guesses will be appreciated.
Odalis W.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 03:59 PM
You could be sensitive to the solar flares that have been battering earth recently. From what I understand, those sensitive enough could be effected with anxiety, panic attacks, nightmare, insomnia, and feelings of dread. It's a theory.

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