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Are we the most technologically advanced race

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posted on May, 22 2006 @ 05:06 PM
me and friend were talking the other day, about life on other planets and we both agreed there has to be some form of life out there, even if that life isn't that evolved or technologically advanced, so at the end of the day who's to say we aren't the most advanced race in the universe, maybe what if the age of the universe isn't as old as we estimate it and we are the 1st if not one of the first forms of life to evolve as far as we have in the universe.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 05:55 PM
Yes, I agree with you in some ways, but if we would put the earths technology on a scale of 0-5, we would be about middle 0, we havn't even scratched the surface of mankind's potentials. We still have deadly diseases that go un-curred!Anywasy, those are just some of my thoughts on this subject.


posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:01 PM
Let's assume any other humanoid race is at least as old/evolved as humans on earth.

Then... Consider how much technology and scientific discovery has come in the last 600 years. We can reasonably project the next 600 years will bring at least the same scale of advances as the last 600. Probably more, since technology growth is exponential.

So postulate how much more advanced a race would be if they did not go through a 'dark ages' period like medieval Europe did for 600 years.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:29 PM
yup, what dave_54 said.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:39 PM
isnt ironic how the supposed most technologically advanced race STILL struggles to explain how the supposed least most technologically advanced race built the pyramids

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:45 PM
Yea, very ironic, but I don't think we are the most advanced race. If the universe is infinite, I doubt that we are the most advanced, I bet we are one of the least advanced if you ask me...


posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:06 AM
but just say the other races never went down the technological path and instead went down the spiritualist path and have no way of actually getting into space physically

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by helium3
isnt ironic how the supposed most technologically advanced race STILL struggles to explain how the supposed least most technologically advanced race built the pyramids

20,000+ slaves toiling on one project for 20-30 years can accomplish a lot. Even with limited technology. But for their era, the Egyptians were very advanced. I can see the pyramids maybe inspired from UFOs or visitors but we really didn't need alien help to build them.

I believe the chance humans possess the pinnacle of technology, in the almost infinite vastness of the universe, is like winning the lottery. The odds are millions to one.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:44 AM
Millions starving with no access to medicines or education or basic staples - while others live in excess, wearing designer crap, and filling their faces with botox etc -oh yeh we are so advanced!!!

Technology is irrelevant .

[edit on 23-5-2006 by one_small_step]

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 06:27 PM
The great pyramid contains around 1,300,000
they range in weight of 2.5 - 15 tonnes

Ok now lets take Schaden's 30 year period to average how many stones where placed a day

365 x 30 = 10,950
1,300,000 into 10,950

= 188.72......

Id love to ask a modern construction company using modern technology how many 2.5 - 15 tonnes
they could place a day.

Bottom line is i really dont think the egyptians built the pyramids

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 07:37 PM
Technology doesnt have to be advanced.. it could have gone down a different line

Example being Some races may have made it so that space exploration is their top concern and they are advanced in that way but not others while peoples on Earth just invent ways to make their lives easier
It could also be based on resources races could invent things in a different way in an advanced way easier

I was messing with some magnets earlier because I was bored and found a way to make them float (10 or so round ones connected and reflected by the top) and found I could spin them pretty fast without actually putting to much force into it.. But what I didnt expect was when I pushed them the wrong way and they flung toward my face... not the point but certain things that arnt advanced can make useful stuff

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by The Bear Man
But what I didnt expect was when I pushed them the wrong way and they flung toward my face... not the point but certain things that arnt advanced can make useful stuff

I was stocked to see the strength industrial magnets, we got a sample of like 2CM rounds ones here are work and its crazy. Knowing this why do people try and explain the construction of the pyramid in such conventional ways ?

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by u4ria
me and friend were talking the other day, about life on other planets and we both agreed there has to be some form of life out there, even if that life isn't that evolved or technologically advanced, so at the end of the day who's to say we aren't the most advanced race in the universe, maybe what if the age of the universe isn't as old as we estimate it and we are the 1st if not one of the first forms of life to evolve as far as we have in the universe.

________________________ the skies at night and suggest watching Linda Moulton Howe's website -
Sometimes we can't see the trees for the forest.


posted on May, 24 2006 @ 02:05 PM
I think humans are not as technologically advanced as dolphins and iguanas, but nice try

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 02:23 PM
Unfortunately - we're also the most emotionally immature.

Just because we have the means to create and apply technology doesn't mean we use it to it's highest degree of good.

More often than not - it's an intellectual perogative to establish elitist mentalities ("I have a such and such with so and so capabilities") or purely for economic gain.

Call me an idealist, but I think the quest for money and power overrides the majority of the "benevolent reasons" for the majority of our technological gadgetry these days.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 03:59 PM
I like how people assume that lots of space means there is other life.

Going on nothing but logic.... we know that on earth, life is every where. You can see vast tracks of green life. It is in the air, water, on land, and in the soil. Life can adapt past major events that cause mass extinctions, yet rebound and refill the gaps.

Yet, looking at our own solar system we see lifeless orbs.

Planets baked to a crisp, devoid of water, frozen beyond chemistry... and unshielded from radiation.

So despite the concepts, the dreams, and the wishes... the FACTS are there are no signals from space, no proof of aliens, no lush planets. We keep expanding our view, and the more nothing we find, the more we have to consider WE are the exception to the rule.

Logic sugest we are alone, and until there is evidence otherwise, there is no reason to think that more space means more life.

After all, live can live at the bottom of the ocean, in 300 degree mud pits, and in the freezing upper atmosphere....but after 4 BILLION years...hasn't spread across a single neigboring planet. Even more of a bummer is if we find that life was on Mars or else where and was snuffed out. Because they earth is just a lucky rock... and we are it.

On the other hand, maybe we get to be "the ancients". Maybe we get to seed the universe with life. Maybe we build the rail way between the stars for those to come. Too many people worry about us being alone...and never stop to think that maybe we can change that.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 04:04 PM
Hello all,

We're not even the most technologically advanced civilization on this planet - let alone another.

the celestial science of the ancient Egyptians


posted on May, 24 2006 @ 07:36 PM



posted on May, 24 2006 @ 11:11 PM

Id love to ask a modern construction company using modern technology how many 2.5 - 15 tonnes
they could place a day.

I'm sure modern construction companies would LOVE to have tens of thousands of slave laborers too... There are numerous surviving examples showing the techniques of Egyptian building using ramps, sand-leveraging, and other primitive but effective techniques.

A better mystery is who first carved the Sphinx as a lion, prior to the Egyptians resculpting the face to resemble Pharoah. The evidence seems to point to a much earlier origin for the work....

Given our current understanding of the Universe and its age, we seem to be in a relatively (key word) young part of the Universe. Therefore, it is pretty logical to assume that somewhere out there, more advanced beings have risen, thrived, and even long since died off, while we continue to struggle leaving the bounds of our little local block of the Universe. Statistically, the odds are highly in favor of there being more intelligent life out there...

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 11:52 PM
Are we the most technologically advanced race? Well no we haven't yet ran into any other races to compare ourselves. However if it's not ET fying these UFOs, you'd have to assume that there's other humans amongst us who are more advanced

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