posted on May, 22 2006 @ 03:25 PM
Col. John Alexander appeared on C2C last night, interviewed by Las
Vegas journalist George Knapp. He's been casted (at many websites
and elsewhere) as a very, very bad man. (Which, btw, is a joke.....
and, a revelation about the state of mind who cast him in that light.)
He found no signs of an "institutional" government cover-up. He
did reveal knowing many people, high up in the military and elsewhere,
who had a strong personal interest in the subject (oftentimes based
on very strong and strange experiences). This lack of official interest,
he says, is apparently based on the feeling that UFOs pose no immediate
threat to national or international security.
He discussed background attempts that appeared to be succeeding
to get Congressional hearings going in the early 90s. These attempts
were reportedly going somewhere, until derailed by the very public
(and, "in your face") efforts by the Disclosure Project at the time (in
DC). Everyone who was showing an interest in hearings (ie. members
of Congress) got cold feet at that point.
He talked about enjoying spending considerable time with P. Corso
and felt he was a good guy. Yet, when he actually researched (in depth,
he says) the actual development of fiber optics, microprocessor chips,
night vision, kevlar, etc., Corso's story just did not match the facts about
how these things were actually developed.
These were just a couple of ufo-related things he discussed. (The interview
also covered a lot of non-ufo territory.)