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Today is May 22nd 2006- 2:15 a.m.

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posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid

Originally posted by RiotComing
He may not be aiding terrorism at fact what he's hnting at could be BEYOND terrorism, beyond your imagination. I refer you to this:
and this page in particular:

No, no, no, no, NO! That guy is a HACK and KNOWS NOTHING! I'm sorry, but as an astronomer who takes GREAT PRIDE IN THEIR WORK, I am going to be very defensive about this MORON. Please check out these two threads for some actual knowledge.

Earth to have close brush with comet
73p/schwassmann-wachmann 3

I don't wish to offend, but do you also have a psychic edge in your interpretations? I believe the psychic and his dreams more than someone sticking to the straight-and-narrow. To me, it adds weight and creedence to his claims. Also the extraterrestrial /exopolitics angle TOTALLY adds up, it echoes what Dr Greer and the Disclosure Project have been warning for years. Surely you can see that too, being an avid conspiracy nut like the rest of us (*wink*). The exopolitical aspect is what sewed the whole thing together for me, not the 'hard science'. The exopolitical side also gives humanity an 'out clause', if you read his website, you will see that if humans seek to change their ways on the path to nuclear destruction, et can put a stop to the fateful impact. Therefore if nothing happens, the reasoning is completely understandable.

Meanwhile, 'back in the real world', you say that nothing is going to hit us (in those threads you provided).. but something already has crashed into the ocean bed off the South African coastline. There could be more to come, also bear in mind it can only take a relatively tiny fragment to trigger a mega-tsunami - Julien claims it may only be the size of a truck.

It also seems I'm not the only one in this thread keeping tabs on this. The "whatdoesitmean" link indicates the US Army has gone onto highest alert due to this May 25 warning.

I'm not losing any sleep over this.. if it happens it happens, and if not then it's business as usual. But let's not be too hasty to dismiss this, even if you don't personally believe in it, there's a lot of corroberating evidence within the conspiracy field to support the validity of such an event. Empirical, scientific, political AND exopolitical. We live in interesting times.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:33 PM
If something is going to happen maybe these little devices will tell us something...

click on the "dot" link and the "realtime display" link at the bottom left.

maybe not.....

[edit on 22-5-2006 by redbrotherqing]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:49 PM
5:47 PM and all is well.
I will have more than two sentences so as to not get a 1 liner warning.

If you think about it, the one way to really put me in my place is if something REALLY does happen today.:shk::shk::shk::shk:

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
The "whatdoesitmean" link indicates the US Army has gone
onto highest alert due to this May 25 warning.

Please post the link and more info on this. I haven't seen it
or I missed it. Thanks.

When I was in the Army and stationed with the Second Armored Division
we had month long field problems in February, May and September.
Are you sure it isn't just a field problem? It's an 'alert'??

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:40 PM
Here ya go FF, it was on pg5 and also a couple pages back. Although it does seem scary considering the drills b4 9-11 and 7-7 and then bang something happens. but lets not put words in our dear posters mouth(more like ammo for the spewing)

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:47 PM
nothing happened.

Hey but to add more mystery, something neat I discovered today

May 24th, 2006 is actually June 6th, 2006 on the Julian Calendar


That is all.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0
Here ya go FF,

Thanks! You are fast!! .. I just found something similar here -
hmmmmm which do we need .. tin foil hats or life rafts ... hmmm

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:55 PM
I think this Google guy made a bet with his friends that he could get so many points or so many responces to a post on ATS within a certain time limit. He posted something which would peek the curiousity of a lot of people to get them to ask for more info. He's probably just sitting back laughing at all of us responding to this thread. Maybe winning $50 in the process.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:11 PM
This guy is on something, if anything happens then he will be in serious trouble, if it doesn't then hes going to be banned so there must be another reason for it.

A bet, lack of meds, pathological liar? who knows.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:36 PM

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:55 PM
Hard telling with him. On one of his other posts, he mentioned getting his info from "retired spooks" who go to his gym. Either way he is not showing an interest in defending himself. That however could make you think either way. Kind of have to feel sorry for the fella though. Someone has obviously spooked him, and got him all paranoid. That cant be fun. I seriously think he believes this. He might try to save face tomorow by saying "just kidding", but I think he really believes this is going to happen.

I wonder what his obsession with that congressman is all about.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:03 PM
OK, i'm still new to all this but i don't understand something.
Why should this guy be getting banned if this warning doesnt fulfil its promise.
Is this or is this not the Premonition & Dreams section, does this not mean that he has brought forth one of his own and placed it upon this board for all of your scrutiny?
Would Nostradamus or the Children of Garanbandal be ridiculed in such a fashion if they placed their dreams/premonitions/prophecies on here.
This Google at 2.15am his time somehow believed that a great danger was coming to the west coast sometime during the remaining 21hours and 45 minutes(which still isnt over yet i might add) of the day. He thought he would come online and tell people, document it just incase.
Will something happen on the scale he guess is probably not..infact i pray to God he is wrong, or indeed it is stopped as i do think all of you should too(in your own way)...
If this was a hoax then yes, fair enough, but what if the guy just simply had that feeling in the pit of his stomach, teh one we've all had. Its not always been right, but we've all had it sometime.
You may all be hardened by hoax after hoax on this board, and sorry to say but as its a "Conspiracy Theory" one it is something you should expect.
In my mind every one of these are as possible as they are impossible until they are proven something other, because i want to live in a world where sometimes someone will speak out the truth, and if that means wading through tons and tons of bull crap to get to, then its ok, i've got a shovel, a healthy heart and time.

Sorry for my rant

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
Hard telling with him. On one of his other posts, he mentioned getting his info from "retired spooks" who go to his gym. Either way he is not showing an interest in defending himself. That however could make you think either way. Kind of have to feel sorry for the fella though. Someone has obviously spooked him, and got him all paranoid. That cant be fun. I seriously think he believes this. He might try to save face tomorow by saying "just kidding", but I think he really believes this is going to happen.

I wonder what his obsession with that congressman is all about.

You truly believe something this terrible is going to happen where you live...what would you do?
Stay online defending this to a group of people who do everything they can to call you a liar, or run, get away from the area, be with your family, your friends, do whatever it takes to either stop it or be out of range OR indeed enjoy your last hours on Earth.
If this guy truly believes what he has posted and I was him, i know which option i would choose and it wouldnt be sitting online talking to strangers who don't/won't believe me.

This isnt me saying i believe it, but i believe HE believes it

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
Therefore if nothing happens, the reasoning is completely understandable.

Sounds like the workings of a good hoax, if you ask me. Didn't Titor say that a civil war may not happen in summer of 2005 (among other events) because of the divergence in our timelines? Always give yourself an out, that's the number one rule for making a good hoax. I bet by the end of the year the froggy'll have a book out about the whole thing. It's all just a scam to make money.

but something already has crashed into the ocean bed off the South African coastline. There could be more to come, also bear in mind it can only take a relatively tiny fragment to trigger a mega-tsunami - Julien claims it may only be the size of a truck.

Firstly, see my explanation of what that impact could have been here.

Secondly, a chunk of comet the size of a truck wouldn't make it to the ground. The stresses of atmospheric entry would simply melt it into oblivion. If something were to impact, it would no doubt be about the size of a large pumpkin (and I don't mean those freak competition ones that are the size of trucks
) at best, which would cause damage in the few square feet around it. What I mean is, not much.

Now, check this here out... Using the cleverly created Impact Effects Calculator you can come to some basic conclusions as to what would happen.

I'll show you how I filled out the form.

Distance from impact: 300 miles (should it impact in the ocean, that's fairly close to a coast)
Projectile diameter: 20 ft (that should make it about the size of a truck)
Projectile density: 1000 kg/m^3 (the density of ice, or a comet)
Impact velocity: 51 km/s (the typical impact velocity of a comet)
Impact angle: 45 degrees (the most probable angle of impact)
Target is water at a depth of 2000 feet

Calculating the effects gives these results

Energy before atmospheric entry: 1.54 x 1014 Joules = 0.37 x 10-1 MegaTons TNT
The average interval between impacts of this size somewhere on Earth is 8.7 years

Atmospheric Entry:
The projectile begins to breakup at an altitude of 98200 meters = 322000 ft
The projectile bursts into a cloud of fragments at an altitude of 50000 meters = 164000 ft
The residual velocity of the projectile fragments after the burst is 44.8 km/s = 27.8 miles/s
The energy of the airburst is 3.53 x 1013 Joules = 0.84 x 10-2 MegaTons.
No crater is formed, although large fragments may strike the surface.

Major Global Changes:
The Earth is not strongly disturbed by the impact and loses negligible mass.
The impact does not make a noticeable change in the Earth's rotation period or the tilt of its axis.
The impact does not shift the Earth's orbit noticeably.

Air Blast:
The air blast at this location would not be noticed. (The overpressure is less than 1 Pa)

Oops. Did I just debunk the froggy again? Damn you science and logic! Damn you! Funny thing is, did you notice how often that something like that enters the Earth's atmosphere? On average once every 8.7 years!

Hell, let's do it again. Doubling the size of the object to 40 ft in diameter, and with the maximum velocities. Plus, let's take it a step denser. Let's see what happens now!

Distance from impact: 300 miles (should it impact in the ocean, that's fairly close to a coast)
Projectile diameter: 40 ft
Projectile density: 1500 kg/m^3 (the density of porous rock)
Impact velocity: 72 km/s (the maximum velocity anything could have if it orbits the Sun)
Impact angle: 45 degrees (the most probable angle of impact)
Target is water at a depth of 2000 feet

Energy before atmospheric entry: 3.69 x 1015 Joules = 881.35 KiloTons TNT
The average interval between impacts of this size somewhere on Earth is 99.8 years

Atmospheric Entry:
The projectile begins to breakup at an altitude of 95600 meters = 314000 ft
The projectile bursts into a cloud of fragments at an altitude of 36100 meters = 118000 ft
The residual velocity of the projectile fragments after the burst is 56 km/s = 34.8 miles/s
The energy of the airburst is 1.45 x 1015 Joules = 0.35 x 100 MegaTons.
No crater is formed, although large fragments may strike the surface.

Major Global Changes:
The Earth is not strongly disturbed by the impact and loses negligible mass.
The impact does not make a noticeable change in the Earth's rotation period or the tilt of its axis.
The impact does not shift the Earth's orbit noticeably.

Air Blast:
The air blast at this location would not be noticed. (The overpressure is less than 1 Pa)

CRAP! I did it again!! Now are you starting to believe the side of reason? I mean, you're here to deny ignorance, right? So why listen to some guy with very little knowledge and hands on experience with astronomy over someone who has years of knowledge and experience?

[edit on 5/22/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

[edit on 5/22/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:49 PM
Points taken and I really appreciate your efforts. As always, there's a swarm of skepticism from all angles on this subject - from the credibility of the poster, to the intended message, to the interpretation from various members on this board. Your analysis seemed pretty (*ahem*) rock-solid! Kudos to you.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
Your analysis seemed pretty (*ahem*) rock-solid! Kudos to you.

Thanks! I guess I'm not the Space Exploration FSME for nothing after all!

As of this post googles bin hijacked was on 30 minutes ago. Though he/she/it/alien/under-the-bed-monster/refridgerator-light-operating-gremlin didn't post in this thread. Anyone else surprised by that?

5 minutes left on the East Coast too. Time is running out and nothing has happened, or probably will either.

[edit on 5/22/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by JebusSaves
Why should this guy be getting banned if this warning doesnt fulfil its promise.
Is this or is this not the Premonition & Dreams section, does this not mean that he has brought forth one of his own and placed it upon this board for all of your scrutiny?

This wasn't presented as a dream or premonition. The person stated they had information .

Originally By Googles Bin hijacked
I can't say anything more because no effort is being put into prevention, all efforts are being put into cover story.
I'm hoarse and my knees and hands hurt from jumping up and down screaming and punching walls. I feel like I'm losing my freakin mind.

If I got specific, I could be framed. After it happens, if i tell you who and why, you won't believe it. Dam if i do and dam if i don't.

To add to it, we were given a cryptic riddle rather then just saying what it was that was supposed to happen.


posted on May, 23 2006 @ 01:01 AM
So easy to gain ATS points on this forum... all you have to do is to start a thread about some huge catastrophic event, or some event that will shock the entire world, and says that you had this revelation from some unverifiable source and there's gonna be tons of replies and perhaps even a research on that... I say:

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 01:03 AM
11:00pm local time in Los Angeles

Nothing to report

standard day

no real excitement

unless ... blatant advertisement

sorry, couldn't resist with all the conspiracy types here and all. but it does look like a fun game.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 03:07 AM
it is now an hour into tuesday the 23rd and i just arrived home. Hey my homes still here, let me chk my voicemails. Nope just my girlfriend wishin me sweet dreams and glad i made it home safe. No voicemails from my multitude of family scattered amongst the west coast. Must be safe to come outta the bomb shelter now.

Racking up points, i doubt it, considering most ur credibility will fly out the window starting a thread like this. But if its all about the points instead of good quality threads...hell hit me up, ill give any new member all my points(for what its worth) if it means there wont be another bogus "the worlds ending tomorrow, i have all the info about it, but i cant tell you" thread.

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