The threat suggests the attack will be far greater in magnitude than Sept. 11, 2001
So maybe there is some sort of link to this statement:
(Considering the severity of this post, I honestly believe that this is fair usage of information found on
Islamic websites carry
al-Qaida's 'last warning'
Threat of 2 operations designed
to bring Americans 'to your knees'
Posted: March 11, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, the Global Islamic Media Front was responsible for posting the threat.
Williams is a mystery man, who, according to the London Arabic newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, is an English convert to Islam.
The threat suggests the attack will be far greater in magnitude than Sept. 11, 2001, because following this one, "there will be no one to analyze and
investigate, because the mind and the heart will be unable to comprehend it. ... This will not be a single operation, but two; one bigger than the
other, but we will begin with the big one and postpone the bigger one, in order to see [how] diligent the American people is [in preserving] its life.
If it chooses life, [it must] carry out the demands of the Muslims, and if it chooses death, then we are its best perpetrators."
The warning appeared in Arabic and in English.
"Do not put your hopes on Bush and his clan, they are incapable of protecting you, and if they think they are, let them foil or stop the two upcoming
operations, and punish those who are responsible for them," says the statement. "But if they could not identify and foil the devastating events
coming your way, you must ask yourselves: How long will we continue allowing ourselves to be slaughtered with full advance knowledge of our fate?
"Let me now inform you why we opted to inform you about the two operations and your inability to stop them before they are carried out. The reason is
simple: You cannot uncover or stop them except by letting them be carried out. Furthermore, the best you could do would be to accelerate the day of
carrying out the operations. In other words, if we schedule the operation to take place tomorrow, the best you could do is to make it happen today."
The spokesman claims the operations are inevitable – even if the specific plans are uncovered by authorities.
Williams asserts, he "will not give any more clues; this is enough as a wake up call. Perhaps the American people will start thinking about the
magnitude of the danger that is coming their way."
There is a subtle conection in my head as to the style of the warning and this post. (The riddles and clues).
What do you think?
I do pray to all Gods, for the whole worlds safety that this IS a hoax.