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Fox News "Sit down and shut up"

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posted on May, 21 2006 @ 08:40 PM
I was watching fox news this morning (I just woke up, forgive me) and tuned in right as they were running a story on a peaceful protest by college students against Condoleeza Rice. They had a poll going as to if these students should be allowed to do this or if they should "sit down and shutup". During the whole program they continually slandered these students and brought in guests and ignorant callers that did the same, ignorant zombies that slurp up everything fox spoon feeds them. The most entertaining argument being that what the students are doing "isn't nice" to Condi. Amazing.

I was wondering if they were ever going to get around to mentioning free speech and right to peaceful protest. Finally, one of the guests they had kept pretty much in the backround finally spoke up and reminded all of them. She was IMMEDIATLY interupted and attacked by all sides and Fox abruptly changed to a different story.

I've always known Fox was the biggest propaganda tool is the US aresenal, but I didnt think they would go as far to openly embrace the notion of supressing our constitutional rights. They were all for it! So were the callers! Im still amazed. Lately it seems as though fox is becoming more and more obvious, like they dont even try to hide it anymore. I feel that one day we will read in our history books about fox news and how they deliberatly mislead a great nation. I hope one day the majority will wake up, and realize how this network and company stabbed them all in the back.

I've been looking for awhile on Fox's website and can not for the life of me find the story. If anyone else is better at this and discovers it, please post it here for all to see.

Sorry if this seems rushed, its the second time Ive had to type this. The first time, my computer froze the moment I moved my mouse towards the "post" button.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 08:47 PM
And if the protest had been covered by CNN or CBS, the bias would have went just the opposite direction. There's no such thing as unbiased media anymore.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Rightwingpatriot
And if the protest had been covered by CNN or CBS, the bias would have went just the opposite direction.

Oh, you mean the bias would have been TOWARDS free speech. Like in the first amendment to the constitution?

[edit on 21-5-2006 by rich23]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 12:13 AM
This isnt about political bias. If it was Id of put it in PTS.

Its about these networks that do everything they can to assist our government's agenda and decieve the American public. John Stewart did a good piece on this the other day. He showed how quick Fox was to defend the NSA wiretapping issue. They had a clip of pretty much everysingle fox anchor totally downplaying the whole thing and telling us how important the program was to keep us safe from the terrorist. It made it so damn obvious what their agenda is. Its like the communist witchhunt era all over again.

I cant believe there are still people out there who dont see fox for what it is

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Rightwingpatriot
And if the protest had been covered by CNN or CBS, the bias would have went just the opposite direction. There's no such thing as unbiased media anymore.

You're right, we should throw the Constitution straight out the window??? Come on, you gotta do better than that for a pro argument!! There is no such thing as an unbiased media of course, but a media that says "bad bad boy, how could you protest?" Give me a break...

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 12:29 AM

They had a clip of pretty much everysingle fox anchor totally downplaying the whole thing and telling us how important the program was to keep us safe from the terrorist. It made it so damn obvious what their agenda is

So how do you think these anchors opinions are formulated? Is there a staff meeting where the topic is "Foxs' official take on wiretapping" or do they just hire hawks?

I'm not being funny here, I"m genuinely curious how these agenda's are pushed and how organised the delivery of propaganda is..

Obvioslly, the anchors are given scripted news stories to read, but i assume you are talking about political opinion pieces?

[edit on 12/06/2005 by kojac]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by kojac
Obvioslly, the anchors are given scripted news stories to read, but i assume you are talking about political opinion pieces?

[edit on 12/06/2005 by kojac]

No, I think he's specifically talking about the anchors. All of them repeat, almost verbatim, what is released from the White House. EVERY ONE OF THEM says the same thing... "well, SHUCKS, if it means protecting our freedom and way of life, yadda yadda yadda, then I have no problem with them doing it etc... If you're not Al-Queda you have nothing to fear... if you're against it, you're helping the big, bad, spooky terrorists..."

It's mindless drivel and I still can't decide if these guys are all paid enough to actually say these things or if they honestly believe them themselves. It's uncanny.

mod edit: quote clarification

[edit on 22-5-2006 by sanctum]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 04:26 AM
What the heck were you watching fox for???

I'd rather jump off a cliff, onto a pile of nails than watch that biased crap

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:35 AM
Fox News is a moving picture tabloid. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to take their blinders off. CNN is also a moving picture tabloid. Hell, the Majority of American News Networks are nothing more then sensationalist tabloidish BS.

For TV News I stick to the Local stations that like to talk about *gasp* LOCAL ISSUES! For World News I watch CBC and BBC, if anything any of the stories those two stations air seem dubious, then I go on the Internet to get the whole story from both sides of the fense as well as the fense sitters.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000
Fox News is a moving picture tabloid. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to take their blinders off. CNN is also a moving picture tabloid. Hell, the Majority of American News Networks are nothing more then sensationalist tabloidish BS.

For TV News I stick to the Local stations that like to talk about *gasp* LOCAL ISSUES! For World News I watch CBC and BBC, if anything any of the stories those two stations air seem dubious, then I go on the Internet to get the whole story from both sides of the fense as well as the fense sitters.

Yeah, right, okie dokie, sardion2000.
You mean "tabloid" along the lines of the BBC, CBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc!?
The most watched news program in the country and you call it a "tabloid"?

Nothing but FauxNews hate rhetoric, sardion2000. Let me repeat what one member has already said: There is NO unbiased news source out there, and that would include the biased and tabloid CBC and BBC. Bet.

And taking a poll to see if some think that these non-real world knowlegded and experienced college students should "sit down and shut up" is harming your or their precious freedom of speech in what way? Personally, I would tell them to "sit down and shut the hell up," as well, for there is a proper time and place to voice your opinions or to protest, and a college graduation is NOT one of them, but then again, your one of those liberal thinking individual's that think that anyone can simply yell "FIRE!" anywhere and everywhere, huh? :shk:


[edit on 22-5-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:25 AM
Just to throw in a note:

Fow news is the only network that i know that hires Mark "the racist" Furhman and Ollie "contra" North. Not to mention that the white house recently hired Tony "Snow job" snow who worked for fox and was a speech writer for bush I.

Of course ALL of the media is suspect as are our phone companies. But FAUX SNOOZE goes way above and beyond the call of duty... they are so in bed with each other i think FAUX is pregnant-

But, i still watch ALL the outlets because it is always good to know what the other side is thinking(other side being the pseudo-politico corporate industrial paramilitary international complex). And how they are trying to brainwash and manipulate my fellow countrymen and women.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:51 AM
Nitwits of the Week

When it comes to the students we have to consider some facts. These are students whose parents have paid upwards of a $1,000 a week for them to be in the school. They have lived protected and sheltered lives. They didn't suffer an attack on 9/11.

What can I do but laugh at this reporter? Did Boston somehow get left out of 9/11? Did nobody in Boston suffer the attack along with the rest of us? Must we have suffered an attack to take advantage of the right to Free Speech? This is what they would have us believe. And sadly, some do believe it...

They haven't fought the wars that followed. They have virtually no experience in life, except what happened before they left home and what happened when the college professors got hold of them.

Don't you know that Freedom of Speech is reserved for those in this country who are poor, have fought in wars, have "experienced life" and who were directly and personally affected by 9/11?

The really disheartening thing about this poll is not the fact that it was taken, it's the idea that the more people see other poeple shredding the Constitution, the more acceptable it becomes to have that mindset. The mindset of - Yeah, Freedom of Speech is great unless it's offensive, disrespects someone, disagrees with what I think or takes place in an inconvenient place or time, blah, blah, blah... Putting such conditions on our freedoms and teaching the 'followers' that it's all right to do so is exactly what the Totalitarian Tiptoe is about.

Of course there is no completely unbiased news source. Some try to be unbiased, some lean one way or the other, some are clearly right- or left-leaning, but Fox News is by far the only TV news source that makes the needle on the right/left meter superfluous.

The proper time to protest is when it will have the most effect. The proper place is where it will get the most notice. The Constitution does not say it's ok as long as... These students have every right to do what they're doing and I can't respect the people who would make them out to be "nitwits" for exercising their Constitutional rights.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by PlausibleDeniability
I cant believe there are still people out there who dont see fox for what it is

I can't believe there are still people out there who don't see CNN for what it is.
I can't believe there are still people out there who don't see SeeBS for what it is.
etc. etc.

As the previous poster said - there is no such thing as news reporting anymore.
It's ALL spin and agenda. In this case, the students who wanted to turn their
backs should be allowed to do so. It's very rude. But they can quietly do so.

[edit on 5/22/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
You mean "tabloid" along the lines of the BBC, CBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc!?
The most watched news program in the country and you call it a "tabloid"?

And taking a poll to see if some think that these non-real world knowlegded and experienced college students should "sit down and shut up" is harming your or their precious freedom of speech in what way? Personally, I would tell them to "sit down and shut the hell up," as well, for there is a proper time and place to voice your opinions or to protest, and a college graduation is NOT one of them, but then again, your one of those liberal thinking individual's that think that anyone can simply yell "FIRE!" anywhere and everywhere, huh? :shk:

OK, first of all: Just because a news program is "the most watched news program in the country" doesn't make it genuine news. Look how popular the National Enquirer is.

"...harming your precious freedom of speech".
What do you mean by that? It sounds to me as if you're ridiculing freedom of speech, probably America's most precious freedom (or at least it was...).
Sir, that's just unAmerican. And yes, it is harming our freedom of speech, every time someone is hushed it makes it easier to hush them up the next time and the next time...

As to the timing of the protest at the Graduation - what better time to get people's attention? I take it, seekerof, that you, at best, endorse LIMITED freedom of speech? Well, that's unconstitutional. It is a student's JOB to question, explore, and learn to speak out in defense of our liberties, that is the only way that democracy survives, is with constant vigilance. Our Founding Fathers said that.
You must not know many protesters because generally protesters are well aware of trying to get their message across without being violent or offensive. That is why almost all protesters keep their protest peaceful. Most of the disrupters are provacateurs, to make protesters look bad.
This country was founded by protesters, free-thinkers and other assorted political radicals. And that is what kept us free for 200 years - until the word "liberal" became a dirty word.

I am a free-thinking liberal and proud of it. And I advocate free speech anytime, anywhere, unless it's hate speech or propaganda. Once you limit free speech, you have no free speech.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:11 AM

original qoute by:forestlady
OK, first of all: Just because a news program is "the most watched news program in the country" doesn't make it genuine news. Look how popular the National Enquirer is.

Well said.

It is an absolute travisty that we in america are now having our most basic rights of speech and privacy are being so manipulated by the govt with the undying servitude of FAUX SNOOZE. freedom of the press indeed. If the press is not a controlled outlet and is free then why is it that the NEW YORK TIMES held off on the first NSA spying story for over a year at the request of the white house?

Im just thankful for this site because here, unlike ANY major media outlet(tv, radio, internet), the people actually try to dig up the truth. We dont settle ofr just one side of any story.
But to tell these students that they need anyother reason besides being americans to protest their opinions is completely FASCIST and Fox needs to be called out on this disturbing trend.

original qoute by
Its about these networks that do everything they can to assist our government's agenda and decieve the American public. John Stewart did a good piece on this the other day. He showed how quick Fox was to defend the NSA wiretapping issue. They had a clip of pretty much everysingle fox anchor totally downplaying the whole thing and telling us how important the program was to keep us safe from the terrorist. It made it so damn obvious what their agenda is. Its like the communist witchhunt era all over again.

God bless John Stewart and Stephen Colbert!!!

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:21 PM
Wow, you found the article Heretic. Thank you so much

Originally posted by Seekerof
Yeah, right, okie dokie, sardion2000.
You mean "tabloid" along the lines of the BBC, CBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc!?
The most watched news program in the country and you call it a "tabloid"?

Nothing but FauxNews hate rhetoric, sardion2000.

And taking a poll to see if some think that these non-real world knowlegded and experienced college students should "sit down and shut up" is harming your or their precious freedom of speech in what way? Personally, I would tell them to "sit down and shut the hell up," as well, for there is a proper time and place to voice your opinions or to protest, and a college graduation is NOT one of them.
[edit on 22-5-2006 by Seekerof]

Seeker Ive read tons of your posts and have great respect for you and seemingly endless amount of knowledge, but your way off the mark here my friend. Just because Fox is the "most watched" doesnt mean a damn thing and you know it.

Its hard to believe your taking their FOX's side on this. A proper time and place for freedom of speech? So speaking out against our governmental leader's policies and decisions should only be allowed if they arn't there to hear it? Why is protesting at a graduation so horrible? Because you and many others dont agree?

Who cares if you or anyone else doesn't agree with their messege or when and where they chose to demonstrate it. They are not keeping people out of bed and they are not posing any sort of a threat to someone. People demonstrate at soldier's funerals. Damned if they arn't horribly disrepectful slimebags, but it's their right.

but then again, your one of those liberal thinking individual's that think that anyone can simply yell "FIRE!" anywhere and everywhere, huh? :shk:

Keep the left/right wing BS outta this thread please. This isnt about politics, I said that once already. Its about Fox's advocation of the supression of our constitutional rights, which you apparently agree with. And your example is completely different than what the students are doing. It's foolish and holds no ground here whatsoever.

I agree CNN,MSNBC and the others are equally quilty of this. Im using fox as an example because Its the most recent one Ive watched. I cant decide if the government has all these networks by the balls or if they actually believe the trash they broadcast all day. Apparently the American public does, which is depressing to say the least.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 01:05 AM
Actually the reason the Fox people sound the same is because the White House sends them memos telling them what to report on and how to report it. It saves time, money, and energy for Fox news since they are told what to do in the morning. Unlike Clinton News Network Fox News is able to spend the day modifying the Memo from the WHite House to perfection while CNN scrambles for information. Why do you think Fox News does so well? They are given the information from the White House so they don't have to scramble around like ants, like CNN ants.

So calling it a tabloid is wrong, a tabloid carrys no news, Fox News gets the news directly from the people who make it.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 01:18 AM
Nowadays the way the news is read on TV is not how it used to be.

At one time 'reporters' prepared their script before the new show, now they read it straight off a tele-prompter (sp?).
You can tell they don't know beforehand what they are reading by the way they read it, hard to explain but it's obvious to me. A TV anchor is just a talking head, they read what is supplied to them, not what they themselves have investigated.

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 11:03 AM
Kind of like the movie with Will Ferrel where he plays an anchorman and the woman gets back at him by messing with the teleprompter? "**** You Los Angelas." At least that was the translation, my English wasn't good back then.

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Yeah, right, okie dokie, sardion2000.
You mean "tabloid" along the lines of the BBC, CBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc!?


How can you compare BBC to Faux News - a TV network OWNED by mister Rupert Murdoch, the silent partner of the Republican party and the Neo-Con hawks?

Oh yeah - I forgot; you are one of them!

The most watched news program in the country and you call it a "tabloid"?

One of the Most Watched News programs in America? Well that is a Sad day for JOURNALISM. The Center of Fake-News and other Lies, Deceptions and Dissinformations.

You don't agree with me?

Well you can always just;

Sit down and Shut up!

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